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Posts posted by studark.5917

  1. No, you're not. they seem to be making things more tedious. I'm not finding this fun at all. As a person here since beta, every expansion gets worse. Finding rifts & having to constantly click on scan to get there only to find out it's over, rinse and repeat. IS IT ASKING TO MUCH TO LEAVE SCAN ON THE WHOLE TIME? I'm glad some find this enjoyable. Maybe I've just outgrown this game. I really wish they'd go back to the base game formula. Chasing things around the map is not that fun.

    • Like 25
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  2. I've played since open beta & never had issues, I have better internet connection now than back then with 1gb speed & a 6 month old computer. Every instanced mission I disconnect & have to do it at least twice, basic GW2. In EoD I can't even get past the 1st part any more & have done it 12 times (on 3rd character), What is going on ? This has been going on since EoD launched & it's worse now. Is it asking to much to be able to skip the scene where you crash on the beach since I can't get past it, the game disconnects every time now, or put a save spot in it to just complete it, like there is when you get to the ships. I really feel the quality of this company is going down the tubes. You use to be so reliable in ever aspect, but this game is sadly turning into an unplayable garbage heap. Does this game have issues with new hardware? I play FF14 & ESO with zero issues. it's always Error Code 7:11:3:202:101

    • Haha 1
  3. I think you miss the point people are making. It's not that it's to hard. It's they advertised everyone could get a turtle mount. Which is not the case, it will only be the most skilled that get it. So they either need to address this by making it easier for the unskilled or have the egg drop a different way. But it's false advertising.


    I'm ok with it this way & enjoy a challenge, but this is more for people who are geared. Most open worlder's are not geared for this & it will be tough to get a full map of experienced geared people at the same time as well, people will get screwed even if your good by not a full map of good people, so your point is not valid. Fractals or raids are smaller & designed for that, not this. Very few will complete this & the maps are already empty, everyone is giving up, so it's going to turn into an empty map & what about people who bought this for the massively advertised turtles? .


    Open world has always been casual, this was the vision since beta, which is why they created harder content for those of us that want it, but locking a mount behind this is wrong. If they wanted it this hard, they should have put it behind a raid or fractal. Which would have cause outcry as well. But ya people have a right to be upset because of advertisement. Like to see you go buy something & have that store tell you you're getting less than advertised, you would complain too.

    • Like 2
  4. Ya, I wouldn't stress about playing the new specs. I never used path of fire ones right out the shoot either. the old specs are fine to do this content with. I play necro, didn't use the gun & used a hybrid build with new spec, my engineer, i won't use the mech because my scrapper is OP. Just go enjoy the new content, let the new specs get made better down the road here.

  5. I have EVGA Percision X and I can control my video card fan. oddly I had the same problem until I turned my GPU fan to 100% and everything runs ok now. I believe the update causes the graphic cards to run hot or stop for whatever reason, no idea not a teki, I am using Nvidia GTX 1070 and I updated to that as well for gears 5 now every game I play the fan has to be on 100% or the games crash. back when 1803 rolled out I had the same problem and several updates later it was fine

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