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Posts posted by hostileskeleton.7364

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Have you tried to keep the bonfires lit and standing near them?

    I've seen quite some people who didn't do that.

    I light the bonefires. The fights are the most boring I've ever played and way too long. I play on the west coast of the US late at night because of work so I'll have no luck finding a group. Not much I can do other than let the npcs chip away.

  2. Really relieved I am not the only one who thought the DRMs were awful. Not only is it bad content, I think this is the worst gaming experience I have ever had.


    Idk if my class or build is wrong for these segments but I play any new content on my thief the first time thru. I do hardly any damage to the minibosses and they drop me in 1-3 hits. I've tried swapping between dd/deadeye builds and these fights continue to be a slog. I can handle a tough fight if it's fun but these obviously aren't. I stopped playing GW2 entirely for a couple weeks because I was only about 70% thru the DRMs and the whole experience soured me on playing for a while. Now I'm trying again and it feels like ANET intended for players to hate it. I would rather do the entire skyscale collection again over this drivel. 

    I'm wondering if this is a result of COVID forcing the devs to make MAJOR cuts to the story. They were missing just the voice acting from the earlier chapters but I imagine that comes last anyway so chapter 5 is where we feel the programming/writing sacrifices. Regardless, with the way they structure content, I'm glad players can skip this chapter when EoD releases. Not worth the wasted time.



    Speaking of wasted time, let's say it takes the NPC's about 10 mins to take 1% off the bosses health. I am currently on the Frost Colossus at 49% health. If I just leave my computer running while I'm in a downed state, they should have the Colossus down in about 8 hours. Not counting the stages before the boss fights, I should have this shitshow done in about 2 days. I think I'll let the tengu handle this one cuz I get absolutely nothing out of doing it myself.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    While the bosses scale nicely with the number of players joining, they do not scale with your build.



    I guess that's the problem. I was playing solo and on my daredevil which I am assuming is the worst class for this mission given what you said.. It was a story segment so I didn't think I would need to have a group if I wanted to play my DD. This is my first run through this part of the story, I just thought it was odd that these little bosses took so much damage in such a unengaging fight.

  4. This may be because I haven't tweaked my spec after being away from the game for a while but did anyone else feel the Destroyers champs for the "Defending Tyria" mission were too tanky? I'm not trying to crap all over the story segment because I enjoy all the dialogue and prep you do before the mission starts but gotdamn. I just dredged my way through the EDR destroyer champs in Rata Sum and Brisban Wildlands(?) and now I'm on the one in Gendarran. It's at 50% and I'm just staring at it dreading the next 20 min I'm going to have to spend slowing sapping it's health. I know they want you to do this segment with a group but even in a private world it's too much. I really want to quit the mission and pick it up whenever I have a ton of time to kill but I'm already this far. I can handle a boss with a crapton of health if the fight is dynamic but these buds have like 3 skills at their disposal. Did ANYONE else think these champs were unreasonably strong for how static their movesets were?


    If I just need to gitgud then please feel free to roast me

  5. @Hannelore.8153That's interesting and definitely something to consider. I'm just hung up on the fact that it's only the mounts as far as I can tell. Never noticed it before.I was aware of mounts technically counting as a transformation and I've looked thru my camera settings as you said but I can't find anything that might be causing the audio differences aside from the way the game itself processes audio for surround sound. This one might just be a wash

  6. So I used to play with headphones on all the time but recently I've avoided it because when I mount up the audio feels off. It feels like it's off center and weighted heavier towards the right side. I started noticing it after getting the skyscale because out of all the mounts its audio balance is the worst. The problem seems to stem from the fact that the game applies the audio tracks for certain movements to one headphone over the other(really the right) instead of splitting them between the two. For instance, the skyscale has it's vocals split between the two headphones evenly but the audio for its wings flapping only come thru the right speaker/earphone. This is also partially true for any of the mounts movement skills and the mount skill itself but instead of the audio only coming thru the right side it is just much louder on the right. Not the end of the world but I have a lot of sensory issues and I love it if my mount sounded like I was riding it and not like it's standing at my right side.

    Just in case it's literally just a "me" problem and you're curious about my hardware, I use a pair of Logitech G430s and my drivers are up to date. I also have some old realtek speakers and the audio is definitely still louder on the right side but it's the "lesser of two evils" when I want to play.

    Please tell me someone else has noticed this and I'm not crazy or just have bad hardware.

  7. I've been on and off GW2 and the forums and I've done more than my fair share of griping about little things that have since been updated for the better or were never much of a problem from the start. With the restructuring of how the story is told and the additions that have been made to the game I can say I'm happy with how the game as a whole is progressing but I would like to know if that's an opinion that's shared by the community, or at least those on the forums.

    To go over what I like about the game after the release of Steel and Fire;-I'm a big fan of the DIY city hub idea at EotN. Totally optional but gives me something to grind for in between all the lulls in content we're sure to see. Perfect timing really considering everything that's going on. I can see this being a hub for tryhards/vets-Love the idea of the visions to the past if it means I'll finally be able to play the first LS-New armor sets have limited/no butt capes. S00per expensive for a full set but the pants are all I care about personally-jumping puzzles seem to be given more attention/utility-I enjoyed the squad based story instance. Feels like they're really trying to get the player-base into strike missions and then hopefully raids and I aint mad about that.

    What I'm not a fan of;-Story missions seem too short. I understand rebranding as living sagas instead of stories to set new expectations and to ease the workload on the devs but it feels like the story is slowing down after all that momentum it had. Steel and Fire is very short and I'm not sure how much fun I would have replaying the instances to complete achievements.-Dropped down to a four man team during the boss battle at the end of Forging Steel and I thought I was going to have to run through the story again. That's all about it though.

    I play a lot less than I once did so I may not know all the going's on right now but when I do manage to play I'm never disappointed. What do you think?

  8. In all seriousness is this a joke? The most I could possibly see you spending is less than 10 silver for the farthest WP from the Eye of the North WP AND ANet is doing something incredibly experimental by giving you a totally optional city hub that you can customize as you see fit. Yeah the grind to max everything out would be tedious but if you just get a gate link to Lion's Arch or your Home Instance you'd be traveling for free after that point. I can kind of see where you're coming from but it's less than 10 silver. You can make up that loss in no time and I can't imagine a situation where you're traveling back and forth between EotN and the rest of the map without pocketing enough gold to make up the difference.

  9. @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Ask yourself this: if ANet does offer a 4-dye-channel MountFit for each Mount, what are you willing to give up?

    • Would you prefer this to getting another double-set of armor skins in game?I have 6 chars and I like how all of them look currently. I change up their aesthetics from time to time to match a new weapon or armor piece I have acquired but I don't normally make drastic changes to chars unless I haven't played in a while. This isn't the best comparison tho as I can easily find new armor pieces in game to change my chars. Mount skins have NEVER been an option in game and if I wanted to change the look of a mount I would have to spend hours of playtime grinding for gold to convert anyway or just pay out of pocket. Ingame mount skin > 2 armor sets any day.
    • What sorts of designs would be acceptable? the 400-gem ones? Or would it have to be the 2000-gem quality/features?In my post I go over exactly which skins I am talking about so I urge you to give it a read.
    • Would you be willing to pay more to ANet for other things to make up for the loss of revenue?I have already bought a near shameful amount of mount skins for aesthetic, some unfavorable rng drops, and to show my appreciation of the game and the work put into it. I will play until it dies no matter how much I may gripe about a collection or some other trivial thing. I don't want GW2 to die but you can't keep a game running and people playing if player count drops and people aren't playing enough to see all the skins you want to sell them.
    • What happens if 60% of the community hates the one skin? Would ANet be expected to release another? What if it's only 30%? What if it's only 10%, but these are the most vocal proponents of the idea that ANet should release MountFits via in-game sources?This idea is only to fill out skin sets that already exist by offering the "missing" mount skins as in game rewards. By that logic you already bought the skin and want to fill out the set or are someone who didn't care about it in the first place. Either way I don't see how this is a valid argument when the only expense is play time for a cosmetic that is normally only sold on the gem store. I can't say anything about the Shiverpeaks Mount set because I haven't seen a lot of people with it(and didn't on the day of it's release, yikes) but I know for a fact that any time there is a sale for the 5 Mount Packs(Branded, Awakened, Mad Realm) people eat it up. If you don't like the mount set and wouldn't buy it from the trading post, let alone EARN one piece of the total set in game, then you aren't ANet's target demographic anyway.
  10. Please keep in mind that the 19 hypothetical skins I am referring to would only make up 13.6% of the total existing mounts, not including any they have planned for an adoption license. Earning a skin for a set I haven't bought would also give me the incentive to purchase the rest of the set from the gem store.

  11. EDIT: People seem to think I want every mount skin as an in-game reward or every skin from now on to be available to earn and that's just not true. I know my post is wordy but I go over exactly which skins I want to see as in-game rewards. If you can't bother to read the whole post and then offer your honest opinion then please save it for another topic.

    Something I've noticed ANet has neglected to accomplish so far is filling out skin sets for mount packs. Spooky, Exo-Suit, and Awakened are all mount packs that are "incomplete" now due to the addition of Roller Beetle, Warclaw, and Skyscale. It's my opinion that ANet can decrease player loss by offering a limited time event quest in random lower populated maps to acquire skins to fill out mount packs. The Warclaw skins won't be much incentive for a PvP/PvE player to return but it could boost WvW player retention to offer separate Warclaw specific mount skin reward chains in WvW. I've heard many players wish mount skins were in game rewards and I feel this would be a great way to keep players active in the slow seasons. You may just reason that ANet would rather make us buy Roller Beetle/Warclaw/Skyscale skins in their own individual packs but the only skin type I've seen that done for is Branded and Roller Beetle still doesn't have it's own Branded variant. The average mount pack we've seen for the latest 3 mounts have only included 1 established mount skin "type"(branded) and the rest are either unique to the mount itself(i.e. Funerary Scarab Roller Beetle Skin) or from an unnamed mount skin set(think of the galaxy themed mount skins). I've also heard ANet doesn't want to release mount packs to fill out the others like that so this may be the only way we ever get a complete set if they like the idea.

    I'm not saying I want ANet to give me every unfinished mount skin set as in game rewards, the Flame, Ice, Lightning, Sand, Alloyed, Primeval, Exalted, Galaxy, whatever I'm missing, skins can and should all still be staggered releases but I would love for us to get some of the unfinished multipack releases:

    Awakened 3 skins missing (RB/W/S)Branded 1 skin missing (RB)Cozy Wintersday 3 skins missing (RB/W/S)Exo-suit 3 skins missing (RB/W/S)Mad-realm 3 skins missing (RB/W/S)Shiverpeaks 3 skins missing (RB/W/S)Spooky 3 skins missing (RB/W/S)sorry there's no sylvari-themed mount skins

    Admittedly the hardest skin sets to work around will be those that have a seasonal aesthetic as the player count is already up in those times but a simple collection/login reward type quest chain would help ensure players retention is high even after the event or leading up to it or even make one of the final rewards for the festival ONE of the seasonal skins. In reality it doesn't matter to me what time of year I get a skin like that, I just want a full set. I know people hate collections but if the reward is a unique skin and the work involved isn't insane I would hope players could just suck it up and do it(I know, I know). I don't even care if it's tedious, after completing the Skyscale collection I am unstoppable. I would even accept a requirement to spend a decent bit of gold. Each mount skin, ignoring the exclusive skins, are $5 a piece or roughly 100 g so I wouldn't mind dropping around 20 g and a few hours/days of playtime to unlock a skin I can't just buy off the gem store.

    This is just a dream but I feel it would be an relatively easy way to draw players in when they need numbers. What do you think?

  12. @Cyninja.2954 said:Et voila, mounted in the middle of any water area on a flying mount. Have the griffon or raptor do that.

    If you're stranded in the middle of a large body of water that's pretty pointless. If you're close to the shore then it only offers a way of getting to shore a little faster than on the skimmer but you also have to factor in the time it takes to mount up and whether your 2 barrel rolls+flight bar will even get you there. This would probably be very useful if near a shear peak in the middle of the water that ONLY the skyscale can get onto. I'm thinking something like the tower of nightmares in kessex but I'm not sure it's impossible to get onto without the scale.

    @"GoldenPants.1870" said:Except you can't dive rapidly with the Skyscale.. Which I don't like cause it feels so slow to descend on purpose with a Skyscale. :(And the fact that it sticks like glue to the slightest edge lol.

    These are my biggest issues with it besides the skins looking pretty ugly (minus shimmerwing, a lot of work went into that one and it shows). It feels like a big, fat bumblebee. Ascending is excellent. The ceiling feels a little low but the Springer is already everyone's least favorite mount now apparently so I can live with being a little smarter about my movement to gain altitude. I honestly would have preferred the grinds for Skyscale and Griffon to be flipped as I see the Griffon as much more valuable a mobility tool than the Scale. The descending is also god awful. I would appreciate a new mastery added, or even just a new feature, wherein the Skyscale could make a locked descent to the ground. Something like Griffons dive but don't allow it to pull up after it's been engaged, just straight to the ground.

    To fix the issue with it automatically grabbing whatever surface it's closest to ANet could just give us an option to hotkey that skill to a different button like how the other mounts' mobility skills can be independent of the jump ability. This could however be an intentional gate to deter people from using the skyscale in areas that are "busier" in terms of environment.

    I don't feel the Skyscale is bad, definitely overhyped, but it does seem to need a little TLC to balance it's unique set of skills.

  13. I would like to see a new LW where they give us a little taste of what's to come. If it's underwater mounts or new specs then hint at that. Don't give us too much cuz then people will complain about not having everything at once but a substantial teaser would be appreciated. Just something to say "more exciting content is on the way." Personally I want racial specs to be considered if even just to provide an option for rp purposes. I saw a thread on reddit that was talking about the norn and how unimportant their culture is to the story even though the only thing keeping them from just being "large humans" is the cultural difference. I thought the norn transformation into their spirit animal was sick until I realized it is completely useless in combat(why can't you make it something like necro where they have a transform bar but bind it to a rage meter like warrior?). A LW that introduces new racial specs would be excellent. This could introduce a whole expansion story where we find some land where the races are all in discord and the commander has to sort it out. Would be a bit complicated making the story different depending on the race of the player but that's the kind of effort I want to see ANet put into new content. They gave us branching stories in vanilla, I want to see them do it again.

  14. Can someone tell me why the roller beetle race checkpoints are bubbles instead of pillars/beacons? I can't tell you how many times I have had a perfect lap ruined because my beetle has bounced over the bubble and I lost a checkpoint. I get that maybe someone could run the whole thing on a griffon but with the maps I've seen the skill level required to do that would be much higher than on the beetle. Maybe they don't want someone who hasn't even unlocked the beetle to get all the perks but the achievement could just be locked behind the mount collection. To be clear, I don't mean a beacon that shoots straight to the top of the map, more like one that is twice as tall as the bubble is now. Not a big deal just hate having to redo a race for something so silly.

  15. Underwater combat has never really been focused on ingame. If I'm remembering correctly only a few story instances in just the vanilla game even take you underwater. To tell you the truth, the character I've played the most still has rare or worse underwater gear. There is just no real incentive to fight mobs underwater right now outside of reaching a handful of achievements. Skimmer existing also provides players with a way to literally skip over water content. Would love to see an overhaul whenever the next expansion drops. Maybe have a map with a small city floating above the ocean to force players to travel the ocean on either a Skimmer or a unique underwater mount. This also makes me consider now that ANet might be scared to release an water overhaul because of the desire of players to have underwater mounts. Neither of the expansions so far are reliant on owning the other but a new one would likely require at least PoF.

  16. @draxynnic.3719 said:Generally speaking, they're outclassed by raptors and flying mounts.

    I use the jackal all the time. Jackal is much more reliable when dodging enemies or crossing uneven terrain in a short amount of time. Raptor definitely smokes Jackal when on flat terrain or on a downward slope but Raptor just can't keep up with Jackal in most situations especially with only 2 leaps. Of the 4 mounts that always suffer from fall damage, Raptor is the weakest (don't really know about Warclaw so I could be wrong). Griffon, Skyscale, and Skimmer will never take fall damage (aside from Skimmer being dismounted when it hits water from too high. real strange). Jackal should never take fall damage if you know how to ride it. Personally I find myself struggling to find use for the Raptor in most situations because of how much more use I get out of Jackal/Griffon. The fact that I am not limited by a vertical drop on Jackal when compared to Raptor makes all the difference. This is coming from a big dinosaur nerd who was thrilled to receive my own personal Raptor. It was my favorite mount until Griffon came along but even so, I would argue Raptor still has the best engage skill.

    As far as the Griffon vs. Skyscale debate goes, in terms of what I've seen, it's like arguing apples and oranges. Yeah they're both flying mounts but their uses are intended to be completely different, so grading them on the same scale is just ignorant. Grading any mount as if it were supposed to be as good as any other for their unique mobility is ignorant. Yes Skyscale is better at covering short distances immediately but that was never the appeal of the Griffon. It's like saying a fighter jet is a shit aircraft because it can't take off vertically like a helicopter. Aside from that why does it even matter which one you think is better if you don't use it? I don't have a Warclaw yet but I will definitely be trying WvW soon to get it. Not because I think it's better than any of the others but because it's unique and I like it. I always wanted ANet to add a feline mount and while this isn't really how I imagined it, I still want it. That's why everyone uses the mounts they choose. They like them. In my opinion, no mount deserves to be changed aside from possibly Springer to buff it's max height but I'm sure that has consequences I'm not big enough to see. In short, you don't like them and that's okay but making the claim that they are useless now is a little overzealous.

  17. @leunamsil.6742 said:More GW2. Its way to soon to even start thinking of GW3. We still have 3 dragons alive that we need to deal with and find replacements for 2 of them. What i would like would be a engine update. I know its a lot of work but it could really revitalize the game and bring some new life into it. But i doupt it will happen.

    Would really like to see GW2 end as we slay all the dragons and GW3 being our journey to restore balance (6 dragons). Make the world go from dragons bad to dragons CAN be good. Just a pipe dream tho

  18. @"Khisanth.2948" said:Cursed Flintlock looks more like a piece of wood that was carved into something roughly rifle shaped and then fed to termites.

    Idk why the quality of rifle skins is so inconsistent or rather, why there are only a handful of rifles with actual scopes. I want the class to feel more like its a sniper class. The whole appeal of the cursed flintlock for me is the scope but I just skimmed the wiki and it seems like the only rifles with scopes are the Predator and it's precursor and some BL rifle skins. So it's a grind or a paywall. There are a few skins that are easy to find that have scopes but more often than not, like the cursed flintlock, they're ugly.

    Ugly IMO but free:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyphic_Rifle_(skin)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cursed_Flintlock_(skin)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steam_Rifle_(skin) scope looks real weird to me

    Not really ugly but not great, still free:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Whisper%27s_Secret_Rifle_(skin)

    BL Skins:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Marksman_Rifle_(skin)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devoted_Riflehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Timekeeper_Riflehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zafirah%27s_Rifle

    Just Predator stuff:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Predator_(skin)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Hunter_(skin)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perfected_Rifle_(skin)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Hunter_Experiment_(skin)

    Haven't seen these but they seem like you need a Guild to buy the recipes:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shimmering_Rifle_(skin)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tenebrous_Rifle

    They hid all the cursed flintlock under some ghillie suit mesh but have not given us a ghillie suit as far as I know:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deadliest_Game_(skin)

    Of the 200 rifle skins on the wiki only 15 have scopes and only 11 can be obtained with man hours or gold, the rest have to be purchased. Wack.

  19. I've been wanting more rifle skins that actually look like rifles since I started playing deadeye. I am in the small group of people that actually like the cursed flintlock for what it is (even though the sound effects are too "pew pew" for me). While as a "shiny" skin this rifle is pretty disappointing IMO I appreciate the subtlety. I also really like the design of your charr. You don't have to have a million glowies to be "fashionable."

  20. I'd like to see some dye channels opened up on certain outfits. Anything that has 3 dye channels should be bumped up to 4. One of my favorite coats is only a 3 channel and two separate materials on it share the same dye slot so they always end up looking really goofy. The materials are already completely separate from each other, it would just be a matter of making them dye independently of each other.

    I'd also appreciate a on/off setting or even a slider for players glow effects/skyscales that doesnt affect AoEs or any ability signals, just disabling trinkets and things like that. It is getting harder and harder to focus on mobs and their ability queues now that everybody and their mother looks like a dying star. My PC would also be really thankful for the frame rate boost.

    I would also love to see a return of personality traits, at least as far as them being mildly relevant to gameplay. (I.e: unique walk/idle animations, voicelines, maybe impliment an optional SUBTLE glow effect/filter to reflect this kind of alignment) As it is now, choosing any of the brutish, honorable, or charming dialogue options feels really hollow for a game that centers around playing how you want. It's like giving me the option to choose what color a knife is before I'm stabbed with it. Yeah I get to "choose" the knife but it doesn't matter cuz I'm still being stabbed, that doesn't change at all.

  21. I miss the piercing shot on kneel skill 4, yeah its a stealth shot now but it was pretty wack when they removed it from regular use. Guess they were trying to incentivize playing stealth harder but still.

  22. I main thief in PvE, have since I started playing, and I can say from experience that thief is the easiest class to pick up vistas/POI/nodes. Shadowstep is your best friend. It's very much about timing but most mobs should be far enough away that you can shadowstep to the node/vista/etc, use it, and then shadowstep back or mount up before you get attacked. Most npcs have a "cast time" for abilities so scooping up points should be easy as long as you don't freak out. Invisibility before the shadowstep is a plus too so it should go:1.) Stealth2.) Shadowstep3.) harvest/view vista4.) mount up/gtfo

    I agree the spoon thing kind of sucks but I don't care enough about the achievement for it to really matter to me. From ANets perspective it only incentivises you to play ALL of the game modes they worked really hard on.I have been in guilds, was in one that I liked a lot but I left to be a sadboi. Now I solo pretty much everything(because I can't find that guild again and I don't remember what it was called ;-; ) and I love it. Guilds are great but I hate disappointing if I can't raid/pvp or missing out on guild missions. There is plently that can be soloed, if not on thief then on a heartier class. On my reaper I can solo most HoT content that isn't specifically a group event. It's really about learning your class. Thief is pretty squishy so if you're having trouble staying alive you might need more defensive skills (i.e. dodges, shadowsteps, stealth). Daredevil gets an additional dodge so you might want to try that if you're having trouble. Hope this helps.

  23. My first thought upon seeing this weapon set like most of you was how unshiny they were. When I heard about them and saw the "shiny" name I thought we were going to have some new glossy metallic weapons with maybe a few large chunky gems attached. Something perfectly gaudy for the sake of being gaudy and very skirtt-centered. Still going for the full set but very disappointed. I guess skritt call anything that has some value a "shiny".

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