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Posts posted by hostileskeleton.7364

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Have you tried to keep the bonfires lit and standing near them?

    I've seen quite some people who didn't do that.

    I light the bonefires. The fights are the most boring I've ever played and way too long. I play on the west coast of the US late at night because of work so I'll have no luck finding a group. Not much I can do other than let the npcs chip away.

  2. Really relieved I am not the only one who thought the DRMs were awful. Not only is it bad content, I think this is the worst gaming experience I have ever had.


    Idk if my class or build is wrong for these segments but I play any new content on my thief the first time thru. I do hardly any damage to the minibosses and they drop me in 1-3 hits. I've tried swapping between dd/deadeye builds and these fights continue to be a slog. I can handle a tough fight if it's fun but these obviously aren't. I stopped playing GW2 entirely for a couple weeks because I was only about 70% thru the DRMs and the whole experience soured me on playing for a while. Now I'm trying again and it feels like ANET intended for players to hate it. I would rather do the entire skyscale collection again over this drivel. 

    I'm wondering if this is a result of COVID forcing the devs to make MAJOR cuts to the story. They were missing just the voice acting from the earlier chapters but I imagine that comes last anyway so chapter 5 is where we feel the programming/writing sacrifices. Regardless, with the way they structure content, I'm glad players can skip this chapter when EoD releases. Not worth the wasted time.



    Speaking of wasted time, let's say it takes the NPC's about 10 mins to take 1% off the bosses health. I am currently on the Frost Colossus at 49% health. If I just leave my computer running while I'm in a downed state, they should have the Colossus down in about 8 hours. Not counting the stages before the boss fights, I should have this shitshow done in about 2 days. I think I'll let the tengu handle this one cuz I get absolutely nothing out of doing it myself.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    While the bosses scale nicely with the number of players joining, they do not scale with your build.



    I guess that's the problem. I was playing solo and on my daredevil which I am assuming is the worst class for this mission given what you said.. It was a story segment so I didn't think I would need to have a group if I wanted to play my DD. This is my first run through this part of the story, I just thought it was odd that these little bosses took so much damage in such a unengaging fight.

  4. This may be because I haven't tweaked my spec after being away from the game for a while but did anyone else feel the Destroyers champs for the "Defending Tyria" mission were too tanky? I'm not trying to crap all over the story segment because I enjoy all the dialogue and prep you do before the mission starts but gotdamn. I just dredged my way through the EDR destroyer champs in Rata Sum and Brisban Wildlands(?) and now I'm on the one in Gendarran. It's at 50% and I'm just staring at it dreading the next 20 min I'm going to have to spend slowing sapping it's health. I know they want you to do this segment with a group but even in a private world it's too much. I really want to quit the mission and pick it up whenever I have a ton of time to kill but I'm already this far. I can handle a boss with a crapton of health if the fight is dynamic but these buds have like 3 skills at their disposal. Did ANYONE else think these champs were unreasonably strong for how static their movesets were?


    If I just need to gitgud then please feel free to roast me

  5. @Hannelore.8153That's interesting and definitely something to consider. I'm just hung up on the fact that it's only the mounts as far as I can tell. Never noticed it before.I was aware of mounts technically counting as a transformation and I've looked thru my camera settings as you said but I can't find anything that might be causing the audio differences aside from the way the game itself processes audio for surround sound. This one might just be a wash

  6. So I used to play with headphones on all the time but recently I've avoided it because when I mount up the audio feels off. It feels like it's off center and weighted heavier towards the right side. I started noticing it after getting the skyscale because out of all the mounts its audio balance is the worst. The problem seems to stem from the fact that the game applies the audio tracks for certain movements to one headphone over the other(really the right) instead of splitting them between the two. For instance, the skyscale has it's vocals split between the two headphones evenly but the audio for its wings flapping only come thru the right speaker/earphone. This is also partially true for any of the mounts movement skills and the mount skill itself but instead of the audio only coming thru the right side it is just much louder on the right. Not the end of the world but I have a lot of sensory issues and I love it if my mount sounded like I was riding it and not like it's standing at my right side.

    Just in case it's literally just a "me" problem and you're curious about my hardware, I use a pair of Logitech G430s and my drivers are up to date. I also have some old realtek speakers and the audio is definitely still louder on the right side but it's the "lesser of two evils" when I want to play.

    Please tell me someone else has noticed this and I'm not crazy or just have bad hardware.

  7. I've been on and off GW2 and the forums and I've done more than my fair share of griping about little things that have since been updated for the better or were never much of a problem from the start. With the restructuring of how the story is told and the additions that have been made to the game I can say I'm happy with how the game as a whole is progressing but I would like to know if that's an opinion that's shared by the community, or at least those on the forums.

    To go over what I like about the game after the release of Steel and Fire;-I'm a big fan of the DIY city hub idea at EotN. Totally optional but gives me something to grind for in between all the lulls in content we're sure to see. Perfect timing really considering everything that's going on. I can see this being a hub for tryhards/vets-Love the idea of the visions to the past if it means I'll finally be able to play the first LS-New armor sets have limited/no butt capes. S00per expensive for a full set but the pants are all I care about personally-jumping puzzles seem to be given more attention/utility-I enjoyed the squad based story instance. Feels like they're really trying to get the player-base into strike missions and then hopefully raids and I aint mad about that.

    What I'm not a fan of;-Story missions seem too short. I understand rebranding as living sagas instead of stories to set new expectations and to ease the workload on the devs but it feels like the story is slowing down after all that momentum it had. Steel and Fire is very short and I'm not sure how much fun I would have replaying the instances to complete achievements.-Dropped down to a four man team during the boss battle at the end of Forging Steel and I thought I was going to have to run through the story again. That's all about it though.

    I play a lot less than I once did so I may not know all the going's on right now but when I do manage to play I'm never disappointed. What do you think?

  8. In all seriousness is this a joke? The most I could possibly see you spending is less than 10 silver for the farthest WP from the Eye of the North WP AND ANet is doing something incredibly experimental by giving you a totally optional city hub that you can customize as you see fit. Yeah the grind to max everything out would be tedious but if you just get a gate link to Lion's Arch or your Home Instance you'd be traveling for free after that point. I can kind of see where you're coming from but it's less than 10 silver. You can make up that loss in no time and I can't imagine a situation where you're traveling back and forth between EotN and the rest of the map without pocketing enough gold to make up the difference.

  9. I'd like to see some dye channels opened up on certain outfits. Anything that has 3 dye channels should be bumped up to 4. One of my favorite coats is only a 3 channel and two separate materials on it share the same dye slot so they always end up looking really goofy. The materials are already completely separate from each other, it would just be a matter of making them dye independently of each other.

    I'd also appreciate a on/off setting or even a slider for players glow effects/skyscales that doesnt affect AoEs or any ability signals, just disabling trinkets and things like that. It is getting harder and harder to focus on mobs and their ability queues now that everybody and their mother looks like a dying star. My PC would also be really thankful for the frame rate boost.

    I would also love to see a return of personality traits, at least as far as them being mildly relevant to gameplay. (I.e: unique walk/idle animations, voicelines, maybe impliment an optional SUBTLE glow effect/filter to reflect this kind of alignment) As it is now, choosing any of the brutish, honorable, or charming dialogue options feels really hollow for a game that centers around playing how you want. It's like giving me the option to choose what color a knife is before I'm stabbed with it. Yeah I get to "choose" the knife but it doesn't matter cuz I'm still being stabbed, that doesn't change at all.

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