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Posts posted by PanBelacqua.9058

  1. I've made three weapons at this point (working on a fourth), and three skins (one each for Jormag, Mordremoth, and Kralkatorrik, with partial progress on a Zhaitan and Primordus skin), and after the Wind Through The Walls nerf, I think I'm done. The Jade Runestones were already enough of a gate when I was getting 26/day: at 13 remaining weapons and 93 more skins to spend Jade Runestones on, I was looking at 19,900 Jade Runestones, or another 765 days of effort. A little over 2 years to get that one material. 


    Now that's shot up to 54.5 years. That's unreal. I know there are other ways to get the runestones, but most of them are RNG, and their price is sure to skyrocket now that the most reliable source is wildly diminished. Unless this is a bug and/or gets reverted, I'm done making these weapons.

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  2. On 3/1/2022 at 3:08 PM, maxwelgm.4315 said:

    Gotta agree very hard on that one. No sign of whatever it was that every single deep sea species reported and caused entire civilizations like the Krait be forced to run away. It's even mentioned Aetherblades actually were the ones to tip her scales and cause her to go mad for good? How then and why did all the water races and especially the unapologetically demonic Krait leave their homes to build makeshift towers on mainland?


    One way I could see to salvage this is if something else actually started lurking in the deep sea and the Inquest and the water races actually got it mistaken for an Elder Dragon due to the cataclysmic mess it caused. EDs are far from the only massive beings hinted at existing within the GW multiverse and another one stirring simultaneously to the release of magic that awakened Bubbles and/or Zhaitan is not far-fetched. But unfortunately this is just me going through hoops to justify their rushing it and soft retconning/ignoring previous plot beats, which is not surprising at all and probably what happened.


    The latter paragraph is all but confirmed by the game. Ela Makkay is by the Jade Monument in New Kaineng City, and says much the same thing - that it's alarming that all these subaquatic species began fleeing for shore not when Soo-Won woke, but when she left. It sounds like she was keeping something at bay down there, and Kuunavang's request that she save Cantha has left whatever lurks in the depths to run amok.

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  3. @Ardid.7203 said:Why so many people like Largos is beyond my understanding. They are just pale human with black breathers, SM clothes and an oversized gemstore backpack, who try to pass as mysterious and menacing by actually don't saying anything and being always alone or hidden.

    How would you customize a Largos? How would you put a normal backpack on them?Would they have an actual face now, or will always have those masks on them? If that's the case, how would you adapt the rest of the face-gear to them?If you customize a Largos the same way as a human, what would be the difference, if any?How would you justify a Largos being socially active and on the open? Would they dance, sing and use all the stupid magic-boxes? How could them continue to be mysterious if they began to delve in silly Rata Sum parties? Would they still be interesting with violet hair, pink clothes and the dreamer?

    IMO Largos are only interesting for what we DON'T know of them, and the moment you remove their uninspired aqua-drow surface there will be nothing underneath.

    People like boring races, that's...basically it. The devs could lavish us with tengu, kodan, and all hosts of races unique to the setting, and people would still want the most humanoid races they could find.

    I can't see the largos being added. The devs stated that tengu were a cut 6th playable race, and that kodan were the most likely expansion race (this was wayyy back in the PCGamer EotN/GW2 interview, so take it with a grain of salt). Tengu were cut, and kodan haven't been added. Largos were, at BEST, third on their list, and the first two haven't made it.

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