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Posts posted by SEED.9051

  1. 8 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    I have a few characters that actually wear armor sets that I composed (mix and match) that are available from in game sources

    All my toons use in-game mix n match gear. I prefer challenging myself and earning stuff in-game vs insta-grat CC. The best set they made available and had you acquire the right way was the Mistward armor set. My rev been rolling nothing but since I earned it all. 


    8 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    you feel that all the cool skins come from the gem store

    I said the MAJORITY comes from the CS which is true, considering how often they release new CS skins vs what in-game skins they release. The MAJORITY is always in the CS.


    8 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    It was called the TORtanic for a reason

    Agreed. People were expecting a real MMO and got singleplayer story telling in a shared world. That's not going to warrant a sub....ever.


    8 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    For me it works because I like being around people

    I can agree with this. Part of the reason I can enjoy Gw2 for what it is.


    8 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    They aren't hard up for consistent cash flow now...this has been their challenge from the start

    I've been here since launch and have preordered every xpac since. I try to support Anet to some compacity since the player base is overwhelmingly full of leeches.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    You'll hate SWTOR with your definition of P2W. This game has many cosmetic choices in the game. In SWTOR 99% of the cosmetics come from the cash shop. Oh and that game has vertical progression.

    SWTOR is even worse than Gw2, agreed! Both are P2W in some aspect. Ironically, both are heavy story focused and both have seemingly underperformed..... so seems you could make more of an argument in that regard.

    13 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    aside from WoW, what other games that are so successful don't offer cosmetics in their cash shops? FFXIV does so they're P2W in your view.

     WoW sells some cosmetics too! Where it all comes down to P2W is how much they offer to earn in-game in comparison to the offerings of the CS. 99% of all the cool cosmetics to obtain in Gw2 are through the CS....you cant even get mount skins via loot drops in dungeons, world bosses, raids, etc. Where as WoW and FFXIV both have multiple ways to obtain cool cosmetics in-game (mage tower in WoW was some of the most fun way to earn a skin and XIV always has cool cross-over events too to earn mounts and other cool gear) Gw2 would've just pushed it to the CS. No cool limited event to challenge yourself for a cool reward, just give us more $$$!

    21 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

    There isn't enough room on the MMO market to have many successful MMOs though. What if Anet realises this and aimed for a niche market

    I'm sure they did. Unfortunately, they are now hard up for some consistent cash flow to keep the game afloat. Which leads to an even greater IRL influence on the game and players.


    So I guess it's underrated because anet didn't want to grab MMO players and instead opted to cater to a niche playerbase that rather play shared world games solo.  Would explain the very anti-social nature of the game actually.

    • Confused 2
  3. Okay, guys I get it....I even mentioned it in the OG I posted here. You will defend Gw2 P2W cause the fanboy in you is triggered to do so.... fragile. That doesn't keep it from being P2W!


    It really doesn't matter how you want to spin it, the game isn't doing as well as it should be.... for some reason.  And me judging the MMOs that do not offer the P2W aspect that Gw2 does are also performing better than Gw2.


    The most successful MMOs are about vertical progression, even playing field, and a need for community (aka no singleplayer story telling). Take ALL of that away and you get.... this game. Which is destined to underperform. This game is a selfish version of what MMOs are supposed to be. You cant tell me this is not a reason for it not being as successful as others.

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  4. 1 minute ago, firedragon.8953 said:

    I understand, and I disagree with you. Still do. As I said, I don't think they reflect the game accurately. You are of course free to believe those are the reasons though, just as I am free not to. 

    Anyway, you have different expectations for a game, and GW2 doesn't meet those expectations. Even if GW2 isn't the most popular, I find it still feels the most "alive" due to the megaserver system and focus on open world content. I've played MMOs boasting higher player counts that feel "empty" except for a bunch of people standing around in hubs.

    GW2 likely suffered (still suffers) from the slow content release schedule and it's experiment with throw-away-content LWS1. That made a lot of people leave, and well...marketing never was good enough to bring them back. Many people still think GW2 is the same game it was 8-9 years ago. Also, yes, this game is unlikely able to keep the interest of players who can play a game for 40+ hours a week, unless you're a crazy competitive mode player. You'd burn through nearly everything in PvE in a year or two. But that is a lot of hours...

    I've been here since launch day and have the next xpac preordered (ultimate). While I do not believe this is a real MMO, that doesn't keep me from enjoying it for what it is.... 

  5. Just now, Klowdy.3126 said:

    If the people aren't playing to max level, they aren't really players of that game. You can't confuse the average player, with the average GW2 player. I don't care about the people that try the free trial for a day, and never come back. They have absolutely no bearing on any P2W that would even be a part of this game, so bringing them up is pointless. I'd also like to point out that spending money only let's people catch up faster, and gives absolutely no advantage over people that actually play this game. 


    The average player isn't spending money (because apparently they play the game so little they don't hit 80), and those that are don't have an advantage over me. Does it mean I win more if I beat someone that paid for their gear? When I beat people in ascended gear, while I'm in my exotics, can it still be considered P2W, since they paid and lost? You are greatly exaggerating all of your point, so much so that it feels like my 9 y/o is trying to prove a point. 

    I mean anets version of a MMO is playing dress up.... so you win if I don't wanna swipe my CC. You are only thinking of the old definition of P2W. It's 2021, and you have to open your mind to what others perceive as unfair.

    • Confused 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, firedragon.8953 said:

    You literally agreed with me.

    There are tons of other grind MMOs. Why should GW2 also be a grind MMO. Doesn't make sense. GW2 always strived to be something different, and the people that play this game often choose it for that very reason.
    If you look at the top 10 MMOs, 2-3 of them are story based (including GW2), the others usually have story, but it is not the focus. The other 100 or so next popular MMOs are pretty much your average "Asian grindcore" or super buggy messes. Even WoW got a lot of flack do to it's worsening story...so, I'd wager retention in a virtual world hinges both on lore/story and community. Otherwise, why chose to inhabit that world?

    9 years of GW2. Guess, you're right. Time will tell...

    We are on a thread asking why Gw2 is perceived as underrated; that's why I mention Gw2 being different. IMO, that's the reason it isn't more popular.


    Also, I believe most successful MMOs derive from the sense of living in that fantasy world. Being a part of the community, as you said, I do not believe a story focus is necessary to achieve that.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, firedragon.8953 said:

    They also seem like the most popular and long lasting, whereas mindless "grind simulators" generally come and go

    WoW is the most successful MMO of all time, and was greatly grind dependent with no real story (maybe modern WoW is more story focused but it's greatly declined gameplay wise since). Asian markets are also heavy invested in grindy MMOs with little focus on story, I believe the first Lineage game is still the most popular in that area. New World is a new grindy MMO with more of an excuse than a story and has been the most played game on Steam since it launched. Time will tell if it holds up.


    e: I just want to add that there's nothing wrong if you like more of a sigleplayer game with other people running around, I was just stating I dont believe that makes for a good MMO.


    13 minutes ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

    That doesn't sound right. Can you post where it says the average player doesn't hit level cap? Also, if the average person doesn't buy gold, it doesn't seem like the P2W aspect is as bad you you made it seem. 

    MMOs in general, with the millions that try them, have a poor retention rate. Very few of those players hit cap in MMOs; Gw2 is no exception. Any P2W is bad. Also, I never mentioned how many players do or do not buy gold, so idk what you're reading.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

    Well, after actually looking into it, turns out the average person isn't going to spend $200 on a legendary weapon, and there isn't a single set of legendary gear that doesn't force gameplay. I think the P2W aspect has been greatly exaggerated, especially since it seems like legendary gear is a convenience, and not more powerful than the gear I already have. Even if someone did spend $1,000 on making legendary gear, they couldn't do it without some form of gameplay. Also, paying millions of dollars into this game can never give an advantage of any kind over someone that spends the time in game. 

    The average person doesn't even make it to level cap, so I don't think those people are who anet is trying to hook into buying BiS weapons off the TP.


    And for anets version of an MMO their endgame is fashion wars.... which all the cool stuff (for that average player) cant be realistically had unless they use that CC

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  9. 9 minutes ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

    It's all just a matter of buying materials for the gear? I didn't realize it was so easy. I don't care about the skins so much, I just like the stat swapping, because i like to mess around with random builds. Gonna have to look into the legendary gear for gold. 

    Well now you know! I speak from experience as I know a guy who "exploits" multiple free accounts that feed into his main. He uses his CC and can have months worth of grinding (for people that play the game anyway....) eliminated in just a few minutes!! Crazy stuff, dude.

    He's pretty much on a different playing field vs those that take the time to play the game without IRL influence.


    e: legendary armor is different as it cant be bought on the TP. You can buy all you need for ascended tho which has the same stats! Takes minutes to acquire all you need! Leggy armor requires playing the game which is why this playerbase doesn't have it (maybe less than 1%)  

    • Confused 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

    If there is somewhere to buy legendary, or ascended gear for gold, I'd love to know. I have a few stat sets I'm wanting still, but would love to be able to just purchase it with gold. What vendors/zones are these?

    I'm sure some legendary weapons are sold on the TP, so best look there for BiS. Otherwise, just purchase the gold and buy the majority of needed materials to craft the armor you're looking for! Glad I could help!!

    • Confused 2
  11. Its because 99% of the games playerbase is super casual and fragile. From some of the threads I've seen on these forums,  a lot of the community wants a toggle so they never have to see another player running around (in some compacity). 


    When it comes down to it, the game just doesn't feel like a MMO. Very little progression, all DLC is sigleplayer story-driven content (seriously, story BS in a MMO), all the cool sh*t is bought with a CC instead of earned via drops from raids/dungeons, and the game world is a squared box segmented load screen simulator. Pretty much QoL on top of QoL with no sense of achievement. Its a MMO and needs to have slight annoyances of living in a world to make it feel like....living in a fantasy world. What we got rn is just a game.


    Not to mention a P2W cash shop that sells in-game currency.... yeah, not cool.

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  12. 2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Perhaps, but then many players may very well leave which would undermine whatever income might be expected.

    There would be some that leave, yes. But the majority of players playing now haven't paid a cent and don't expect too.

    Don't get me wrong, a sub won't make a crap MMO any better and I'm definitely not saying Gw2 would survive as a sub based model (it wouldn't) but there's a reason WoW and FFXIV continue to rake in so much cash (being good helps tho)


    1 hour ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

    OT: I think no new content will be announced. So i dont have my hopes up. I just hope for a good written story and beautiful maps. That is enough for me. 

    I have the same expectations. Nothing more will be added and at this point all I can really hope for is fishing adds some nice additional recipes to cooking. Story progression in a MMO just doesnt do it for me.

  13. On 8/22/2021 at 2:45 AM, Avex.9471 said:

    I know ffxiv is paid while gw2 is b2p but since this topic is about what we want to see in an xpac, this is pretty much it. 

    That's the price you pay for a game that struggles to bring in money after a box fee. This is why when a MMO is good the Sub fee is the best option. Gw2 could probably bring in a nice chunk of change with a proper battle pass system but that's a whole other thread.


    On topic:


    • proper housing
    • shared gathering tool slots
    • pet battles to do something with all these worthless minis (at least give them utilities/player perks)
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  14. 2 hours ago, Danjorus.2671 said:

    Locking story behind level 80 walls and other level walls isn't inclusive and discourage some newer players from playing as they might be interested in a process where you level via story. 


    I literally have friends who can't seems to get into this game as there is no story elements pre 80. The RPG element of this MMORPG could be made more distinctive so your targeted audience becomes more interested into guild wars 2.

    I guess your friends should look for a more story driven (since the 1-80 story isn't good enough?) MMO to play.


    Gw2 has the most **** playerbase I swear lol

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  15. 23 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    this IS an MMO, you can't expect to be completely alone

    I 100% agree and think that the whining on the forums everyday for a toggle to switch anything off that has to do with other players is ridiculous. Anet caters too heavily to these anti-social players as it is and they think they should be allowed to play the entire game, an MMO, like they were the only ones that exist or matter.


    Seriously guys, go play a single player game if you can't be bothered to see other players progress or shinnies.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    how are they bothering people with it?

    A lot of players are very anti-social and dislike seeing anyone else in "their" game. The Gw2 community (in general) has a very anti-MMO mindset and prefers to play the game solo. And to Gw2 credit it is a very casual and anti-social MMO that caters heavily to single player gamers.


    Part of the reason it isn't more popular in the genre I would assume

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