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Alpha Neuxs.5483

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Posts posted by Alpha Neuxs.5483

  1. Follow up, the latest update seems to fixed it and it helped me figure out another issue with GW2 Addons manager putting in a bad version of dxgi.dll that was causing it to crash as soon as it tries to load arcdps on DX11. Deleting dxgi.dll and manually installing arcdps makes my game stable and able to use DX11 now.

    I haven't had an issue where it just crashes silently, since the last update. I also am able to use DX11 on my account with 23 characters. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. I am also running into this issue after the update, it randomly crashes without any crash reports. It crashes without any logs 100% with DX11 and it's about 60% of the time with DX9. I have to launch with -dx9 option in order to even be able to get into the game.

    I have tried it with fresh install and accounts with less than 6 characters, lowest graphics and audio options.

    I am also on latest NVidia drivers and Windows 10.

    DX11 is definitely not ready, even on Windows 10.

    • Sad 1
  3. Any update on this? The wells blocking stuff like Deimos oils is an extra layer of complexity that's not fun.

    Here's what I tried to no avail:

    • "Effect LOD": always checked.
    • "Disable Area-of-Effect Rings": Checked , which doesn't remove the well effect but removes mechanics AOEs like oils.
    • Medium "Character Model Limit" and "Character Model Quality", but it doesn't tone down the well 
    • Unchecked "High-Res Character Textures", but the effect is still overpowering the AOEs.
    • Unchecked "Ambient Occlusion"
    • Textures: to "Low"
    • Shadows: "off"
    • Shaders:  "Low"
    • Postprocessing to "None"
    • Animation: "Low"
    • Antialiasing: "Off"


  4. Yeah, after keeping a list of servers that were bugged and only going to ones that I haven't seen yet. I was able to get it on 

    Some things I notice:

    * if the chests are spawned already in Renyak, it will bug out where everyone gets kicked out mid fight and can't get back in. Try to find a new instance if you see this.

    * if the timer starts at 0:00 for the setup to attack Renyak, it will kick everyone out and lock them out. Scramble to find a new instance, if this happens.

    * Most likely if the status (before the pre) of the map is Renyak has been successful, it failed the last meta, so maybe find another one.

    * I've seen an instance where the status is something along the lines of the pact has successfully defeated Renyak, bugged out at the boss fight.

    * Daily reset doesn't seem to reset the bugged instances.

    * The status where it was successful for me, was something about the Aetherblades has fortified. But I also been on bugged instances with that status.


    The cannons seems to be bugged forever on the same instances, so if you find an instance that's bugged, just save yourself time and never do the meta on it. There also doesn't seem to be a reliable cause to the cannon bug. I've been in instances where we used turtles on cannons and it didn't bug the CC bar, leaving the platform flying to the cannons early also doesn't seem to cause it. 


    It seems like some kind of state gets stuck in the instances and it doesn't reset. Good luck to anyone that needs this meta, my only suggestion is to keep a list of the instances that failed on you and find one that you haven't been on it. Maybe if people want to organize it, they can try to cause a new overflow if they are stuck on bugged instance.

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  5. I notice if the timer starts at 0:00 for the setup to the boss, it'll bug out like this. I also notice if the smaller chests are already spawned (even if timer is normal), it'll bug out also.

    I've been in instances where people enforce rules that they think might be the cause of the bugs (not using turtles on cannons, not using EMP for CC, and not opening the chests) and it'll still bug out.


    The one time, I did get the meta successfully was joining an instance that I have not experience any of the blocking bugs (I kept a long list). In this instance, the cannons all had CC bars, the timer for the setup to Renyak was normal, and there were no chests spawned when we went inside. We also used EMPs and turtles on cannons freely in this run. It seems to be a bug with some instances and maybe some state the meta gets stuck in and doesn't reset (even after a daily reset). 

  6. Either cannons are bugged or this boss bug have been happening to me. I've been trying to do this meta for hours now and I not found a successful instance yet.


    These instances had the boss suddenly kick everyone at the end in the most recent 2 metas (before and after rest):


    These instances had cannons with no break bar in the most recent 2 metas (before and after rest):


    It's very frustrating doing this only to have it bug out and then wait 2 hours to try again only to fail because of a bug.

  7. @misterman.1530 said:I'm sorry. This has to be a typo. Max number of players on a map - overall - will be 21? Max of 7 per Server/Team? Will this test cover every map? That means at any given time, the maximum number of players that can be in WvW is 84 (21 on each of the 4 maps). 28 per Server. That'll be interesting. Since it means the servers that stack heavy in NA off-hours will be a disadvantage - am all for that actually. :)

    They are reducing the cap by 21 players. The phrasing is a bit confusing, I had to read the post multiple times. Does anyone know what the current cap is?

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