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Posts posted by drunkenpilot.9837

  1. Same. I'm getting spammed with the "Game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time" error to the point of being unable to play, it's popping up multiple times per minute. I'm afraid to relog since I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get back in but at this point I can accomplish absolutely nothing with the message spam. Really hate that.

    Also trading post is completely down. Can't buy gems, can't buy stuff from gem store.

    Really hope this is fixed quickly because there's awesome sales on the gem store right now that I would love to take advantage of.

    EDIT: And now the game has fully disconnected me and I'm no longer able to log in. Awesome day is awesome.

  2. @Cronospere.8143 said:The dailies were easy (still are), rewards were low (and still are).come on, we are talking about a total of 5 LS currencies 7500 karma a bit of exp and 125 magic..only the karma is nice

    No, it was a total of 5 LS currencies, 7500 karma, and 125 VM per map. And for Dragonfall it was 25 LS currency. It used to be a grand total of around 50 misc LS currency, 45000 karma, and 750 VM per day from doing all the S4 map dailies.

    If the current dailies for Istan are any example of what the other rotations will be, now we will get 20 currency per day, 6000 karma, and 100 VM. That's a fairly drastic decrease in daily rewards and one less reason for players to visit maps that are not on daily rotation.

    If they want us to visit the S4 maps less regularly, they've certainly taken the right step toward that goal.

  3. @Brullyra.1592 said:Would have probably been easier to either not allow mounts in pre PoF zones.

    I'm really, really glad they didn't go with that option. Speaking as someone who has already finished world completion on a number of characters, mounts and gliders make the pre PoF maps much more fun to revisit and they give you a reason to re-explore those maps from a new perspective.

    If it came down to invisible walls or no mounts, I would choose invisible walls every single time.

  4. I also took about a year and a half hiatus from the game and came back to start playing regularly again a couple of months ago. I did play PoF when it first came out but I didn't complete the story (or the maps, for that matter), however upon returning and finishing up PoF and then diving into the Season 4 maps, I'll admit that I also noticed the increased difficulty of a lot of the areas.

    In many ways it feels as though Anet has taken what they've learned from the years of focusing on boss combat in high level fractals and raids and incorporated many of those mechanics into the story fights, and indeed also in the general PoF and S4 PvE maps.

    This is a great change of pace in my opinion, and a big leap forward in terms of enjoyment and engaging combat. It's much more fun to have challenging combat than the original core Tyria maps. Core Tyria maps are great, don't get me wrong, but they are much more relaxed and I consider them to be essentially safe zones when compared to the newer maps.

    Fights on these newer maps are more difficult in general, but if you're paying attention to enemy telegraphs then you'll have a good idea of what you should be doing to mitigate the incoming damage. Some example of telegraphs include red/orange AoE fields that appear on the ground, or when an enemy ceases normal quick attacks and begins charging up something more powerful. While there are certainly situations where you can be caught off-guard, I feel that Anet has gotten much better about alerting players to incoming attacks especially during boss or miniboss encounters. Generally speaking, any big CC attack that will be coming your way will be preceded by a fairly obvious telegraph. It might be a four-legged monster that hunches down and charges toward you or a hammer-wielding giant that does a slow motion overhead ground smash--regardless of the enemy, big CC moves are usually fairly obvious to see coming.

    The only downside, of course, is that with many of these telegraphs you'll need to have experienced a fight with these mobs before you'll know when to recognize it and how to adapt. But that's really part of any game's difficulty. You always learn more through failure than you do through success.

    My advice is to stick with it and keep playing. Try to pay closer attention to the enemies you're fighting, always stay on the move, and keep one or two stun-breaks ready for when you need a panic button. If your stun-breaks are on CD, be ready to dodge out of the way before you get hit or withdraw to a safer distance and switch to ranged attacks.

    Because yes, to address your thread's title, playing a strictly melee build is going to get you into all sorts of trouble on a very regular basis. You need a ranged weapon (or a set of back-up ranged skills you're comfortable with, depending on your class) for the times when close melee combat is too dangerous. Sometimes it's more important to back off a little, regroup and let your skills refresh before jumping back into full burn mode.

  5. Currently I've been spending it all on home instance nodes to finally push toward completing mine. I've nearly finished getting all of the S4 nodes, the big stopping point is obviously the volatile magic but it's been bleeding my gold dry as well. I only have one node left and it's the least important one (Kralkatite) so I'm less worried about it. I also have 7 regular nodes left to collect, and after that just some of the gem store stuff before I'm done, which I may or may not purchase (still on the fence about garden plots). Ultimately it will be a while before I'm finished, but it's nice to have a goal to work toward and the tradeable nodes are all fairly reasonably priced so I can usually get one every few days.

    Aside from that, I like to buy up complete sets of Black Lion weapon skins from the trading post when I see the entire set can be acquired for less than 300-400g. I prefer to get the entire set at once so I can complete the collection, as this is the fastest way to acquire a lot of weapon tickets quickly. I then use those tickets to purchase skin sets with the intent of holding onto them for long term investment in the hopes that they'll become rare after a couple of years. It's a speculation game and admittedly, it doesn't usually pay off-- but if I've held onto a set for a long time and it still hasn't really spiked in value, then I can unlock them all personally and I've got a new shiny set of weapons to play with, plus another 7 tickets which continues the cycle.

  6. Pet leveling. I miss leveling up my pets, even though it did become tedious after a while. I fully understand why they removed that feature when transitioning from GW1 to GW2, but it definitely made me much more attached to my pets in GW1 when I had to put so much work into leveling them up. I also miss the Menagerie, and being able to showcase all of the pets you'd spent so much time leveling up.

    On that note, it would be neat if the Hall of Monuments could make a comeback. It already exists in-game as a way to collect rewards from your connected GW1 account, it would be cool if we could put some work into rare titles and such to unlock various things in the GW2 HoM as well, even if it were strictly superficial.

    And pre-Searing. I miss pre-Searing Ascalon. I have no idea how that could possibly be incorporated into GW1 and I suspect it would be practically impossible to recreate, but pre-Searing is still one of my favorite things about GW1. It was like a mini MMO within an MMO. (If you can even call GW1 an MMO, that is...)

  7. I only use a few custom keybinds.

    A and D = strafeQ = special actionX = mount

    Mouse4 (thumb button) = Utility 1Mouse3 (middle button)= Utility 2E = Utility 3Z = Elite

    Everything else is pretty much standard. I don't have any keys bound for character rotation as I almost exclusively hold RMB for more precise character control.

    Oh, and double-tab to dodge is disabled, as it should always be! SAB taught my the fine art of V+Space to dodge-jump everywhere. My characters usually look like acrobatic ninjas, backflipping around the battlefield.

  8. This bug is still active. Still stalled on Savor Foulnight. Cannot progress the meta, cannot get into Rhendak mini-dungeon, cannot complete the associated legendary collections. It's a shame that after so many years this is still a problem.


    EDIT: I found a mesmer who was able to port me inside. I've parked one of my own there now, if anyone else is having trouble getting in, whisper me and I'm happy to help.

  9. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @"Sarrs.4831" said:if i wanted to play orcs id play wow

    OK, and can't you say the same thing about Charr and just playing DnD or something? Not like Orcs are exclusive to WoW. Orcs in WoW were written to be Aliens from a different universe dimension, where as Orcs in Lord of the Rings are Elfs. Sylvari I would argue, especially based on the original concept art are Woodelfs by a different name.Okay, but that brings us back to the original question people asked you: what
    understand under the term "Orc", and how it is different from a few races that are already in the game (like Charr, Grawl or Ogres) and fill the same spot orcs usually do in other games.Because, like you said, the word "Orc" can mean many different things, so asking people whether they'd want orcs in the game is meaningless without mentioning first
    orcs are you talking about.

    I posted an example of what I would like for a orc.like the Warborn from Archeage

    This is hilarious!Astralporing: asks what Knighthonor understands the term "orc" to mean.Knighthonor: posts something that has
    absolutely nothing whatsoever
    to do with orcs!

    Well I did say orcs are different in different games. You all been the people here saying Orcs=Wow Orcs. I never said that, in fact I been saying orcs can be different in ways and similar in others. Seen some of them while playing Archeage, but they they on the opposite Faction from me. Something like that would be cool in GW2. Norn are big but human like compared to orcs.

    So why didn't you just say you wanted a different, unique race added to GW2 rather than focus your entire discussion on orcs? It's a little disingenuous to say you want orcs added to the game and then when confronted about it you backpedal to say that you didn't mean those orcs, you just meant any kind of race that looks different to what's already in game.

    In case you are still confused, orcs are extremely well established as a single type of creature across almost all fantasy realms, and they are almost universally based on the species Tolkien created. Wiki quote:

    In popular culture (including fantasy fiction and games), orcs are variously portrayed but tend towards the descriptions originally set down by Tolkien. They are of approximately human shape (with bowed legs and long arms) and of varying size. Orcs are generally ugly and filthy, with prominent fangs and facial features tending toward the grotesque (generally a mixture of the ape-like and pig-like). Their skin is typically a shade of green, grey, black, brown, or sometimes red or sandy tan (Tolkien, in contrast, described some as "sallow", some as "black"—not necessarily a reference to skin colour—and one as "black-skinned"

    I challenge you to do an image search for "Orcs" and find something that breaks this paradigm.

  10. @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Assuming 20 an hour, that's 20 hours out of my life for 400g. That's not "trivial".

    Now you're just being ridiculous. "How dare Anet force me to play the game to receive in-game rewards."

    And yes, 20 hours is an extremely trivial amount of time when you're talking about an MMO. That's less than a week of relaxed playing.

    I'm curious. What do _you _think is an acceptable amount of time required for a player to receive a legendary? Should you get one for logging in? 20 hours is too long for you, so clearly a day 30 login reward would be too much time. Should you get one every day?

    At some level you must understand that making high-demand items easy to acquire lowers their value and makes them trivial rewards.

  11. Slightly off topic, but I felt it necessary to point out that you should use better forum etiquette by not posting a separate comment to each and every reply you make. You can put them all in one post using quotes to highlight who you're addressing, otherwise you're spamming up the thread quite a bit as you've already done. By my count you have 17 back-to-back comment replies which could have all been condensed down into 2 separate replies. Posting a separate comment for every reply you make can bloat a thread's comment count unnecessarily and also create a more difficult reading experience for other users. Just a thought.

    Regarding the topic of phobias, I have a pretty severe phobia of insects in general. Spiders are a concern as anyone with arachnophobia can attest to, but mine is a more general fear of anything insect related. Yes, this even extends to in-game bugs like the roller beetle mount. If I think too much about it or zoom my camera in when using it, the fear kicks in and I have to dismount and go do something else for a while. Same goes for the wide array of bug enemies in this game--I have to sort of suspend my anxiety toward them and let my focus shift to other things while fighting these mobs otherwise I get the creepy-crawly skin sensation and on a few occasions it's caused me to have to stop playing the game for a little while (or just return to DR or LA to do some trading post stuff to get my mind off of the admittedly totally irrational fear I'm experiencing).

    But as the other commenters here have said, there's really no way Anet could possibly foresee and address every phobia that exists across the wide spectrum of the playerbase. The best that individuals with phobias can hope to do is find a way to distract themselves or use avoidance techniques to keep from freaking out about it. I'm sorry you had that experience with the library but I truly hope you aren't expecting Anet to change future development plans based on this topic.

    Either way, I hope you have a better gaming experience going forward.

  12. @Hashberry.4510 said:It feels like selling legendaries is just making money off someone else's credit card. I can't say I would enjoy profiting off of poor impulse control, but thats just me.

    I'm really confused by this logic. You could really say the same thing about any other expensive TP item that you happen to get as a rare drop. You can't control what other people do and you certainly will never stop people from spending real world money on this game.

    Do you stop yourself from selling any items on the TP that are worth more than 50-100g? Because I can guarantee you that people are buying things for as low as 50g with gold they purchased through gem>gold conversion.

  13. Were you and your guildmate in a Labyrinth farm I was running a couple of nights ago when you came up with this idea? Because our squad chat blew up when someone mentioned it and everyone was on board. (I was commanding on my necro, Grimnir.) I'm paraphrasing here, but I think their initial idea was "Exactly like the regular Lab but everything has Santa hats on." Then people expanded on the concept in chat and ideas were born.

    Anyway, +1 to this idea for sure. I love Labyrinth but I don't see that making a comeback for Wintersday... however I did particularly like the idea that someone mentioned of the Crown Pavilion being converted to a multi-holiday theme sort of like what flesh wound just suggested. The Pavilion could be sectioned off with enemies from each different holiday roaming around, plus a miniboss from each theme.

    Could even be fun to have a PvP minigame where players have to pick either the Mad King's or Freezie's team and face off against one another with custom skills.

    An amalgamation of all the holidays wouldn't really jive with the regular Wintersday event (and it's coming up far too quickly this year for this to be incorporated even if Anet did decide to pursue it) but it might work well for a special event taking place in the off season between other regularly scheduled holidays.

  14. This also bugs me. The extreme camera zoom makes this tonic useless to me, it will give me motion sickness and removes your ability to easily navigate the world or see what's going on.

    I guess it's back to using the endless cat tonic and charrzooka consumables when I want to kill things as a cat. Really disappointing, this seems like a big missed opportunity if it was intentional. I'm hoping it's a bug.

  15. Here's a relatively simple idea to address the common gripe/complaint of "World 3 when?"

    Super Adventure Box: Moto's Maker Edition.

    During the next SAB festival, after completing some achievements you'll receive an item you can trade to your guild hall decorator for a small SAB console decoration. Limit one per guild. Placing and interacting with will transport you and your party to an empty map instance in the SAB universe.

    This instance is classified as a part of your guild hall, and you can place decorations from your guild inventory.

    That's it.


    There are likely some technical challenges that I'm overlooking with this simplified description, but it seems as though this would be a pretty straightforward way of giving players the ability to create and share their own SAB worlds. There are plenty of ways you could expand the idea but you don't really need to overcomplicate it. Players are really creative with their guild hall JP's, just give them an empty "blank-slate" map and the freedom to build. It doesn't even need to be a very large map, Super Adventure Box is mostly about verticality anyway. 3600x3600 units would be more than enough.

    If you wanted to take it a step further, you could place an entrance to your currently repped guild's SAB instance from the hub, so when the festival is active you can easily invite other players to your guild's custom map.

  16. @Leablo.2651 said:

    @"Xeno.1298" said:Are you doing any other content? If not, perhaps it's the effect of diminishing returns.

    Since the thread seems to have been derailed by red herrings, I will just quote the answer that was already posted.

    Diminishing Returns was removed from the Labyrinth a number of years ago. Arenanet comment here for confirmation:


    @Ghetx.1752 said:Point of this topic is not debate.It was simple question if anyone else noticed lower drop rates.

    There are people who farm lab 10 hours a day,and they all insist max magic find one can get in order to get max bags per hour.Its not like lab just got released for the first time,and people trying to figure out things.People know stuff,especially those who farm things for 10 hours straight.

    Then to answer your question: No, I have not noticed lower drop rates. I have farmed the Labyrinth for at least 4 hours each day over the last week or so, and the last two nights I spent around 6 hours in there each night farming. I also max my MF out when farming there and it usually sits between 500 and 600%. I average ~500 bags per hour.

  17. @Eloc Freidon.5692 said:I managed to get 1 very rare drop opening them. Even though it was just a Touch of Madness (which should be in the Rare table) and not anything of real value. The problem is that it took about 5000 bags.


    Magic find effects what drops from mobs and events. It doesn't effect opening bags anymore.

    MF can effect the amount of Loot bags that do drop.

    You're right there, magic find doesn't affect the results of opening the bags themselves, but I don't think anyone in this thread was debating that point. I can't speak for anyone else here, but my comment was about the rate at which trick or treat bags drop from enemies in the Mad King's Labyrinth. Higher magic find should yield more bags per hour when farming Labyrinth than low magic find. To clarify though, MF only plays a role when _killing _enemies; as far as I'm aware it doesn't affect loot acquired from chests (like the Glorious Chests that spawn after the Lab bosses) or guaranteed drops (like the Lucky Candy Bag that drops from every Lab boss).

    Further, to my knowledge magic find has never affected the loot you get from opening trick or treat bags in the past either, but I could be wrong. If someone knows otherwise, please correct me!

  18. @"Black Frog.9274" said:I've been wondering this myself. Various guides and comments from players all say max your MF to get best number of bags per hour. But how can MF affect that?

    To quote the wiki - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_Find:

    A Q&A session with Isiah Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: "Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones."

    According to player research: "It apparently takes 1000% Magic Find to double your chances of receiving a higher tier item. Not 100% as may be expected and implied by prior quotes on the subject. It also implies that at 1000% you should stop getting junk as drops."

    I feel it's safe to assume that a high magic find will convert some of your junk trophy drops to Trick or Treat bags. If this occurs even as low as once every twenty or thirty mobs it will provide a noticeable difference in the number of ToT bags you acquire when farming Labyrinth for long periods of time.

    I can't speak to OP's number of "650-700 bags per hour" but I usually average around 500 bags per hour while doing a relaxed farm and opening all doors including bosses. 650-700 seems like a really high estimate in my opinion, I can't say I've ever earned that many bags per hour over the years of running Lab farms, but it's possible that others have different experiences than I do and use different Lab zerg strategies.

  19. Okay folks, I need help. I'm trying to complete HOPE and I'm stuck on the Legendary Risen High Wizard. My problem? I can't find a fresh map instance of Cursed Shore where Arah Assault hasn't happened yet.

    Every instance I join has Arah already captured. Every time the defense event comes up, players nearby successfully complete the defense, despite my begging them not to. WHY is this collection (and others, I assume) gated behind an event failure? I thought we'd all learned our lessons on this soon after the first legendary collections had been implemented--that gating content behind event failures is a bad idea.

    I've given up on trying to convince other players to let the event fail. They either won't listen, or perhaps their map/say chats are turned off, or perhaps they simply don't care and just want the event karma. Their reasoning doesn't matter. There is absolutely no logical reason that I can think of for why a legendary collection (or any collection, for that matter) should be gated behind an event's failure. Equally, it isn't fair to force players who want to successfully complete the event to give up their event credit for the sake of others. I understand that.

    I also understand that there needs to be a way to reset the event chain on metas like this, and I understand that for this chain specifically it just doesn't reset unless it's a fresh map instance or the defend event fails. But the problem is that with the implementation of megaservers and with all of the new maps and expansions, there is typically only one (1) instance of Cursed Shore active at any one time. There don't ever seem to be enough players in CS to force us into a new instance, and understandably so because CS isn't really a zerg-rich map anymore. Thus, the only option left if you want to complete this collection is to wait for the defense event to fail, but unfortunately since Arah is also a dungeon, people congregate at the waypoint nearby, so the defend event activates and they're close enough to see it, so they'll just walk over and kill the risen while they wait for a dungeon group to form.

    Any help is appreciated. Seriously, if you see this post and you're in a map instance of Cursed Shore where Arah has not been captured yet and the assault meta is about to happen, please add me and whisper me. I will give you 20g if you do this, and I'm not even remotely kidding. It'll be the easiest 20g you've ever earned.

    I just want to finish HOPE.

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