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Quantum Dragon.6078

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Posts posted by Quantum Dragon.6078

  1. The costs are determined by players with supply and demand on the TP.

    I hadn’t done fractals from a week or two after they first launched until about two years ago. I’d had a lot going on IRL so I wasn’t playing much. When I started playing regularly again and began to work my way up fractals I was just fine with the rings that drop in the low levels, buying / upgrading the fractal backpack, and buying the accessories from the fractal / laurel vendors. Once upgraded, the 5 trinkets alone give you 10 infusion slots (3 per ring, 2 for back, and 1 per accessory). Put +9 infusions in them and use an Anguished Tear of Alba and you can do all of T3s, no ascended armor or weapons required. At that point you’ll have better chances of getting ascended material and weapon / armor box drops from chests. It took time, but I’ve geared all 9 of my characters in full ascended everything and only crafted maybe 5 pieces.

    And there are other avenues that new players can take to try getting ascended gear. Tequatl world boss has a chance to drop boxes (besides the Tequatl’s hoard), as does Triple Trouble world boss. You aren’t restricted to just crafting.

  2. I was in Hoelbrak when I got a phone call from someone I hadn't heard from in forever so I talked to them for a bit while my toon just stood there in game. After several minutes, an enemy called a "Carbonclaw" ran past me. It looked like a mini Ley-Line Anomaly, but had a red name and had the purple legendary ring around it's target bubble. I didn't get a screenshot of the creature itself, but I did screenshot the combat log seconds after I killed it.gw036.png?width=996&height=560

  3. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @"Lilyanna.9361" said:I'm really lazy to post what this one person explained to me in Discord, so I'll sum it up.

    TDLR; If companies don't have microtransctions they are making less money than the companies that do. If you have a game series that didn't do well, the sequel is going to be garbage. So, therefore, companies has to choose between gaining the public's favor but having less money to work with and therefore the parent company that owns the gaming company gets on their butts which could lead to unhealthy changes and possible shut down.

    Or, the company doesn't gain the public favor, gets more money, and then produce other material that makes the said money because it is what 'works' and keeps the parent happy. Either way, MMOs owners literally cannot win no matter how you look at it. So either way they are pissing someone off because that is how their business is set up to be

    Look at Wildstar? Look at City of Heroes? Amazing MMOs of their time but they were shut down, probably because, no matter if they were vastly popular amongst the public the people in charge of those games were probably not making any ideal money that the parent company wanted.

    Gw2 is in the same boat rn. Which is also why MMOs overall are becoming unattractive because there really isn't a solution to absolutely get rid of microtransctions unless you use subscriptions. The public demands more, but then are unwillingly to give the funds to allow these companies to do more. So now, it's a tug-o-war. Sad reality, but that's just how it is no matter if you wanna keep screaming if it's unfair.

    Well I keep saying. Anet could always do a go fund me for WvW upgrades. We would likely fund the project if they just said "Hey everybody we need some help funding improvement for WvW, please s help"....

    Drop the ego and just ask for help.

    I agree on funding campaigns and have been saying the same thing for awhile. And campaigns can show how much interest there is in something. I don’t WvW much but I have friends that do that would fund things. There are about 100 people in my guild - some day one players all the way down to within the last 2 months - that would pay extraordinary amounts to get LWs1 reworked and added back to the game. I would gladly throw $200 at a campaign for that if I got it free / reduced in game when it released.

    Another guild mate - a well paid Linux administrator - has started numerous times if they ever had a campaign for an engine overhaul for performance/ optimization/ a native Linux client, he’s got $5,000 waiting for them.

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