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Posts posted by Rouien.5234

  1. As someone who's played this games PvP for like 7 years on and off, I always saw thief as one of the classes that had a SUPER high skill cap. That and maybe like, ele. I'm an engineer main and it always bugged me that as an engie, could do the same thing thief could in some ways but not be punished as harshly for messing up. Like, as a PvPer, I HATED roaming because thieves felt pretty threatening. And not saying they're completely useless. I've gotten downed by deadeyes and core thieves a bit in sPvP and WvW, but they need a lot more love than they've gotten. I never played a thief but, from the outside looking in, it looked really stressful and almost unrewarding.

    Like I would theory-craft and say that thieves NEED a class that really sets them apart from the others because you have classes/specs that steal from them or just kinda do their job a little better. One idea I had was like an ACTUAL duelist thief that could handle mid-fights and be inside zergs or mid-fights KINDA as well as a warrior-- So maybe like a samurai or something that gives thieves some type of damage midigation outside of just stealth. Maybe deflects, parries, ETC. 

    One thing I wouldn't be upset about is if thieves got a true ninja spec or something where they just get like clones or if they were invulnerable while in stealth and couldn't get knocked out of it or something IDK.

    TBH if i was in PvP  and i swatted a thief and got the "invulnerable" pop up, I'd be like "finally... true justice" and then die probably cause that's scary.

    IDK, it's just something I've been thinking about as I see these new classes that are basically all "Speed and mobility" and "High risk and high reward!" while the thief is sitting there shrugging like "wellp, guess everybody is just doing my job now".

    TLDR - I /REALLY/ hope thieves get some more love. As an engie main, I get really tired of seeing other specs bully my fellow medium armor homies (Cept ranger. F*** em) and I've lost so many of my thief main friends who just hated having to deal with the lack of meaningful additions/change to their class. Hopes to y'all getting SOMETHING good.

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  2. A lot of my friends were talking about how they were upset that necros take full damage in life shroud with the new spec and how they lose max HP to do their stuff and like- Boo hooo cry me a river.

    LIKE /Bruh/, yall been raidbosses for like 8 years now. I feel no empathy. Welcome to half the problems thief deal with, kid.

    But on a serious note, I hope the gameplay is rewarding and fun in general! I hear a lot of theory crafting about it being super powerful and I hope that there is something good that comes out of it because, it's not right for any class to be given any type of unplayable spec.

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  3. The only thing i miss about the powercreep when the burst was super bad is running this pure support firebrand. I had like 12k HP but could keep 100% uptime on quickness and might for my party. All I needed was a reaper or a berserker and we could wipe teams pretty quick.

    It was funny while it lasted BUT honestly the burst meta brought a lot of toxicity.

  4. @"Kodama.6453" said:Functionality didn't really change, overshield still applies protection to allies in a radius around the shield using engineer.The change pretty much was just for clarity.

    With the clear seperation of the protection application and the other effects of the trait (shield cd reduction, protection effectiveness increase), the trait is better to grasp for new players, at least in my opinion.

    I thought so. Cause, I play core healer engie in overworld stuff and I have that skill on by default and I was like looking back and forth from the old version to the new version and I was like "...Nothing changed, what the heck?"

  5. I'm very glad that you guys are all doing this, but I hope this isn't just going to centralized on just LGBT+ considering everything that's going on. I would absolutely use this platform and event to gather black people, LGBT+ and everything between who play this game to speak out and just support our causes as well. We have hard ships (not just IRL as you can see) but, in online gaming communities were even the minority of people barely wants to recognize us or our problems, or just try to denounce it.

  6. Been playing GW2 very casually over the years and in fact, I spent most of my time in PvP lobby. The last time I did PvE stuff was when scarlet died, and I just stayed in the PvP scene on and off for a few years.

    Finally decided to leave and do some PvE and I'm a little upset I hadn't done it sooner. It's pretty relaxing to just zone out and do over world content.. I even maxed out cooking just so I can go to lower level places and leave ascended feasts in the area.

    But, what really bothers me is that while I go through the game and lower level stuff I see people telling newer players that the end game is "Top gear" or "Raids" and that they need to min-max in order to be relevant and it's kinda upsetting.. I told one person that I gave away like perhaps 8k + Materials and gold cause all I did was PvP and didn't need gear or money or have use for it and they said I was stupid, my time was wasted and I was useless for any endgame content. In reality, I had fun along the way and I was at my perspective "endgame."

    In fact, I see a lot of people who kind of throw around that ideal of "You need to do..." and IDK, I see GW2 as a really casual game where if you're having fun doing overworld content in nothing but rare gear every other month you feel like logging on, your time and experience is just as valid as someone who spends 20 hours min-maxing. Like, of course you should be expected to have so and so gear and money and experience for the stuff that requires it. But, if it's NOT something that you want to do, and there are other pieces of content for you, then that doesn't make your view of what's "fun" or "endgame" any less of a thing.

    But, yeah I know. Online spaces are always gonna have that, I guess I was just wanting to rant. Thanks for reading.

  7. I really hope they don't remove downstate because then that's going to make it a lot less team oriented and more focused on straight focusing someone rather than rotating and capping points.

    Perhaps they could add another ranked mode or something where resses and downs aren't a thing but, I really don't like the idea of simply kill focused modes around the board or that type gameplay because then it'll be no better than what it was back then.

    Before, there was no need to stomp because you could EASILY cleave through downed people. Which means, you didn't really have to think about much else but winning team fights and roaming/killing people because once a person went down, that was basically it. Now, even in teamfights, IF someone goes down then it's not the end of a fight IF they can be ressed and helped. Even in team fights, you should be focusing, but focusing the right target.

    That MIGHT work in WvW where it's simply bigger squads win 8/10 of the time. But, sPvP is SUPPOSED to be fined tune to skill based and competitive play. It shouldn't simply be "If you have this many people then you win" it should be "If you have people with this amount of skill doing x."

    In a way it, it makes people think. Are you sure that's not a support we're about drop? If you mindlessly dump your big cooldowns and damage into one person just to have them ressed again, then who's fault is it really? The person ressing/supporting is doing their job, so shouldn't you be punished? It's the same thing with Mercy from overwatch having a res. Instead of just dumping your CDs and movement into trying to catch another DD just to have them ressed and you be out of position, it's best to communicate and get the support first. It (sometimes) made people think like. "Maybe I should bait x to get y. Maybe i should feign x to have them to z"

    Idk that's just my thoughts, but I hope it doesn't get taken away cause I def won't play.

  8. @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:I mean everyone wanted less power creep, and the patch aimed to reducing the power level and it succeeded in doing so.

    But it’s how they did it which was frustrating. They kinda just removed a lot of build options from viability, by just lowering numbers, even on skills that were already useless to begin with.

    A lot of the issues in the game stem from mechanics and synergy of traits/skills/weapons (and also lack thereof). Simple number changes across the board arnt real solutions, and neither is just removing those options...cause these solutions end up creating more problems.

    Lastly just because you feel something to be true, doesn’t make it true nor does experience hold weight when trying to mount your position. It’s fine to proclaim your thoughts. But just because your the pope doesn’t mean a god exists.

    Advancement and true understanding come from empirical analysis...numbers, math...testing...logical reasoning...this sort of thing

    Yeah, I agree a lot of with what you said. Some viability has been been squashed but, I think with further testing and adjusting of skills and mechanics it'll get better. Again, maybe not perfect but perhaps in a better direction. Baby steps is fine with me.

    Also, I get what you're saying but, I think you missed a lot of the context. I know that everything I said wasn't factual. That's why I used words like "I feel" and buffered it with "This is mostly subjective."

    "Again, this is mostly subjective. But, I feel like I've been here long enough for some of my rambling to be true."

    Advancement and true understanding also comes with proof-reading and validating other sides/Understanding why someone is probably saying the things they're saying. Aka having enough empathy/courage to ask them instead of making hasty inferences.

    Understanding is more than just math, numbers and statistics, there's also communication. If you don't have that then it's not TRUE understanding, it's just one sided biased!

    But just because you're the pope doesn’t mean a god exists.

    ; ^ )

  9. So, with the season about to end, I thought I would just kind of give a subjective (and hopefully a few objective) points on the PvP experience of now after going through much of this season and all the changes.. (As much as I could.)

    I've been casually playing ranked games on my support scourge or core support engie. So far with my 100 + games or so, I've been sort of just chilling in mid-plat for much of the season. I haven't had much time to climb as I would like given I'm medical first respond during this epidemic. This time has been very stressful for me, as for many others. I hope you've all been trying to stay healthy and doing well.

    I locked myself in the PvP mists since probably 2013-4'ish, left a lot during late HoT and PoF (Experienced the powercreep and left) and coming back, it feels better. I feel like I made a post on this before but, playing an /almost/ full support feels a lot better than it has before. I low-key miss the meme build I made; A glass support firebrand which was able of giving 100% uptime on quickness, might and mass condi clear so I could watch my friends shred, but this meta, in terms of power balance i think it's MUCH healthier than it has been in a while. Also, this might be just me, but I'm so happy now to see some core builds/meta's popping out. Even though some need to be fixed more, I'm glad core has more of an identity and a place.. With my support necro, I've been able to bunk points, secure revives and help people push. The game's slower pace (but still needing attention to detail) has been a really cool change. Like, I've had more matches time out than compared to ye' old land slide losses or victories I would get 2/3 times back in the day. Like, I even lost matches where my team won more team fights. It's been cool to see a shift like this.

    There are a /few/ problems I've had; Some attributed to my lack of skill but the most frequent one I noticed was conditions and crown control chains, but those to me have been more annoying or frustrating than a straight death sentence like it used to be. But, that could be because I'm usually running a necro with a big hp pool and am spec'd to crowd purge condi bombs. But, I can understand how they're a lot more frustrating for other characters.Also, a bit of constant toxicity towards me playing bunker (and in general) Well, mostly supports. Many who fight me would say that I only play it cause I have no skill. But, there's been a constant few string of disgruntled players upset about the slower pacing of the game and how it's allowing for more mistakes, more counter play and HONESTLY, for more people get better by making mistakes.

    I feel like the old meta and power creep drew in a crowd who prefer fast kills and think that means better/more skill.. Rather than manipulating enemy rotations, having forethought on skill usage/teamplay or constructive communication.

    Again, this is mostly subjective. But, I feel like I've been here long enough for some of my rambling to be true. Regardless, I really REALLY hope that things don't go back cause so far, I feel like a slower, more skill AND /team/ oriented PvP is what guild wars was about and is healthier. I think a slower battle will help teach newer players how to do what and even give veteran players things to watch out for aside from just the thoughtless "I'm a one man army. I see, I burst, I stomp" rotation. IMO.

    TLDR - The universal power coefficient nerf was still a god sent IMO | Stop getting mad at me for ressing my team. The ground is dirty. | Things aren't perfect but, IMO i think it's better and hope things go in this direction in the future

    Anyway, I'm jaded from work. Felt like rambling. Don't know if people will read this, but thanks if you do. Let me know ho your experience has been in this meta so far?

  10. It feels like old GW2 in a way. Not all elite specs dominate now. A lot of people who joined during the years of the CC to Burst Meta are very upset because they have to self reflect and realize that they aren't as good as the powercreep had them believe they were.. PvP is a bit slower and dare I say more welcoming outside of the toxic community, it allows for more mistakes as well as thoughtful skill use and games are a lot more rotation orientated.

    There's always room for balanced but I hope that damage doesn't increase at all because I don't wanna go down that power creep road again.

  11. I play core engi support/condi clear-er and it's not half bad. A lot of condiclear/boon output and you've got a bit of sustain to help your team during mid fights or regular fights. It's not the "best" since everyone wants to kill stuff faster but, it helps.

  12. Dodging and moving out of the way of his attacks.. I'm not sure if I can post the logs but, they word for word said I was being a troll because I was "Playing a healer/support, supporting my team and not able to do damage" and "Not standing still."

    They said "I'm running Zerker. I should be able to kill you. xDD"

    And I reply. "Not if I read your movements and dodge/interrupt your attacks accordingly." to which they replied... "that's broken." and kept ranting about me being a noob.

    Uhmm.. ? ? ? ?

  13. @ZhouX.8742 said:

    @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:As things are currently, I do not think this is better than pre-patch.

    Sorry, but I like my games where reflexes and setting things up properly in order to avoid getting punished, or in order to punish people, matters.

    One thing I'm happy about is the lack of stealth OS cheese, though. Give that to the devs.

    I dont think this patch had ANY chance of creating better balance.this is their #groundwork.now they gotta keep buffing and nerfing and changing and reworking.We will see how they do it, how fast they do it, and how effective that will be.And to yall Black Desert Online is free on steam now. Wink Wink, might be a cool place to wait out the clown fiesta that pvp turned out to be.

    BDO pvp is even more of a clown fiesta... oh yea, and you need to invest years of nonstop grinding and tons of IRL $$ just to even remotely compete in PvP.

    Yeah. I was gonna say. BDO before the egregious pay to win and powercreep and them speeding up the combat super fast-- It used to be competitive. It had counter-play and almost felt like a balanced fighting game. But now, you've got people in the game who spend both years and thousands of dollars in that game just to get CC'd once and blown up in half a second and then go

    "Haha xDD this combat is so good"

    You literally don't learn anything from that aside from "my numbers need to be bigger than theirs so I can spam more and die half a second later"

  14. @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:As things are currently, I do not think this is better than pre-patch.

    Sorry, but I like my games where reflexes and setting things up properly in order to avoid getting punished, or in order to punish people, matters.

    One thing I'm happy about is the lack of stealth OS cheese, though. Give that to the devs.

    That's still here, you can get interrupted and thrown off rotation and punished which can lead you to your death, it's just a bit slower and formulated. You having the reflexes to catch someone in animation and dodge is still a thing. Guild wars PvP before powercreep was like a slow tug of war (If both players are at relatively equal skill level). Their idea was to add more counterplay also means more ways for people to recover, learn and adapt.

    Like, I had to fight another person like five times- Each fight was at least like two minutes. I lost each time till I finally saw their rotation, understood the movements, when they're going to heal, how much they're going to heal, attacks and when I need to use my debuffs and stuns accordingly to hamper them and won like twice. Now, I've got a better idea on how to handle that spec, class, ETC ETC

    If you want something pure reactive and face paced then try a shooter. Or if you want something less forethought then try Black Desert Online.

    Not a lot of people want to admit it but that type of DPS focused combat of "I let my burst out first thus I should win" gameplay harbors a LOT of toxicity.

  15. @hotte in space.2158 said:We all knew that FB/guard, necro and thief will be strong after patch. But I see classes like scrapper, tempest or druid performing really well in 2v2. Who would have expected this ?Weaver, rev and warrior do their business as usaual and also mesmer is still on the list.In my impression, its not anymore that important what class you play, but how you play it. Thats the way it should be !Of course there is still a lot of work to be done for the dev-team, but I am very optimistic that the announced balancing will bring even more improvement in terms of equal leveled classes.Go dev-team go, make BALANCE KILL META =)

    After years of depression I am close to be hyped again^^PS : 2v2 is great but we want 3v3 deathmatch as well :)

    I agree with this. Of course there are a few specs that're stronger than others but this new shift allows more room for people to be diverse and still play/not get stomped as quickly as before.

    Any skilled player can make something work to their advantage and it doesn't mean just getting kills-- And people just don't want to admit that things are becoming more skill based or they might not have as much skill as they THINK they do now that people don't die as fast.

    That's how I feel like it should be. Hopefuily the changes stay as they are now and people can either learn to play with what they have now, allow meta's to rise and fall and just see how things play out.

  16. There are a lot of people super upset about the new pacing, of course. But what's happened with the reduction in power was a MUCH MUCH needed turn and is better (IMO) for the health and longevity of GW2 PvP. Of course, you can still get face rolled if you're completely new, but at least it's not NEARLY as unforgiving as it has been and I hope this not only brings in new people but makes them want to stay... It may look super tanky/slow now, but that's mostly because we've been dealing with one-shot wars for years.

    This slower gameplay allowing for much more counterplay, making people think about who to focus, where to go and what to do and giving people a little more time to learn their class mechanics in combat during PvP that's not just "This is your CC and this is your burst" and it's almost nostalgic to see it like this. It's why I even started sPvP in the first place back in 2013-14.

    I missed those long lasting battles against two (or more) high skilled opponents. Each person reading the others moves and trying to time interrupts, not to just mindlessly burst but to set up for another combo or throw the other off rotation.

    I agree that a FEW healing and damage mitigation abilities/passives need to be looked at as well as other things, but I feel like nothing needs to be increased in terms of damage and to be honest, the meta/game will never perfect for everyone, but it's MUCH better than what it has been for a while and is heading back to the path that guild wars 2 had initially started. People, even me, are just going to have to come to terms that there are a lot of better players/teams than them. And, that doesn't just mean getting killed 1v1, it could be, getting out rotated, out supported/bunkered, kill deny'd. ETC.

    All in all, it's not perfect, but it's a LEAP forward and I hope we keep this momentum.

    I hope the power creep of the past stays in the past, the toxicity it brought is lessened during the weeks or months to come and the GW2 team makes modifications to better the basis of balance we have right now.

  17. BRO dang this thread really took off I left for a few days and come back to tons of replies.. still idk why people are so upset like. I re-downloaded the game to indulge in the toxic power creep after perhaps a few years of not, played low hp healer scrapper and when i saw a thief i'd just wave my hammer in their direction and they'd rotate else where like...

    i still don't what's with all this hate.

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