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Posts posted by tridanite.7641

  1. @Yasai.3549 said:Increasing player count is not an option.Anet is already trying to reduce server load by limiting player count.

    Decreasing map size could work.The entire Ruins area takes up 30% of the map for no reason.

    End relinks sure....People just server transfer lol.

    Correct they'd need to get a handle on server load.People already server transfer. Except what is different is the reason. I'm specifficaly talking about relinks causing rifts in communities that could establish themselves but instead get torn apart. Had fun playing with these people for 2months? Well hopefully you win the lottery to play with them again or spend money to do so. Neither of those options are positive.

  2. @"SweetPotato.7456" said:Obviously, you do not know the desert map very well because you do not know how to "fast travel" on the Desert Map.

    Fast travel on desert map is very well designed, you have to maintain the shrines to access the fast travel. If you do not know the map works, you got to learn it. not try to make changes to it because you don't know how to travel on it.

    Careful to not make assumptions. The travel is localized to the keeps themselves. Not getting to them.

  3. When the Desert Borderland first came it addressed some of the wvw issues but also added some of its own.

    The main issue is scale. For a map that serves a player vs player game mode, lengthy periods of time travelling cross map is tedious and repetitive. So to address this, increasing the player count or scaling down the zones that interconnect main objectives would ease this strain (preference on increasing player count). It's almost more competitive to give the defending borderlands players a higher player count than their attackers as a sort of home advantage buff. In this way, defending multiple objectives increases in feasibility. In the current state, stalemate is broken because one side is left to reek havoc on one side while the other occupies the defending server. That isn't rewarding gameplay for attackers and is honestly punishment for good defenders. By increasing the defender player count this would push a welcome (subjective) narrative of attackers loosely joining forces or attacking multiple objectives simultaneously to break through the defenders defense while still be challenged at every step.

    What I do like about the Desert Borderland is the aesthetic. The current borderlands (eternal included) could really use an aesthetic update too. This update could introduce a change where each third could tell its own story through its own distinct aesthetic that goes beyond red, blue or green. A server wide vote for residents prior to matching would be used to determine which third/color the winning and second place server will pick. What about relinks? End relinks.

    Just consolidate the remaining servers. The chaos that is relinks must be done with. I agree that relinks solved the issue of stacked servers like blackgate jade quarry and to a lesser extent Tarnished coast and continues to break up power servers. However, it also fractures communities. The best way to continue to do one and solve the latter is to give control to the players.Guilds already have player limits. To stay competitive, guilds have to constantly update rosters to make room for more active players. Compound this behavior with multiple guilds joining together to make a.... "Legion" and these two issues will be rectified. You know what else gets rectified, spies. Get caught siege griefing, flipping tactivators, and you'll be released from the "Legion". Inactive for long periods. Released. There would be enough turnover to keep communities fresh with new players and returning veterans.

    TLDRIncrease player count accross the board on redbl. With more players overall for the defenders of redbl. Or decrease the map sizeUpdate the other borderlands aesthetically giving each third/color more diversity and character while retaining the geography.End relinks. Consolidate servers. Give the WvW population control to the players. With turnaround guided by inactivity and griefing.

  4. For some time the above issues have been present in GW2. These issues noticeably began after the update to Line of Sight (los) which ruined the traversal for thieves and the mesmer blink. So much that you can be los from a shadow step on what is seemingly flat terrain or a a few steps to an elevated hight. The biggest issue with this however is when you have an enemy targeted and there is no noticeable terrain or objects to cause los and yet you are obstructed from view and cannot damage the target. This issue has been going on for years.Another similar issue to los is the Target Required error when you have a target acquired/selected and no actions are able to be used. This issue has been noticed recently.One of my bigger issues with the current state of the game is this one. Actions that simply do not execute when being activated. The symbol on the skill bar will depress but ultimately not execute. This issue has been going on for a longtime.With the coming expansion. living world and gem store updates, playability has seemingly been shelved altogether. I'd like for this to change as the game is actually suffering from this. Although this is the least performing title in the NCSOFT catalogue I do not believe it should be neglected on its technicals in favor of pushing monetary incentives to the playerbase.

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