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Posts posted by Hexyn.8462

  1. Firstly, I have the griffon it's fun however I somewhat agree with the OP, although I think it could of been better argued.

    With the progression of movement abilities since HoT, Gliding and now mounts have a severe effect on content created before the expansion in which they arrived and potential design implication on any future content.

    The great thing about HoT and PoF is that gliding didn't really have that much effect on the masteries of PoF, because both mastery systems were focused on the "joy of movement" and mounts being a little more powerful than gliding.

    However, mounts are a really powerful movement tool, which will most certainly now always need to be factored into future updates otherwise there is a threat of trivializing content.. this is worrying because it also then becomes a defacto template for content, which would lead to stale content.

    So far each expansion is modular, you don't need to own all of them to complete the latest, which means the design of the next expac should not factor in puzzles, or content that is gated by mount abilities; where does this leave ANET?

    1. They will either have to decide to restrict the expac movement abilities to their respective expac
    2. Each expac would need a more powerful movement abilities than the last (e.g. mounts being more powerful than gliding) which would become quite ridiculous throughout the releases.
    3. They grant access to previous movement abilities when purchasing the latest expac. (making old expacs redundant)
    4. They restrict new players from just jumping straight into new expacs that require old masteries to complete (never going to happen)

    The only one that seems anywhere near feasible would be #1 in my opinion, restricting the masteries use to the relevant expansion (and core tyria as all players should of completed the 1-80 content already). This would be an unpopular move for many people, especially working hard to get these mounts then being denied access to this, however I can't see how the inclusion of this type of mastery system is going to be good for the game in the long run.

    I hope they can innovate and come up with something that will be whole heartily accepted by the community, because I fear this type of design choice will have a butterfly effect.

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