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Posts posted by Crossroads.5174

  1. 17 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

    I think that moving Alacrity to Mirage was the signal that Chrono was no longer going to be the go to 5 target Alacrity provider for Mesmer.


    I think that moving Alacrity to Mirage was the signal that Anet has absolutely no idea what to do with Chrono.

    Just like with Signet of Inspiration. 👀

    Sue me. 

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  2. I see multiple people saying chrono should choose between providing quickness or alacrity...

    I strongly disagree, even the devs said that "chronomancers are quickness AND alacrity specialists" (I don't have time to look for the source right now, but if you look at the previous balance notes you'll find it in the "rationale").


    When you think about it, the four "must-have" boons for group content (25 might, fury, quickness and alacrity) will always be covered by at least two players, it does not matter whether the combination is (1)fury+quickness and (2)alacrity+might or any other one (say (1)alacrity+quickness and (2)might+fury in the case of the chrono/druid comp).


    As for the topic of the discussion: giving alacrity to mirage was frankly insulting, at this point mesmer's elite specializations have no identity left whatsoever, aside from being core mesmer++.

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  3. Greetings!

    For context, I find myself playing between platinum1 and platinum2, so I am not a mesmer god, don't roast me.Recently I have been playing power mesmer again for a change; as we all know, greatsword is a rather clunky weapon, so to speak, but honestly, what really bugs me is the 4th skill.Skill #3 is good, skill #5 is pretty good as well, skill #2 is tolerable in a +1 scenario, but the phantasm skill is really, really bad.Right now, between the swing animation, the pink swirling greatsword and the delayed, not controllable phantasm attack, this skill just feels like a time-gated two (provided you pick the trait) clones summoning and a dodge bait.In my opinion, a good start would be to change the animation back to the previous one (the same of Mirror heal cast), while obviously removing the illusionary greatsword throw (which, honestly, has a really weird feeling to it when cast, but maybe it's just me).If devs are concerned about the ability to cast skill #4 while stealthed, which I suppose is understandable in PvP, just make the animation reveal the mesmer, just like Death Judgment reveal the deadeye at the start of the cast.I know that there are also other problems, like quickness not affecting the phantasm, but still, I feel like this change would at least make the skill less upfront enough to actually land the berserkers, while still maintaining a fair, visible animation (its cast time could also be changed accordingly, if necessary).

    What do you think?

  4. Greetings!I was wondering, is everybody happy with this "new" build that is becoming increasingly popular in ranked?In my opinion, it is a bit too cheesy, especially since DH is already a spec that can sometimes get away with playing greedy builds by having condi cleanse and block for free as class mechanics (and heavy armor).Sure, DH gets revealed as soon as the enemy activates (is caught in, actually) the trap, but at that point, good luck chasing it while it consecutively stacks superspeed.Also, traited Sword of Justice feels PvE-y in its burning application, but maybe the problem here is how strong burning is.I have seen the power variant as well, true shotting people from stealth for almost three quarters of their health (8 seconds cd, 1500 range), nice.I know, it may not be that great in high plat, but low plat and high gold are absolutely infested with it (it's not uncommon at all to see three trapper DH in a match).I think the easiest solution would be to change current DH traps into another skill category, or to remove trapper runes altogether (since trapper ranger is not exactly a sight for sore eyes).What do you think?

  5. @Tayga.3192 said:

    @Crossroads.5174 said:Can you link the sources please?

    It's from a Teapot stream, I bet nobody wants to go through 4-5 3hour streams

    I see. I remember having watched a good chunk of that stream, and the only thing I recall is that CMC was very evasive about Teapot's questions regarding mirage being nuked from orbit and chrono being utterly not viable. I may have missed the part where he talks about future nerfs to the class. If that would be the case, I wonder what could still be there for them to nerf.

  6. @"mortrialus.3062" said:Mesmer is not getting buffed in PvP. Cmc and Ben have literally explicitly said this. More nerfs are in the pipeline. Cmc has also explicitly said this. If you poll the SPvP forum if they're happier now with Mesmers being, almost inarguably the weakest PvP class and representation plummetting the poll would have almost 90% "Yes".

    Can you link the sources please?

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