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Posts posted by sED.9342

  1. not to get too much off topic. because i do believe every festival should have its own node. but i want to push for adding the rest of the nodes that are already in the game to be available to purchase in the lions arch cave. you can buy the candy corn node year around. but none of the others. cmon anet. can we get some consistency

  2. i got thru shoulder to shoulder simply to get the teleport scoll unlocked. thats all im playing until the voices are added. i honestly would rather have no studio voice acting then none at all. your telling me the voice acting cant be done remote? a temporary, maybe crappy recording would be fine. even if we get a random dog barking or "mommmmmmm". be better then this erie feeling, forced to change multiple quality of life settings just to read stuff. nonsense.

    apart from the voice acting the new map has been really fun so far. you can really tell anet has payed attention to what maps are and/or have been played/farmed. i can really see good longevity and replayability with this map. koodos anet!

  3. so i remember watching a guild chat video months back when this whole icebrood thing was released and the deadset feeling from it was that this was NOT season 5. the word saga was thrown around and repeated so many times it became a meme ingame. so my whole question/point right now. whats this season 5 prologue on sale in the bltp? did i miss something while playing the SAGA you released season 5?

  4. why did you guys out of nowhere change the colors of the crystals on this backpiece? took a lot of time and effort going thru the pink dyes to find the one that matched. got gear and everything else to match aswell just to login today to a dark purple crystal. no longer pink. so, if we cant dye backpieces that are pre capes. how/why are you changing the colors.

    i found some screenshots of this backpiece in the pink color. would glady send to any anet dev. fix my backpiece or give me a refund on the skins i purchased to match the color. you can remove skins from my account too, they are worthless now i cant match this backpiece. its about 300g worth

  5. At this point i have to assume a huge majority of people have done the new escort instance. a few days ago i wouldnt mind spending 45 minutes on the final boss fight because i am taking in high consideration people may not know what to do. but then theres today. had two smooth as can be runs. two burned the boss no problem, awesome thank you to those in the runs! ans then. came this last run were i encountered the new type of troll. unless i am wrong on this. the tank is capped out at 4 people? it takes a minimum of 3 harpoons to break the final bosses bar. when you have a duo of trolls camping the tank not shooting any harpoons. you never break his bar. thats what just happened. i hope anet recognizes a problem here. because i can only see this getting worse the more people learn they can troll that fight.

    my idea to prevent this is to have a "tank timer". you can only be in the tank for 30 seconds. and you get booted out for a 15 second cooldown. A) this eliminates the trolls. B) it will actually force everybody in the instance to use the tank. (is that not what anet wants us to do?) the idea is somewhat there in the fact ammo is limited. but it drops so often and you have crates all over the place. really pointless to have such a low ammo count.

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