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Everything posted by Zephyron.7081

  1. The problem with a GW3 is that it would need the same amount, if not more, content than GW2 when it realeses. Ideally, I'd like to see a huge graphics update to the GW2 engine. WoW has done some incredible graphical updates over the past few years. GW2 needs to keep up with the eye candy. The whole point of vistas is to say to the player: "hey, stop and look around at how beautiful our game is." I love the vistas. GW2 just needs a major graphics update. The cadence of LW updates and expansions currently employed are perfect. GW2 had seen a tremendous amount of polish since it's debut, so let's continue that with graphical improvements, server and game optimization, and continued story developments. The game seriously needs to be optimized much better. My system is top notch, but will still drop to the 20s fps in WvW, on some map events in HoT, and definitely in some of the newer maps in PoF. A 2012 game should be running at 60 fps at all times in 2018. Not to mention, GW2 takes 150 GB on my SSD. WoW takes half that much and is a much larger game. Anet, please optimize! Instead of a sequel: update the graphics engine and ensure that a 2018 mid-range PC is capable of 60 fps in all game modes at all times. And gives us some more sPvP game modes, please! 1v1 would be awesome! I would love to see Anet create a new MMO with the combat and game design philosophy of GW2 in the Star Wars universe. Combat in GW2 is supreme. Best part of the game. Hands down.
  2. Braham needs to die. There had been a build up of him hating the commander and now they're buddy/buddy again? No way. Two alpha-males who just won't make it together as a team. Either kill Braham off or have him go into the mists or something and only have him return periodically in order to fill on plot points....aka, very minor character. Taimi needs to go. She reminds me too much of Willow Rosenberg on Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV show. She is useful for plot points only. Maybe it's the little kid baby-voice I can't stand. Replace her with an evil male gremlin sounding voice that snarls and doesn't mind putting the commander in harm's way - for science!
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