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Posts posted by Tarasicodissa.7084

  1. @belognom.3685 said:....This shouldn't be much work (as afar as i understand in programming) several 'if' functions would get it done.I wish somebody said that sooner. Here was Arenanet, spending months to develop even the tiniest features of their game, taking weeks to fix seemingly simple bugs, when all along, they could have just used several 'if' functions. Game development was never so easy. Bravo, sir, bravo.

  2. I've no idea why we're even discussing this anymore...OP is clearly suffering some kind of delusion that every other person HAS to enjoy the game the same way as him. Personally, I've been really enjoying pugging fractals ever since the introduction of shattered observatory (along with the essences), because it lets me filter out the people exactly in a way I want to and play with people of similar skill level and mindset. I have absolutely no problem with people who struggle to understand mechanics or play their class - they have just as much right to play as I do, I am just glad they can do so somewhere else I can have my smooth daily runs where everybody understands their role even if nothing is explicitly said.Trying to force people of different levels of experience and skill play together will never end up nicely. Yeah sometimes I feel like helping out noobs and explaining mechanics to them patiently, but typically I want my smooth daily runs, because time is precious and I don't get any extra reward for carrying a team of newbies through the content.

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