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Posts posted by saye.9304

  1. no i made legendary armor from wvw by just capturing camps and some towers and sometimes following commander, very easy to keep your participation at level 6 all the time, also did my dailies through wvw and made some gold along they way, not to mention stuff you get from reward track, easy peasy.on the other hand, pve raiders must go through training raid, after that farming raid and they have to spend around 2800 gold, all of the effort plus gold to get legendary armor. pve is harder by far.in pvp even if you lose you still get reward, only hard part is to deal with toxic players and for that i always turn my chat off, that is how i made legendary back from pvp and i suck at pvp.can you do such things in pve raids??

  2. @Atomos.7593 said:

    @Atomos.7593 said:Personally I would rather pay for quality new content anytime than have developers push out bad free content.

    if there was no upcoming expansion, i would agree with you, but 3rd expansion is coming most probably late 2021.this content we are getting is the content in between expansions and it is fine as filler content.it progresses the story making you ready for expansion.it will entertain you even for a little bit before expansion.so far gw2 expansion came with big features like mount, gliding and elite specialization along with 5 big maps and story.like i said for the filler content it is fine.

    Yeah there is a paid expansion on the way. I would be fine with paying for living world episodes too though if that meant better releases.

    i would pay for season pass as well if that means better quality content.but go make post about paying money for season pass and see reaction of ton of people attacking you left and right.what you are saying already mentioned by people and they said increase the quality of living world instead monetize it, but all of them got attacked by people.for this community, and revenue this game generating, we are getting good amount of content and an expansion, so we are good.

  3. @Atomos.7593 said:Personally I would rather pay for quality new content anytime than have developers push out bad free content.

    if there was no upcoming expansion, i would agree with you, but 3rd expansion is coming most probably late 2021.this content we are getting is the content in between expansions and it is fine as filler content.it progresses the story making you ready for expansion.it will entertain you even for a little bit before expansion.so far gw2 expansion came with big features like mount, gliding and elite specialization along with 5 big maps and story.like i said for the filler content it is fine.

  4. gw2 still updates the game with good amount of content for free.i do not understand the people who are complaining, because all triple A mmos out there, are asking you to pay for content either through sub fee or purchasing it directly.i did buy content in eso for example and i can say skyrim/greymoor was not worth 40 euro i paid for it.there is no mmo i know that updates the game with content every 3-4 months for free, even those asian games, their so called free to play is a lie and almost all of them are pay to win. do not believe me? go download them and see for yourself.gw2 is the cheapest triple A mmo out there and we should be happy we are still getting free content.that being said, i hope they revenue will increased ( specially with upcoming expansion) so we get even better and bigger content.

  5. @Infusion.7149 said:@saye: Capitalization and proper sentence structure are important too.

    However, outfits are designed as they are due to streamlining the creative process. It takes more effort for Arenanet to introduce armor pieces due to player model clipping and other such issues. Whatever revenue obtained doesn't need to be reinvested into bugfixing outfits as much as armor art assets.

    Grammar police, make sure check each and every post for grammar mistakes on forum, cause people need you to jump in with your perfect grammar specially now days , English is not my first language, and thanks god it is not, anyways i do not want to get in fight with grammar police because it is totally off topic.as for outfit system, like i said it is restrictive and must change/ replaced with better system, it will benefit both players and developers, more freedom for us and more money for them, win win situation.

  6. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:If one could 'mix and match' Outfits, they would not be Outfits, they would be Armor Sets.

    Kind of defeats the purpose, no?

    yeah it should change into armor system, because current outfit system is restrictive where you can not even remove shoulders, the purpose is to change this flawed system and changed it into much better system with much better customization, and that system is already exist in the game, the armor system.

  7. @KidRoleplay.3615 said:This has been talked about to death, resurrection, death again, re-animation, death a third time, Awakened, and then Awakened death.

    Outfits arent going to be mixed and matched. It was the whole purpose of pushing them along side of the armor system.

    In very rare instances (like those kitsune ears), an outfit idea becomes an armor piece, but I wouldn't hold my breath for any considerable change to their system.

    well according to ncsoft financial report( check massively op. com for source, i tried to share link it wont allow me) gw2 revenue fell down for 3rd quarter in a row, i do not want to talk doom and gloom here, but this so called outfit system is not selling that well. so if i was anet i would think about changing it into armor system and give a lot more customization, this system narrow downs the sells to people who like everything about outfit, that is why most outfits wont sell that much and one good looking outfit sells a lot and you see several people in it, other mmos have out fit system as well but their main income is not their in game cash shop, they have optional sub fee or forced sub fee, for gw2 having such restricted outfit system where you can not even remove shoulders, it is bad for business like i said.

  8. customization is very important and looking good is important to significant number of players including myself, the issue with outfit/costumes on gem store is there is very little customization option available for them, well only one you can remove helmet/hat and that is about it, you can not do anything about those big ugly shoulders, or mix and match individual parts like you can with armor, in order to buy outfit you have to like everything about it, if you do not like shoulders or that lower body cape or whatever it is then it is no, for example i want to buy jora outfit for my female Norn but issue is that cape around her leg is ruining the entire outfit in my opinion and it is stoping me from buying the outfit, same goes for several outfits in this game, ugly shoulders or cape thingy and it is cause people not to buy outfit, this is very bad for business specially considering most of money this game makes is coming from gem store, so please anet give us more customization option, you will see significant boost in outfit selling because people can mix and match them(just like armor) and you will see really awesome looking toons in the game rather than ton of people with same outfit. i hope anet consider it.

  9. op is right, steam opens up the door to regions like india, there are millions of indian players who do not have credit card, or have local card not international, but many of them buy steam gift card and buy steam games, i myself i remember i could not buy RIFT from trion website back in 2011 instead i went on steam and bought RIFT, although game is dead, i still have it on my steam list and it is installed and log in from time to time, yes steam opens up door to those parts of the world, and EA did smart thing to put swtor on steam, at the very least game will receive temporarily boost from steam, which is good anyway considering last NCSOF financial report. if super greedy EA does it then it is not bad thing or EA would be the first who will not do it given how greedy they are.

  10. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"saye.9304" said:here are numbers for aion:Q1 2019: 12,323 2Q19: 12,391 3Q19: 13.224 4Q2019: 8,064 (OUCH) 1Q2020: 10,143(OUCH again considering pandemic Q for korea)

    What you missed in my post is that 10143 for one Quarter of Aion is what Wildstar made in 5 quarters. It's lower yes, but it's not as worrisome as people make it out to be (same for Guild Wars 2)

    you missed my point as well, aion with those numbers is on maintenance mode, July 13, 2016 under the name "Aion: Echoes of Eternity" was last aion expansion, then on January 17, 2018, "Refly" released for aion which is as big as living story of gw2, and that was it , since then which is 2 years and 4 months ago the game is on maintenance mode.gw2 numbers are looking closely as bad as aion, you are talking about shutting down the servers while i am saying ncsoft put games on maintenance mode with those numbers and future does not look good for gw2 if anet continue producing bad numbers like that, it might end up like aion.

  11. @maddoctor.2738 said:

    @"saye.9304" said:well ncsoft financial report is out for q1 2020 and things look bad for gw2 again, aion numbers are as bad as wild star but ncsoft is not puling plug on it yet maybe because its korea company and home support

    Correction here, Aion (and Guild Wars 2) earned in the last quarter (Q1 2020), more than Wildstar earned in 5 quarters, probably more. NCsoft isn't pulling the plug on games that easily

    Wildstar shutdown in Q4 2018Wildstar wasn't included in any quarterly report between Q2 2017 and Q4 2018, that's 6 quarters with no presence until closureWildstar was included in "other sales" in Q4 2016 - Q1 2017Last quarterly report that included Wildstar was in Q3 2016 and Wildstar had 1097 in earning.The previous 4 quarters were like this: Q3 2015: 1727, Q4 2015: 2668, Q1 2016: 1282, Q2 2016: 2203It's easy to assume that Wildstar was removed from the report because it was doing worse and worse in future quarters.

    So yeah Aion is nowhere close to shutting down

    here are numbers for aion:Q1 2019: 12,323 2Q19: 12,391 3Q19: 13.224 4Q2019: 8,064 (OUCH) 1Q2020: 10,143(OUCH again considering pandemic Q for korea)well numbers are looking really bad but aion is korea company, so is ncsoft, there might be home support and all for aion. what was last time aion had big content update? you tell me as aion players/defender, for me i have not heard from aion in long time on any mmo website, maybe i am wrong and aion doing well, well you tell me last time aion had expansion or something as big as that.as for gw2:2Q2019:15,882 3Q2019:15,138 4Q2019:11,331(OUCH) 1Q2020:12,530ok here i do not know pandemic Q is considered for gw2 or not but honestly the numbers are looking pretty embarrassing for anet and gw2.look at blade and soul numbers for god sake and that game is garbage in my opinion, and it is earning twice as much as gw2, yeah numbers are embarrassing for gw2.

  12. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @saye.9304 said:check massivelyop.com for latest ncsoft financial report:well ncsoft financial report is out for q1 2020 and things look bad for gw2 again, aion numbers are as bad as wild star but ncsoft is not puling plug on it yet maybe because its korea company and home support, i do not know but gw2 is doing pretty embarrassing for second quarter in a row, specially considering this Q was the pandemic Q, and many companies including ncsoft benefited from it, ncsoft has doubled their profit during pandemic but not from aion and gw2, like i said gw2 even during pandemic Q was still did embarrassing, a little better than last Q but still pretty bad, god's willing and hopefully pandemic is going to be over and that means thing will get worse for gw2.yeah they have to do something or future does not look good for gw2 base on financial report, and cantha expansion is far away, a year at least, even with expansion its temporary boost for gw2, they need something much more solid to help them or like i said things will get bad for anet, as matter of fact it is already bad, they need to do something and they need to do it now.

    Surely Lockdown would be Q2? Most western zones didn't really start locking down until mid-late March and then fully through and ongoing into May. Unless I'm misunderstanding the Q dates, surely that is Q2?

    ok let just say Q2 is the pandemic Q for gw2, what about after pandemic is over?you can not see bigger picture? pandemic temporary boost, expansion temporary boost, they need something more solid to keep them going for years without pandemic, currently the numbers look bad for gw2, anet need to do something about it with pandemic or without it.

    I don't disagree with that nor did I disagree with that, I was just pointing out the pandemic hasn't yet shown to have damaged the sales which you said it has. We can't analyse the pandemic effect right now because it is unknown to us.

    It's difficult to know what to do with an 8 year old MMO game and pull it out of a hat "now". Interest will always dwindle and income with it. The expac will spike it no doubt, but the days of older, bigger incomes are likely gone for the game. What it needs to focus on is good, quality, substantial content in as many areas of the game as it can.

    We also don't know what the expectations are for the game's sales are like over the longer term. The longer an MMO goes on for, the cheaper it seems to be to sustain and the less income it should expect to get. That's why we see so many of the really older ones still going even with low dev teams and low populations. I don't think Anet needs to be panic stations right now, but yes it needs to deliver across the board to keep the game healthy. I don't think there is much disagreement there

    dude i did not say it was pandemic Q, it is in the ncsoft financial report maybe because pandemic started for korea sooner? they had it before eu/na?yes there is something to do and i would do it if i was in charge. " remove gold to gem conversion" yeah there i said it, ton of people wont like this and some might attack me for it but reality is, this system is hurting the game badly.as for older mmos having low expectation, we do not know what is ncsoft expectation for gw2 is, maybe they keep gw2 around like they did aion who knows, or they might pull the plug. and this uncertain future is what makes me worried, we do not know what is gonna happen if anet and gw2 continue with bad numbers. they might survive for another 5 years like this or they might not, this uncertain future is the problem.

  13. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @saye.9304 said:check massivelyop.com for latest ncsoft financial report:well ncsoft financial report is out for q1 2020 and things look bad for gw2 again, aion numbers are as bad as wild star but ncsoft is not puling plug on it yet maybe because its korea company and home support, i do not know but gw2 is doing pretty embarrassing for second quarter in a row, specially considering this Q was the pandemic Q, and many companies including ncsoft benefited from it, ncsoft has doubled their profit during pandemic but not from aion and gw2, like i said gw2 even during pandemic Q was still did embarrassing, a little better than last Q but still pretty bad, god's willing and hopefully pandemic is going to be over and that means thing will get worse for gw2.yeah they have to do something or future does not look good for gw2 base on financial report, and cantha expansion is far away, a year at least, even with expansion its temporary boost for gw2, they need something much more solid to help them or like i said things will get bad for anet, as matter of fact it is already bad, they need to do something and they need to do it now.

    Surely Lockdown would be Q2? Most western zones didn't really start locking down until mid-late March and then fully through and ongoing into May. Unless I'm misunderstanding the Q dates, surely that is Q2?

    ok let just say Q2 is the pandemic Q for gw2, what about after pandemic is over?you can not see bigger picture? pandemic temporary boost, expansion temporary boost, they need something more solid to keep them going for years without pandemic, currently the numbers look bad for gw2, anet need to do something about it with pandemic or without it.

  14. check massivelyop.com for latest ncsoft financial report:well ncsoft financial report is out for q1 2020 and things look bad for gw2 again, aion numbers are as bad as wild star but ncsoft is not puling plug on it yet maybe because its korea company and home support, i do not know but gw2 is doing pretty embarrassing for second quarter in a row, specially considering this Q was the pandemic Q, and many companies including ncsoft benefited from it, ncsoft has doubled their profit during pandemic but not from aion and gw2, like i said gw2 even during pandemic Q was still did embarrassing, a little better than last Q but still pretty bad, god's willing and hopefully pandemic is going to be over and that means thing will get worse for gw2.yeah they have to do something or future does not look good for gw2 base on financial report, and cantha expansion is far away, a year at least, even with expansion its temporary boost for gw2, they need something much more solid to help them or like i said things will get bad for anet, as matter of fact it is already bad, they need to do something and they need to do it now.

  15. currently if i delete my character with legendary item because of accident or whatever reason, i also lose my legendary item along with my character, now with this new system called legendary armory , i wont lose my legendary item because it is in my armory and all i have to do is to make another character and give it the legendary item from my armory right away, am i right? can you confirm this please?

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