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Posts posted by Samuel.4812

  1. Eh I was psyched for the living season 4 bl expedition and hunters contracts.

    Now I realize the only relevant loot that comes from them most of the time is two map currencies and a couple bloods or claws that are rarely even t6. Pretty lackluster.

    Initially I was happy to get that in game mail at reset but now I wish I had spent that over 2k gems on anything else.

  2. Oddly not very shiny compared to what we are used to.What I like about it:

    1. very cool to involve open world with raid story.
    2. Scavenger hunter via world bosses and mf, neat!
    3. Skritt !what I don’t like:
    4. Spent the first day locking out of WB’s to get rewards. Beyond a few of the new currency it was time unfortunately not well spent as any content related to world bosses almost never feels worth it due to rewards and time invested unless I’m getting a legendary collection item.
    5. Skins are boring to me beyond torch but I get that we needed more plain weapons. And I think a lot of people will be happy with them.
  3. Well wow has tons of battle grounds and at times flag carrier classes were quite op for several patches. People just adjust to it.

    Considering the existing balance problems I'd still love for there to be a capture the flag style 10v10 or 15v15.

    I don't miss much about wow since coming to gw2 but I do miss capture the flag and larger bgs. The answer is not wvw though I do love wvw as well.

    Gw2 had spirit watch which was very similar to capture the flag but the pickup and drop for it felt awful, I'm unsure if that's just the general ui or how things were set up but the flag in wow was much smoother to deal with.

    I think it would be good for spvp population to add maps like this as on the whole unfortunately people are very down on spvp on most forums that I read):

  4. @Dawdler.8521 said:No I dont. Because I fail to see the point. What would be the purpose of it as a different type of weapon? Greataxe skins could easily be added for the hammer weapon archetype. Basicly the same attack style, you smash and swing. A greataxe is just a flattened hammer.

    Except hammers do so little dmg it's so niche no one uses but scrapper (cause the other options are terrible) or sometimes wvw waarior or spvp guard. Unfortunately in all cases that I know of its not for the purpose of dps but cc limiting it usefulness so much no one bothers usually. People want a great axe to do damage! Which is the primary thing everyone does in this game so...

  5. Weapon suggestion:Forged handcannon. Rifle or pistol model based on the forged demolisher mobs literal hand cannon.

    It would come with a matching glove skin to match on right hand.

    I love the forged and would love to see this as a legendary or gem store model.

    Anyone else like this idea?

  6. Seriously racial are really neat. I wish they would balance them properly but leave them out of spvp, fractals and raids completely. It won't affect wvw that much.

    I also wish they would give us a couple extra buttons on the bar that can ONLY slot racial so people don't have to feel like they are wasting a utility slot but still get the racial flavor added.

    That and rveenants should have access to them):

  7. How badly though?

    What if they just doubled the size of 1h axes and recycled Gs moves?I'm wondering.

    1. How terrible the stretched axes would look?
    2. How unhappy would players be with this if the stretch didn't look so bad? Considering it'd be cheap to recycle animations but also whoa frostfang great axe!!
  8. 1h sword necro. Phantom spec. Emphasis on mobility and spike damage through shroud skills. Ghostly white spell effects. Or hammer with minions that you smash for big aoe (not my idea but wow sounds fun). More emphasis on fears.

    Gs thief ninja. Or whip wielding spec. Or pirate!

    Gs Rev balthazar stance.

    Unarmed warrior or guardian speC.

    Ranger with focus or hammer.

    Engineer with Mace or staff. Golem builder with temporary golem suit.

    Arcane elementalist.

  9. Had no issues with it. Saw it as a waste of money initially as people on reddit wanna look gold per hour and gems and such and see it as taking a huge amount of time to pay off (like the hunter board) but...

    It's rather nice getting the mail (:I like it! Only issue I have is I never see it trigger my mail carrier):

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