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Posts posted by basilmemories.9186

  1. Adding to this, yes a year later. I was trying for a proper jade look and wanted to see if crystal+celestial (blue) + green would do the trick but! there's literally nothing to preview that. Like I'm deep in the fashion wars, but i'm not deep enough that i'm willing to grind and then drop hundreds of gold on something that won't look good.


    (also seriously make the darn things like skins. they're too expensive to buy for each character, let us unlock them).

    • Thanks 3
  2. "It's immersive though!" "Learn to play though!"You know what guys, you're right! you know what breaks my immersion? being able to repeat world bosses. In the story those happen just once, so what's the deal? Why are we able to fight them over and over again? If you beat wyrm once and didn't get the tripple decap? Well you should have learned how to play! And why are the same events happening on the maps all the time? Do an event, and the event disappears for you forever! One dungeon run, one raid run, one time through fractals, and you never get to repeat story missions. Guildlocke or go home. Why don't people GET this?

    Oh yeah, it's like gw2 is a game or something, and they want people to enjoy it.

    Here's the deal, I have migraines, so the blinding white is annoying, but it's not debilitating most of the time. But even though I don't have the same problems as OP, I have enough friggin human empathy to see why this is a problem. "get to the shrine" you say, but if OP can't see enough to get to the shrine, how can they stop the effect from happening? Oh, yes, i see, they punch their way out, and then the effect starts to kick in again and they have under a minute or so to find a shrine. I'm sure that won't affect their ability to help out on the map. If they're trying to say, revive you, keep you from going down, or helping with a boss, do you really want them getting snowblinded? Like if you can't think about other people, at least think of how this affects you.

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