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Posts posted by lstht.8176

  1. Well, i've checked this once again and found that the bug is actually happens to me much more often then i thought originally. It is quite easy to reproduce: hold left mouse button down and press your "about face" key. If worked fine then step forward to return the character to previous direction and repeat. I've got ~30% of "about face"s bugged this way :/

  2. Yes, I have the bug too. Very annoying and costs me lots of deaths in PvP when I withdraw/roll for initiative back into enemies instead of rolling forward. It's not an "about face" bug though - it's something wrong with in-game camera. Can also happen while on a mount - you can't turn then. It also does not depend on mouse/keyboard and complementing software because it occurs on absolutely different PCs and peripherals to me.A workaround is to hold right mouse button and move slightly left and right - that's faster than smashing "about face".I don't think ANET will fix it until we find exact steps to reproduce the issue :anguished:

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