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Posts posted by Juillin.5361

  1. I think their approach to a transition to a GW3 would be much the same as it was with GW2; if and when they reach a point with the current game that they're not able to implement what they want to do. I don't think they're there yet and doubt they will be for a while. GW2 was made with the lessons learned in GW1 so that ceiling is much harder to hit. I would hope that GW3 would be just as iterative to GW2 as that one was to the original.

    I do agree that the game engine needs a little bit of love; better textures and getting onto a modern DirectX, for a start. I don't see this happening, though. That's a pretty major overhaul and, if they're having to basically cancel all content in order to maintain the manpower needed to develop an expansion, then something like that is definitely not in the cards. The other strike that I see against it is that Asian publishers really push mobile development these days. Mobile and VR games tend to be very flash-in-the-pan, which is the opposite of how MMOs work, so those just aren't feasible for a stable GW3. Where there's a boom, there's eventually a bust; it's just how the world works.

    I don't think that MMOs, as we know them, are dead (on PC or otherwise), but I do think that they have to be done in a way that appeals to the modern lifestyle and younger audiences. Copying WoW and giving it better graphics just doesn't cut it anymore. GW2 is one of the VERY few successful MMO sequels that have had any staying power, and I think that's largely due to just how much it shook up the formula. Yeah, it might not appeal to your "traditional MMO crowd", but those guys are already entrenched in WoW, FFIV, and ESO. Cloning and mildly updating those games is not going to get them to switch teams. There are already plenty of MMOs in development that fall into or are callbacks to this "traditional" style (see: New World or Camelot Unchained). While they might have a few flashy new features, it's still the same car under the hood. Those will either fill that need for "new-with-classic-style", or fail as people have outgrown it. There's no point in GW3 aiming for the same hoop.

    That said, I would LOVE to see a GW3 and hope for it. Seriously, take my money

  2. My favorite was Whisper in the Dark. It was dark, moody, introduced us to new concepts, and felt like it had something going on. I would love to return to that mysterious and foreboding mood. I'm not sure how I feel about the second half of Bjora, as it feels very disconnected from the Eastern half. I do enjoy Drakkar, even if it does feel a bit too long of a boss fight. I think that these are better done as difficult rather than time-consuming. I'm very invested in where we left off with the story, but that's mostly because I'm glad that (hopefully) the majority of the Charr in-fighting story is over.

    Grothmar has never quite clicked with me. Maybe it's because I'm not terribly nostalgic for that more GW1 aesthetic, that I wasn't really a fan of the Metal Legion, or that I didn't like the random, disconnected adventure-style meta events. While I loved the story, the map itself feels like a lot of time invested for not much reward.

    Drizzlewood I'm okay with, but don't love. The story seems to all blur together for those episodes. I was excited to break into some new territory, but there really wasn't much lore here as the focus is taking down Bangar and the fortress. I like that each event leads to the next, so you can fairly easily join and just keep following your same group all the way to the end of the map, but it does feel a bit long and tedious after the umpteenth time, and the achievements just felt like needless bloat, even if they did keep me busy during the Rona.

    Visions of the Past was probably my least favorite. I do not like being jettisoned from my character to play another one, and I wasn't a fan that the majority of its content was completely self-contained. I would rather have a new map with an interesting boss that I can explore with some flexibility instead of this instance that I have to repeat over and over again for rewards-on-rails. While I'm all in favor of bringing back Season 1 content, I would prefer that it be put in as regular playable chapters with story around them, instead of this pseudo-fractal without much context. But hey, anything is better than nothing.

  3. I agree with this sentiment a little too much. Rytlock has been the “mystery box” in almost every step of the story, and one of the key players in the ones where he’s not. Give some of the other characters time to shine; there are plenty of other great ones that always get shouldered out in favor of more Rytlock. There is currently absolutely no reason that he should be a driving force into and of the Cantha story.

  4. Completely no. I've never understood the concept of "a character has to look like me in order for me to relate to them." I'm certainly not a 5'2 plant person (unless I get attacked by a woodchipper on Halloween), and the choices that I make in-game certainly have nothing to do with what I would do in real-life. I'm here to experience a story and have a good time, not re-invent my life by proxy.

  5. @Fjaeldmark.9043 said:

    @"Jimbru.6014" said:Respect for parents is an iffy thing even among humans, and the Charr's fahrar social structure means that cubs are often distant from their parents even at the best of times. Dialogue in the Grothmar and Bjora stories makes it clear that Rytlock is Ryland's biological male parent, but Bangar is his "dad". Ryland probably has at least a little respect for Crecia, but if I were her, I wouldn't bank on it being enough to bet her life.

    Crecia seems more ready to face the reality of fighting Ryland than Rytlock at this point, which I think is attributable to their different paths in life. Crecia apparently has mostly remained among the Charr, while Rytlock has been out and about the world and absorbed influences from the other members of Destiny's Edge and Dragon's Watch -- particularly human influence from Logan, though he'd never willingly admit it.

    Overall, I think the story direction is pretty obvious. We're probably going to see Ryland kill Crecia, since she's the side character and Anet likes killing off female NPCs (Eir, Demmi, Almorra, Zojja might as well be...) and then we have to help Rytlock kill Ryland because he can't bring himself do the deed.

    I think this story is meant to show the dark side of the fahrar system. Charr cubs are taken and moulded into gears in the charr war machine. Familial ties are cut to ensure they fit properly into thier new roles. Ryland isn't Rytlock and Crecia's son anymore, he's a cog in Bangar's machine.

    I doubt Crecia is going to die. She seems to be the brains of the outfit and the best candidate to be imperator after Bangar bites it. Ryland's fate is up in the air, he could stay loyal to Bangar to play up the tragedy side or he could see what Bangar really is and turn on him to play up the hope side.

    I would love to see Crecia take over; she's definitely the most qualified currently. I don't see that happening, though. There has always been an irrational bias in favor of Rytlock, both from the developers and a vocal portion of the community. (Just skim a few of the comments here and see how many of them can be summed up as "WOO RYTLOCK RULZ!). I feel that ultimately Rytlock will end up in some position of power even though he is not qualified for it, has never done anything to deserve it, and admittedly doesn't even want it. Why? Cuz shut up, that's why.

    I don't see him getting killed by Ryland for the same reason.

  6. @"Tyson.5160" said:

    Zafirah: She had to die. "For this was the fire of courage..."Aurene: "And so did they...follow their god into battle."Zafirah: "Without fear or hesitation."

    So how did Aurene know to quote this line. Maybe absorbing Balthazar gained this knowledge as well as possible memories. Aurene also seems to know a lot about the Mist locations as well, which I imagine was knowledge she got from Balthazar.

    Keep in mind that the Exalted's entire existence was centered around Aurene. Their whole reason for being was to raise her in a way that she would love and respect humans, so she would have to be a little versed in their culture, including religion. They themselves were formerly humans, so the most likely answer for this one is that she picked it up while being tutored by them, and there was a lot of time for that between the various S3/4 episodes. Basically the Tyrian version of a kid in Sunday School.

  7. I've tried Googling this without much luck; I'm having a problem with the launcher on Catalina (though the problem occurred before Catalina, as well.) I can open the launcher fine. It will display the small "Downloading" window like it's downloading an update for the launcher, but then close and never open the larger login window that usually downloads game files. I've tried repairing via the Terminal, which does nothing. The only thing that seems to works is re-downloading and reinstalling, which deletes all game data, making me download it over again, wreaking havoc on my data cap. Is there a known fix for this?

  8. @Donari.5237 said:In the past I've suggested having fish pools be like any other node. You use a gathering tool, you get to the pool and interact like any mining or chopping node gather, boom you have fish. Somehow I don't think that would satisfy the players that actively want fishing, however, so again I leave it up to experienced game designers to come up with something fun, engaging, and repeatedly enjoyable.

    I'd love to see fishing nodes, especially with the recent expansion to ascended cooking. However, I think that might be something better timed for when we start dealing with the DSD; it just ties in better and I can imagine they could leverage it for new underwater mechanics. Not only for cooking, but for other crafts as well. I get the feeling that is still a way off, but who knows? It might even be in a couple of weeks.

    I don't think that having fishing require player interaction is a bad thing. It IS a mini-game, after all. Parking your character somewhere and watching a progress bar tick by is just plain boring. I do think that it should be fairly light compared to other mini-games, but not totally hands-free.

  9. He's definitely, alongside Caithe, the one who's been "with" us the longest. Logan, Eir, and Zojja all kind of went their own ways starting in Season 1, only popping back up occasionally. Rytlock seems to always be tagging along in varying degrees because he doesn't have much else going on. Mostly because he's avoiding having anything else going on.

    I don't personally like him that much, but he does seem to be the cult favorite with both the fans and the devs. Aside from Aurene and the recent Joko Pop! there really hasn't been any other named character that's gotten merchandise or has appeared in promotional material. This even goes back to before release; he was the only figure that came as an option with the collector's edition of the game. I've just never gotten the Rytlock hype, for some reason.

    Currently I'd say the reason he's more in the spotlight is just because we're digging into the Charr a little bit more and he's our current gateway Charr, what with Rox shacking up with the Olmakhan and all.

  10. The Personal Story does a decent job of giving you on-level rewards, so you can get in the habit of slowly upgrading your equipment as you play, but that all goes out the window starting with Season 2. It expects you to already be geared up to some extent because it was designed for people who had already put a lot of work into their characters over the course of Season 1. If you've gotten in the habit of just seeing what you get from quest rewards or random drops, you'll probably struggle a little bit. Even though it might be doing things a little out of order, I would suggest putting a little work into a couple of the Season 3/4 maps to get some higher quality trinkets and equipment. Just join a squad, run around having some fun and earn yourself some map currency to buy some nicer items. Having a handful of your items be under-leveled and/or not equipped with a good set of runes/sigils can be throwing you off more than you know. That's not saying that you have to chase the meta fad, but once at 80 you should slowly be making your way toward ascended items with enhancements that fit your play style. If anything is not lvl 80, exotic, or has open upgrade slots, get that fixed.

    Another suggestion for playing solo: you can swap weapons, so it helps to have one melee and one ranged. Sure, your ranged might technically do more damage in one hit, but that does Bob the Adventurer no good when he gets surrounded by pocket raptors.

  11. My guess would be that this "secondary influence" might not have been very strong to begin with, verging more on a talent more than anything else, and has slowly been getting amplified as the dragons absorb stuff from their fallen counterparts. So not only are they gaining new abilities that they didn't have before, but other abilities that they might have had but not been very good at are also getting stronger, which could be much more problematic and unexpected. The last thing we need is a talent for "conflagration" becoming stronger.

  12. Have to disagree; I love me some jumping puzzles. Though I will agree that the weird floaty aspect of that particular story instance was a little hard to get the hang of. That aside, I'd have to say that you've already pretty much already gotten what you want; there hasn't been a big new jumping puzzle to speak of for pretty much all of Season 4. So yes, Anet: give me more!

  13. I would be okay with it as long as there is always some form of free version available. Well, not free, but available for gold or some other earnable currency. The same should apply to other similar "upgrades" like mont/glider skins. There should be SOMETHING you can unlock via regular gameplay or festivals just for the sake of variety. Make me WANT to upgrade and I'll do it; make me frustrated that it's behind a paywall, to begin with, and I'll be more standoffish.

  14. I would probably compare it to New Orleans or Houston, maybe Chicago or Toronto. Used to be VERY important historically because of its central location to the recourses inland around it, mostly functioning as the on-ramp to the freeway that was water. These days? Maybe a bit awkwardly placed for long-distance ground transit like cars and trains, a nice stepping stone for air travel, but not necessarily less important in the grander scheme.

    With Tyria seeing a rise in popularity in air travel, it's nicely central to the major home cities of the mainland; goods sent there can be easily distributed from there.

  15. It's hardly surprising. MMOs take a LONG time to develop. If they started working on GW3 now, I'd expect it to be about 5 years before we see anything from it. GW2 was announced in 2007 and released in 2012, after all. I would be more concerned if there WASN'T any movement on GW3 at this point. Like it or not, the game is starting to show its age and can only continue to lose players over time; it's what MMOs do.

    I understand the fear of your current game getting ruined by a premature/underdeveloped sequel (see: Everquest,) but we're rapidly approaching the 10-year mark. That's a more than decent run for any game. With such a long development time, starting on a sequel at this point would not be "creating their own competitor"; it would just be planning for their future as GW2 starts to flag. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a massive investment in bringing the game up to modern standards (DirectX, etc...) but I just don't see that happening. We can only hope that GW3 would be bigger and better enough to get its own 10-year-run.

  16. I actually quite enjoyed it. I think my only complaint is I feel like it's lacking a couple of larger, longer events that the map could be working towards. As it is, it just feels like a bunch of random little stuff that amounts to running around and busywork. Also, I realize this might be an unpopular opinion, but the metal band broke all immersion for me. I don't really consider that a complaint, though, unless it becomes a staple change in tone for all of the chapters going forward.

  17. Yes, the other seasons ended with some kind of preview of what was to come. Season 2 gave us the HOT logo and Season 3 teased Crytal desert. This episode is different from those, though, in that on top of being a season finale, we actually killed an Elder Dragon. If you compare it to the end of the Personal Story and the end of HOT, where we did the same thing, both of those instances end without giving much of a hint as to what was coming next.

    Chalk it up to The Commander's personality; they're very reactive and I doubt have much of a plan as far as what happens next, so why should we? They achieved their one current goal of dealing with Kralk, so #endscene.

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