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LegendaVagyok.9132's Achievements

  1. • That day when I first logged in and started my journey all over again in Tyria during beta tests, this game was sooo different back then - I’ve been playing GW since Guild Wars Prophecies and that’s 14 years ? can’t tell the excitement when I’ve first heard that there will be a sequel after EotN!• Arah dungeon runs when we spent over 2 hours to finish at first not knowing what to do and exotic was the highest gear tier and there were only core specs - > face roll fights with Lupicus like 20 times. Compared to that the game is now piece of cake since powercreep and HoT specs.• First legendary - Sunrise, we spent weeks - months in CoF, farming the same routes over and over and over again for gold, there was no better option :) lol • First fight against Zhaitan, that brilliant story and epic moments. ☺️• That cheer around 100% map completion, back when you had to wait until reset if you were matched against a strong server since it was extremely hard to explore Stonemist Castle. ?• That day when me and my brother have received 3 precursors form Zommoros after spending all of our gold (~1000g back then was a huge amount!!!), we were sooo happy and I almost broke my keyboard...• Battle for Lion's Arch, was an iconic moment in LS1.• Gliding on HoT maps after release, totally new experience, felt amazing.• Bloodstone Fen and Bitterfrost Frontier maps, great design, loved them.• That shocking moment when Eir... ?• LS3 and especially One Path Ends story, lots of great memories from Gw1• Killing Joko, well it was long due, that bastard deserved it.• LS4 chasing Kralkatorrik through the Mists, that fight omg ? what an amazing scene!The list could go on and on, thank you for these epic moments Anet! GW was here for me in half of my life, I hope the future holds more great stories and fights! ??
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