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Traceur Whisper.2159

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Posts posted by Traceur Whisper.2159

  1. @Gabrya.6297 said:

    @"Teratus.2859" said:

    As it is now, every single clone pet in the game is needlessly wasting a pet slot in that menu purely for cosmetic reasons.

    These pets are all identical clones.Blue and Rainbow JellyfishBlack and White RavensEagle and HawkBlack Widow and Jungle SpiderPink and Black MoaLiterally every single one of the 4 pig pets!

    That statement is false for the pig family , each pig give a selection of 3 random item on a specific theme :

    Pig - healing and sustain (egg/seed pod/elixir of heroes)

    Boar - stun and invalidate condition (Bone Crack / Throw Rock / Skull Fear)

    Siamoth - Buffs and furtivity ( Plasma / Throw feathers / Blinding tuft)

    Warthog - damaging conditions ( Throw gunk / Throw scale / Exploding Venom sack )

    Therefore the other "double same pet" you've listed are the one from the pantheon of heroes, award from GW1 success track , that is why they are "clone" because other player can't have them and it would give an unfair advantage to those who are playing GW2 but don't have GW1. And it still give (a small) advantage to the others to slot "double same pet" ( falcon / eagle for fast F2 etc...)

    And finally yes we definitely need a Pets revamp for the purpose of them working as good as the Smokescale.I think we can agree that the smokescale is clearly the best pet in a lot of situation even his F2 is too usefull to not be used...

    Actually the only usable pet are :
    • Ranged one because they hit fairly often ( Bristleback , Spider , Devourer)
    • These with a gap closer ( Smokescale, Gazelle - even if she generally go far and say goodbye + stuck over an invisible wall when using Charge -...)
    • The pet who Auto attack with a small leap inside their AA ( Feline , Birds , Dogs...)

    They already made a patch for the pet in the past to give some of them the little jump forward when they AA and it was a great idea but some pet still lack these QoL changes. Especially the Moas...they are utterly trash they can't even touch their enemies in movement with their Frenzied Attack who does multiple hit...but the Gazelle does with Kick !

    Even the bears are more usefull and hit more often than these little ostrich birds....

    I see your point! These updates would definitely be useful. A graphics update on some of the pets would be nice too, seeing as the vanilla game pets are a really low res compared to the new pets.

  2. @anduriell.6280 said:

    @InsaneQR.7412 said:You forgot that the dune stalker. That's one missing too.

    But honestly I want improve pet quality across the board before we get more quantity.

    I agree and i think this is a very important point to make when we talk about more pets or a new specialisation.

    This IS a good point! Pet quality is definitely an issue that needs to be cleared before our selection is expanded, but it doesn't mean we can't hope right?

  3. Hey Everyone. So I was looking through the skins of all the mounts and noticed that out of all the world events that happen in Tyria.. there isn't MOOT-FEST ( name TBD ,but like Oktoberfest for norns) . Look, I'm not a norn main, but one of the things I loved about the lore around the Norn race is the fact that they hold these HUMONGOUS celebrations! Why not have a celebration for Moots? Have Meade tastings, play moot brawl, get special mount skins that have barrels of mead strapped to them?? (PLEASE?? ) Maybe even a miniature of the great mascot and spirit of moots themselves.. the MOOT-MOOSE. I'm just saying, this should happen. Give this a thumbs up if you agree! or comment with ideas on how to make this event work! because honestly.. we need MOOTS!

  4. Dear Devs and fellow Rangers,It has come to my attention that Alpine stalkers are not a pet. I'm curious as to why?? Every other stalker type is tamable in game, why not this one? Can we make this so?? we already have a Tiger, jaguar, leopard, lion, cheetah, jungle stalker and I;m probably leaving one out, but why not the WHITE TIGER stalker.. I need it.. for reasons.
    Anyway. Lets make this happen! If you want a tamable alpine stalker, leave a comment and lets let the devs know! thanks!

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