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Posts posted by Babylon.8972

  1. 3 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

    This is exactly right. This forum is an echo chamber of like about 15 actual individual people who just repeat themselves over and over. Anet would be better served to never listen to anything this forum has ever suggested. Based on what ive seen and read. More recently a larger group of people are speaking against the forum echo chamber. Its a shame the game had to essentially be killed off before people like me, or Gote, azzure, a handful of others like yourself - started speaking out. Hopefully overtime if Anet sees that people dont unanimously agree with the rhetoric on this forum (because that's really around 90% of what's posted here) they will give pause before making abrupt changes. 

    I see you are trying to cope. Dont worry, soulbeast will get nerfed, but we here at forums just hope it could happen sooner because its destroying ranked experience atm.

    Play it now, until its gone.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 3
  2. Anet, please consider adding Mist Champions to conquest 5v5. It would add so much depth to conquest mode, when you could able to fight over mist champ channel points, and it feels so rewarding to team which gets powerful epic champion to their side. In some maps mist champions start pushing to enemy lord (legacy of foefire) or then they can go pushing and contesting enemy far and add a lot new tactics to conquest.

    Right now there is no single brainplay in 5v5 conquest, so called pro players think their "rotations" need skill, but that is not true - even my 13 years old cousin was able to get in p3 with decap scrapper with "rotating well". So, with adding mist champions, there could be a lot more decision making and pvp requires then actual real brain activity, it would mean few nade holo mains would quit the game, but i think that is the price we have to pay for save PvP and we can accept that.

  3. @zarcon.7820 said:

    @zarcon.7820 said:All thiefs elite skills are super bad

    Every other class have even 1 decent useful elite, but thief have 0. Just joke tier elites. I would pay a lot to swap my elites with engineer.

    Here is what I would like to see to balance thief out with other classes.

    1: tripple the BLIND pulsing on BLINDING POWDER as it was yeaRs ago. Literally every class has gained aoe in the recent years. It is inpossible for thief to compete with this now. They get killed to easily.

    2: Make DJ on DEADEYE unblockable. There is more reflection then ever.

    3: Steal is okay. However I think mug should be made baseline.

    4: Remove the cooldown of backstab. Its stupid and I have no clue why this is in the first place also dmg is garbage. But this is due to the bunker meta were stuck in for years.

    5: Remove the binding at the start of heartseeker. Rn it locks you from movement. It feels buggy.

    6: Make basilisk venom and heal venom instant. So it goes in par with the other venoms.

    Anything I missed?

    Those are actually very good implementions, would like to point out devs to see this and take a hint.

  4. @TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

    @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Imagine thinking tornado is weak...... huh lol

    The heck you smoking, Tornado is the weakest of all transform skills in the entire game.Comparing Dagger Storm to Tornado is another joke.Tornado have VERY limited uses and 99% of times(wow, you prevent stomp/ress sometimes if lucky, O M G SUCH BROKEN SKILL) is completely useless like most of eles elite skills.Dagger Storm is another "oh kitten" skill for teef that grants long evasion, which can only be counter by like 7 skills in the entire game. What you want more? Combo it with Basilisk Venom so it'll stun anything the dagger hits for 10min?Imagine asking for powercreep buffs for a skill that actually should get nerfs.

    Tornado is op as hell, its permanent stability, permanent AoE cc, also cc on demand #5 skill and some good dmg. So think twice before u talk nonsense.

  5. @zarcon.7820 said:Yes I agree. There is a player called Suffish in eu. He reached legendary playing scrapper. Super op build and cant be killed. He normally is only plat 1-2. He used to get destroyed by the best holosmith ingame ingame named Angeels. But now he destroys him instead because the build is so op.

    As a thief I have a very hard time killing him because he just spams cc all over the place. Its inpossible to fight this

    Yes, he is one of the known abusers of this build. There is lot of low rated players that have climbed high with this spec, its basicly freeride to plat 2-3 or legendary. My brother dont play pvp but said that this build seems to be very strong when he was watching me playing vs it.

  6. There is new king of the hill, flamethrower scrappers. Its absolutete being and not possible to kill without 2-3 people. It have perma stability, huge AoE dmg with flamethrower and in addition on that, it gets broken amount of barrier. Its killing all the meta specs right now in 1v1 and making my nade holo completely out of meta, since why would you pick weaker spec when there is FT scrap? You need remove stability trait, take 15% dmg off from flamethrower and also tone down a scrapper a bit. If u dont do that, nade holo is dead for good and you lose most of your engi community from PvP. My cousin is gold 1 rank but he climbed up to plat 1 by playing FT scrapper, that is kinda good proof how busted that spec is.

  7. Currently thief's elite skill called "Dagger storm" is completely joke and useless. If we compare it to elementalist's elite called Tornado, we can say those 2 elites are at completely different level.I been thinking a couple ideas to bring dagger storm to same power level with tornado.

    -Reduce cooldown to 60s-Increase total duration of dagger storm to 5s-Make every dagger that hits enemy to stun 1s and that stun effect will stack every time it hits, it could be good AoE lockdown tool for thief and brings some utility to teamfight (you can counterplay daggerstorm very easily still with stability)-Make first stun dagger that hits unblockable per enemy, and rest of daggers can be blocked in normal way

    If you guys have some ideas to make dagger storm viable again, please share your opinions here.

  8. @mes.4607 said:

    @melody.2601 said:Yeah sure, what else do you want? Maybe free Permanent 25 Might to top it?

    No, that's reserved for holo. /s

    I don't think I'm asking for much here. There's already a trait that gives 25% movement speed as long as F2 isn't on CD. It just needs to be changed so you have 25% movement speed as long as you have the trait (just like Chronomancer)

    Maybe give perma 25% movement speed rather to scourge than DH?

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