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Posts posted by RoxasUchiha.7584

  1. Although it seems as war can be a support now, let's not forget, that it will still be bad. Like what are those warhorn changes? You still won't use warhorn if you want condi cleanse, much better to use a fb, especially if the past cooldowns are kept. You won't even use it for boons, cause well, they are a bit useless. Nice to see some love for tactics, but they still seem a bit useless, maybe only the cd reduction, but still discipline much better. Can mostly speak about PvE, but even in WvW or PvP I can't find any usefulness than we already have on a much better form from other classes. Necro is just "Oh, there is a problem there, here is how we are going to fix it. We will just remake a traitline that makes no sense to something that makes sense but it's useless"... Nerfing scepter on guardian? Like why? It's not even the thing that does most of the damage. Buffing ranger at 1500 range, like just give all the people who play that more reason to not use their brain. Won't even talk about the rest. Overall, personally speaking, just delay the patch 1-2 more weeks and actually think better about everything, now it's just wasted all your work...

  2. I'm sorry mate, but blaming the whole raids just because you found one troll it just doesn't make sense. Firstly, this isn't a raid, it is not even close to how different a raid is maybe the only thing in common is the fact that there is a boss, it's a strike and it's not the same. Secondly, just because you found one troll that doesn't mean you will be against trolls all the time, just report him and move on. Like seriously, if you are going to hate a content just because of this why even bother? It's seriously the easiest content you going to find, just get 2 friends and go and kill it, you won't need more anyway (ofc numbers are not real, just want to make a point).

  3. Honestly, I think that it would be viable only in raids, since fractals already have different tiers which means different difficulties. But, in raids I would love to see a "training" option, for example, in some bosses if not all, cause I know many people who have dropped raids cause they couldn't avoid a specific mechanic, get insta killed and then, for their own reasons, stopped coming. Not saying like fully nerfing each boss, more like keep the same health and toughness etc, but make the mechanics from the boss to be less punishing, or increase outgoing healing effectiveness etc, something that would be close to reality but still give a more welcome approach for the newer people.

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