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Posts posted by Odinens.5920

  1. @"Gop.8713" said:FFXIV would be my most likely candidate, but I doubt I'd ever play a sub game . . .

    I left FFXIV a few years ago to come here. Tired of the same ol treadmill in mmos. Spend x amount of time upgrading gear every x number of months, in the same drab "boss on a platform" arena fights. I will say it has among the best storylines in an mmo, so I guess there's that.

    Nope, I recently went back to EVE, my all time favorite mmo, where actions actually have consequences, whether it's losing your ship to some suicide ganker, or mining asteroids to build ships people lose, or just doing some station or region trading. Where your corporation (EVE's version of guilds) can actually take and own space......on the same server everyone else plays on (there's only 1). As far as mmos go it's the closest thing to a true sandbox you'll get.

    Until the WvW changes announced 2 years ago happen I think I'll stick to only doing WvW on Friday resets........occasionally.

  2. main issue - a change that was announced for my main game mode (WvW) 2 years ago is still apparently not even close to being a thing. Meanwhile, a significant number of people stopped playing after the announcement so they could wait for it to be implemented, and every month more people are leaving because they are tired of no worth while changes to the mode.

    Sorry, but Warclaw is not a significant change to WvW. The only thing significant about it is that it was introduced broken (leading more people to quit), and now the "rebalancing" of it is being touted as an update to the mode...nope...nope...nope.

    I realize the staff working on WvW, and everything else really, is spread pretty thin these days, but to announce a major change to a mode that most certainly would've injected more people to the game, or at least stopped its slow decline, and then go practically silent on it since, is killing off what little remains of the population.

    Don't announce a significant overhaul to a game mode that most of its players are practically begging for and then go silent for 2 years while the player base for said game mode continues to dwindle.

  3. Once you understand the mechanics of each boss the fights are easy. (as someone was trying to argue) It has absolutely nothing to do with how much dps a new player vs a veteran player puts out. The first time I fight a boss in new LW episodes I struggle, because sometimes the mechanics just don't "click" for me, but once I do figure it out it's easy-mode.

    Story mode bosses are not hard in this game. Their mechanics may be a bit ridiculous to figure out at first, but they aren't game breaking, so please, quit trying to make the game so easy that it's not even remotely challenging for anyone.

  4. Voice is only really required (in most situations) for organized WvW raids, or PvE raids, and even then it's usually only required so you can hear commands. I've never heard of anyone requiring people to have a working mic. Now, I'm guessing you aren't SO socially inept you can't even just listen.

    Who knows, you may even get to a point after a while that you feel comfortable actually joining in conversations, and making friends with like-minded individuals. You are, after all, playing the same game, so you at least have that in common :)

  5. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @Khisanth.2948 said:On the other hand using Mouse Keys and moving your inventory to line up with the Okay button works decently well for that.That's what I do. Typically in the Hall of Monuments, to avoid triggering those people who seemed to be bothered by people using tomes elsewhere. (Although I'd consider that optional, since it requires two extra loading screens.)

    I usually go to my home instance. 2k of them just a couple days ago :/

    edit: I didn't even think about the Myani trade....yay!

  6. Go play FFXIV for a while and experience the combat there...a game on PC and PS4, then come back here and experience the combat again. That slow-ass combat that is in FFXIV is the result of having to have a system that allows for the lag that accompanies console players. It's built into the game so PC players don't have an advantage.

    No thanks. I rather like not having a game that dumbs down combat to accommodate console players.

  7. @OP - because GW2's sPvP feels more like arenas to me than actual objective based team combat like the battlegrounds/warfronts/etc of other mmos. I never really got into arena type gameplay modes, and prefer the larger team objective type modes. If GW2 introduced some sort of 10v10 or 15v15 type stuff I'd consider giving it a try. For now I'll stick to WvW.

  8. One of the main draws for this game is the fact there is no gear treadmill. Yes, if you want to get ascended gear in a "timely" fashion you will need to be able to craft it, however, leveling crafting is fairly quick and easy (some good guides out there), AND, as others have pointed out already, you are perfectly fine in exotics for everything except higher level fractals, and probably PvE raids (guessing at that one, since I don't do them).

  9. Oh, so you haven't done the final fight of "Head of the Snake" yet? Muahahaha!

    On a serious note though, I remember how frustrated I was with this fight my 1st time doing it as well. To the point I tried several times, over 2 nights, before I gave up and asked for help from guildies. Flash forward a year, and I'm helping a friend of mine, that I brought to the game, get through this very fight......long story short he dies within 30 seconds and I continue to solo the rest of the fight, since he's, you know, trapped, and can't help after that (the 1 mechanic that needs to be changed).

    If you're still fairly new to the game don't stress too much. You will learn how to build classes for certain fights, the mechanics of those fights, and most of all how combat actually works in the game. It just takes some time. Before you know it you'll be soloing these things like they were open world elites. Until then, don't be afraid to ask for help. There are lot's of people willing to assist with these fights, even if you aren't in their guild.

  10. I don't have a favorite (yet), but I did realize something relating to this just yesterday. I decided to try and finish up some of the Explorer achievements, and while doing so discovered, even after playing this game for almost 2 years straight now, some places I didn't even know existed. That's one of the things I love about this game......2 years and STILL seeing "new" places.

  11. @Lambent.6375 said:

    @Lambent.6375 said:Just bring all/ most of your level 80 characters to istan and speed complete the level 80 heart at the telescope with each one.

    The guide on YouTube will say something about logging and switching to another character to let the telescopes and obelisk reset, but there is no need for that, you can just turn the sun dials on the lower level.

    This is the Video I was talking about. At around the 2:17 mark Deroir starts talking about respawn timers, and logging to a different character, but I would ignore all of that, and just go to the lower level, turn those sundials and finish the heart.

    I was gonna post this same exact video....you beat me to it lol.

    Seriously though, I thought Kralkatite was pretty slow to collect as well, until I came across this guide. It's now one of the easiest of all the LWS4 materials to gather.

  12. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @nosleepdemon.1368 said:There appears to be a prevailing thought pattern among players crying for Arc DPS to be banned,
    that their poor performance should somehow be hidden from scrutiny
    , ...

    Quit reading after this statement. This is the reason people don't want it. That attitude right there.

    I have used dps meters in other games, but don't feel the need to have one in this game.
    Do I care if people use it? No.
    Do I care if you generalize me for not wanting to use it? Yep. Tell you what, you give me any class and a week to learn its rotation, and the gear needed for whatever content you want, and I'll out dps you...I don't need a meter. You don't need a meter....you don't know me, and at this point I don't care to know you. Got nothing to hide. I just don't feel the need to use one.

    The problem is that people like you automatically think people have something to hide by not wanting it.

    You are not who he is complaining about. Nobody has to use a dps meter for basic practice. The golem is absolutely sufficient for that. Unfortunately the golem has limitations.

    The issue is with people who do not want others to use a meter because they fear their performance might get scrutinized (which I feel is the incorrect approach, nobody deserves to get flack for poor performance. Keep it short, tell them their performance was lacking and remove them. If you feel generous initiate a conversation and give pointers).

    Also let's be clear, the most groups don't kick someone because he was 1-2k off in his performance. They kick people who are so far off that support builds are outperforming them and other damage dealers are a significant amount above their performance.

    I realize he wasn't talking about me specifically. My point was about the generalization that people tend to make about others not wanting to use ArcDPS. That it has something to do with trying to hide crappy play. That is ridiculous. I don't personally use it because I don't feel the need to, and yes I'll occasionally ask people that are using it what my numbers are, because why not?

    I honestly don't feel like having to update an addon every time there's a patch in the game, and then research said addon every time to make sure it still fits in fine with Anet's ToS. I don't need it, and don't want to use it.

  13. @nosleepdemon.1368 said:There appears to be a prevailing thought pattern among players crying for Arc DPS to be banned, that their poor performance should somehow be hidden from scrutiny, ...

    Quit reading after this statement. This is the reason people don't want it. That attitude right there.

    I have used dps meters in other games, but don't feel the need to have one in this game. Do I care if people use it? No. Do I care if you generalize me for not wanting to use it? Yep. Tell you what, you give me any class and a week to learn its rotation, and the gear needed for whatever content you want, and I'll out dps you...I don't need a meter. You don't need a meter....you don't know me, and at this point I don't care to know you. Got nothing to hide. I just don't feel the need to use one.

    The problem is that people like you automatically think people have something to hide by not wanting it.

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