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Posts posted by Slesh.3157

  1. Speaking of re-using/dusting off awesome content -here is another suggestion: Bring back events like the Tower of nightmares and the Marionette. How would you do it? Well my suggestion would be Time portals. Due to Kralkatorrik's impact on the world they are now a thing -we already seen some of them (in a lesser form) in Jahai so they would be a nice way to link these old events to our present world. It's up to you whether players will be able to access only the event areas (like the tower of nightmares and its surroundings) or a whole version of that map (let's call it historic_Kessex). And yes there is also a fractal with the same theme but I think having it as a meta event would be awesome as well (like a Tarir event for core Tyria). And this is a bit besides the scope of this thread But -having a historic_map and a present_map system would also allow you to do other things such as implementing Living world se1 Or having defense on lion's arch a possible thing Or in the future maybe you'd want to have a different present version of orr (where the risen are reclaiming it) -the possibilities are endless! Anyway thank you for taking the time to read this! Hope it's useful.

  2. +1 for Dungeon based events -I think they have a great potential and can stand on their own besides fractals (would be cool to see them revived). What I would also do (maybe in a future expansion or content update) is: Dungeon bounties -basically a version of the existing open world bounties but for dungeons. (you can call them expeditions or whatever). Basically you would take an expedition contract from a board (similar to bounties) and go to a certain dungeon -say some old pyramids. But instead of having the exact same little story there would be some variation: in these pyramids depending on your contract maybe you would be looking for a bandit who's hiding there Or trying to stop some cultists from summoning mists demons Or looking for a gem and having to fight the local spirits for it etc. and like with bounties the bosses can have different abilities/mutators -same with the creatures you encounter or puzzles/mechanics you may encounter. "But how is that any different from the existing fractals?" you may ask. For one they are places within the world (that can be discovered etc). This might not sound like a big difference but I think it would in terms of atmosphere. -think of the times when we used to gather at the Ascalon Catacombs entrance and look for parties -there's a sense of community when you have actual physical places in the world as opposed to fractals (which are also awesome but different). Also the mutators/variantion aspect would be different (in terms of having different bosses with multiple possible abilities etc. Anyway I'm rambling now -but I think there is potential for cool things in dungeons. (also in a way they could be small scale raids for ppl to train -as a step before actual raids?) -if you took the time to read this Ty! hope it helps.

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