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Posts posted by Hibiskus.8294

  1. @"otto.5684" said:

    And phantasm were always one skill you use that summons a clone in the end. There is nothing different about it now than before, except the phantasms do not shatter.

    Erm, No? Phantasms were a skill with a phantasm, it lived and did dmg until you shattered it or it died, it was easier to see that it was not the mesmer because, well pink and shiny, biggest difference between phantasm and clone was:

    phantasm: high hp, high power dmg, nearly no condi dmg, pink and shiny.clone: low hp, low dmg, good condi dmg, but best for shatter spikes, looks exatly like the mesmer.

    "Always summoned a clone at the end" , is not true, we had a trait that allowed us that a shattered phantasm got replaced with a clone (if you did not used that trait there was never a clone that replaced the phantasm if you shattered the phantasm) and before that every new summoned clone replaced the phantasm (it shattered itself), they changed that so that if you had the maximum number of clones and phantasm out you simply did not summoned a new one (and so you did no longer overwrite your summoned phantasm) until one got destroyed /shattered.

    So you always had the choice: destroy for high dmg or keep for long term dmg and a little bit tank in pve (mostly to pull aggro away from you for a short time, so that you could get the needed heal.)

    @Noodle Ant.1605 said:

    The old phantasms weren’t particularly all that useful, they kinda did what they do now (except weaker), and then they just afk’ed for 5 (swordsman) to 10++ seconds (every other one). I don’t think they were any tankier either.

    Again: I never saw someone afk as a mesmer with a phantasm, they always got fast destroyed in pvp and in pve if they took to much dmg OR their target died, they always died if their target died (big difference to necro minions) and of course you could use them FOR short term tanking (or to say: the phantasm attacked after summoning while you yourself with very low hp stopped to attack so the aggro from the enemies swapped for a short time to the phantasm, now you gained the needed seconds to cast your heal (wich maybe was on CD seconds before), now with clones it feels like a hit and run, because no clone is really able to take aggro away (to low self dmg, just good for shatter dmg) and IF it takes aggro it is an instant dead for the poor clone (i mean: they are one hit).

    @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    The whole point is that shattering could be removed, and the elite specialisation could then be balanced accordingly. The problem with the old mesmer was that it was trying to balance having both the option to have sustained damage through keeping the phantasms out and to have spikes through shattering, but these interfered with each other. Keeping the phantasms out usually did more damage than shattering them, but the profession needed to be balanced on the basis that it always could shatter for a big spike. Packing it into an elite specialisation without shatters (but with something else in the F1-F4 slots) would solve that problem.

    A lot of people have said that they enjoyed the old mesmer more than the new mesmer. You evidently disagree, but one elite spec that isn't for you won't kill you.

    Someone got the point: an elite spec that has nothing to do anymore with shatters and fast dmg and more with sustained dmg and replaced f1 -f4 skills, because yes: having both phantasms AND clones interfered with each other and was not really good to balance, but a new elite spec wont hurt if it takes the shatters away and replace them with sustain (i mean before druid everyone said: healers would never work here in gw2 and now all say that it was a great idea to implement the druid "a welcome change, a fresh breeze for the game" and looking at the soulbeast: a hunter without pet, but with the ability to use the pet skills a great idea).

    So yes: You GOT THE POINT, because a third elite spec with the same old shatters sounds really boring, looking at all the other classes that got fresh new ideas for f1-f4 while we have 2 specs with the same old shatters, i would love to have the old phantasms reworked into a new elite spec with new f1 - f4.

  2. @otto.5684 said:I am not sure what about the old system you are missing. Shattering phantasms? Also, phantasm, at least in pve (except staff) deal more damage than any point in the past.

    And generally speaking, Mesmer and all classes should move away from the one shooting designs. So trying to buff shatter 1 in any form is not a good idea.

    Oh no, i DONT want to shatter them, i want to keep them ( and reduce the number of max summoned to 1, 2 with trait), ehm why does summoning phantasms buff shatter 1 in any form? The dmg is based on the max number summoned and not on the hp or dmg the clones or phantasms deal, so reducing the max number summoned would do the exact opposite of buffing shatter 1, it would nerf it.

    @"Tayga.3192" said:

    Probably because phantasms are currently "any other skill but it generates a clone in the end", while before if you wanted damage you refrained yourself from shattering (trade off).

    Yes, i want a trade of: keep them so they can deal dmg and pull a little bit aggro away, so you can maybe get the heal casted OR shatter them for fast dmg? You needed to decide, at the moment it is just shatter them, it is the only option, because they turn into clones after attacking once and clones are only useful for shattering.

    @"Taril.8619" said:

    Also, the "Gameplay" that was old Phantasms, was literally, use your Phantasm skill 3 times, then AFK the rest of the fight because now 90% of your skills are useless because they would replace a buffed up phantasm.

    Hm, i never afk'ed while playing with summoned phantasms, i mean the groups of enemies are big in pof, often have at least 1 "big guy" in it and your phantasm worked in 1 way like a clone: if the enemie died your phantasm wich focused on that enemie died too, it does not switch targets, afk is something that i think works for necro because the summoned minions from neco stay instead of shatter if enemie dies/ you are out of fight.

    @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    The bigger problem would be that of what happens with the existing clone skills if clones were removed. A possible approach could be to swap around the current approach: Phantasms are limited to a certain maximum number, while clones are theoretically unlimited but have a limited lifespan before they pop on their own. And, as I said, shatters are replaced with skills that influence phantasms. So phantasm skills are still worth using since they renew the phantasms, but you avoid the problem old mesmer had of not wanting to use clone skills because the clones would overwrite phantasms.

    Well yes, why not? Mesmers looked at druid and seen that f1 - f4 got replaced, same for other e-specs, while mesmer always keep the shatter f1 - f4, chrono got f5, but that got merged into the other f skills a while ago, so getting something else for the first time for f1 - f4 would be great. I mean: fighting alongside a "mirror twin" would be great, i would give up on clones and on shatter f1 to get something different than a shatter build.

  3. I know this sounds weird, i left the game a while ago, at the moment as they scrapped the old phantasms and made them one cast then turn into a clone, i tried other classes but had no real fun with them (i only play pve, i am not so much into pvp) and of course i tried to love the "new" mesmer phantasms (they said they scrapped the old ones because they wanted to play us in different ways)...but honestly: i was feeling like i was forced to play a shatter build, need dmg? Build up clones and shatter them, summon your phantasm? See how it misses the target because the ground was a little uneven, congrats you have a clone...what will you do with your clone? Of course shatter them as fast as possible, because they can not really take many hits, die when your target dies (well if you use your axe skill you could maybe "rescue" them from dying) and on their own they do little to no dmg, so shatter them...After a while i found myself looking for other games (well no other game really catches my attention, eso is pretty interesting but the lag and the server issues are real there...., so i still look to gw2 from time to time, if they ever introduce more race based outfits (as that would ever happen, cook and wedding attire were to good to be true) i would be back).

    NOW they announced the next expansion and even if i read many interesting concepts about possible new E-Specs my only wish is an E-Spec that has the old high hp, high dmg phantasms, i dont care if the mesmer then is not able to use clones anymore, i just want my old phantasms back, reduce the max number to 1 out at a time and 2 if you choosed a trait for it, i dont care what weapon this spec gets...short: this is a please bring back the old system with phantasms, i even gave a cookie to the ppl saying "mesmer to strong", the name of the cookie is "no clones if you use the new e-spec" , as far as i know both mesmer e-specs have downsides : chrono can only shatter if a clone is active and mirage has only 1 dodge, so the new e-spec gets old phantasms but cant summon clones, hmmm, did any other class get an e-spec with downsides? (that is something that i wonder), anyway: what do you think of my boring wish? (as some concepts here are really interesting i think that will never happen, but i really needed to ask after that long time not beeing active...).

  4. I came back after a long break to see if something positive has happened to my favorite class regarding pve, my break was shortly after they took away the old phantasms ( remember they stayed as long as they did not get destroyed / you did not shatter them),i just dont liked the new you need to shatter, shatter, shatter direction, just to find out that chrono can no longer shatter without a clone / phantasm … i honestly was shocked ( and still am shocked) i am a very casual Player and i must say in pof and hot the enemie masses rolled over me even with the old phanatsms at the start of these expansions, in hot i learned to clear conitions with my shatters and used them more often, i also learned to use my phantasms to tank a little bit i never understood that chrono has no "Shield cd trait", yes i know alacritiy was at the start of chrono a big deal, but after several…. lets call it Adjustments i think it should get a Shield cd trait…

    So here are my Solutions for the chrono:
    The improved alacrity trait gets as Bonus a Shield cd tait. The Chrono gets togehter with the ability to wear shields ( Shield Proficiency) the ability to use the old phantasms, they stay as long as they dont get shattered, so there will be a need to decide: phantasms that deal dmg OR shatter them toget alacrity? For clones it is easy: shatter them because that is their use, the only downside of them is their low life, they often die before you can shatter them , but if chrono gets phantams they have high enough life to give the chrono a chance to shatter, but the real Question is: do you want to shatter?

    I think chrono is the mesmer variant of a tank, so i think this will fit the new: you can not shatter without a clone /phantasm concept ( i still miss the old phantasms that let us think: do i want to shatter, or do i want to have a tank ability thing going on in pve, i slowly get used to "hit, run and shatter all you can" builds, but it is not that fun anymore, i hope they do something about that.

    Off Topic: I also heard that Mirage has only one dogde( i think that is just for pvp, in pve it seems not the case or am i wrong?) my soloution for that would be give Mirage 2 dogdes in pvp BUT only make the first dogde the Special dodge, so you need to decide: do i want to wait until the first dogde recharged or do i want to use my normal second dogde to Escape? For pve: PLEASE do NOT touch the dogde ability.

  5. 1: With new mounts and masterys added to the game, will you make the combat feeling faster and fluid? (Casting attacks while moving, faster Auto attacks for weapons that feel slow)? Make close Combats 3rd Auto attack reduce the cd from the heal, maybe? Some sort of more Risk = more reward? Make conditions less painful, the dmg stays the same but instead of giving us the full dmg in 1-2 seconds stretch the time so that the Overall dmg stays the same but you have more time to react….you know…. cleanse skills and healing skills have sometimes high cds and the hot and pof Monsters hand them out like candy at Halloween.... it is sour not sweet...

    2: Will you make some more hairstyles / cultural Outfits like wedding attire/ cook? Since the races traveling the Maps they could discover more ways to makeinteresting things....also it seems totally possible for me that there are cultural Dragon champ Outfits, since the races probally dont wear the same armor when they get corupted…

    3: Tequatl seems the only Dragon champ that got a miniature that can also swim….do you plan to add miniatures of the older Dragon champs ? (also: why can the festive aurene mini not swim?)… also teqautl and aurene are the only ones that got weapons assigned to them (weapons of the sunless/ weapons of the scion)… can the other Dragon Champs please also get their own ascended versions (with the same model, but other Colours)?

    4: new elite specs? Like wielding 2 torches / shields?

    5: is there a possible way in the future ( since we have the mists) that we get the chance to become one of the corupted Champs at will? With caithe that willingy branded through aurene we could also later choose one Dragon? (since aurene did not brand us)… it could affect the way the elite specs work (and maybe the normal specs?)

    6: Is Joko really dead…? Like dead and rotten? He was such an interesting character… i still hope we can see him again?(mists?)...

  6. @"Yuuki.1087" said:>Color of Obsidian Weapons are wrong when equipt, preview shows different color/effects .Even other ppl in game see this bug (so its not client-system related).It seems a few zones (like Capricorn) show the right color/effects, but almost every other zone shows the bug instead.Hard earned Ascended Shards of Glory are spend for a Bug.

    Just one question about this, are you this week in the "blue" WvW Team? Since i know the obsidian weapons are designed to change colour....the preview window always shows the colour of the red team, but the other 2 colours exist as well, so, when you are in the blue wvwv tem this week the weapon glows blue, when you are in the green team it glows green and when you are in the red team it should glow red....and it changes every week, depending wich team colour you get this week for your server....when that is not the case, THEN it is bugged....

  7. First a little off:The first Pic you show us is the reason that i picked mesmer: a women with a little illusionary sword in the hand, however no mesmer has a little illusionary sword... and i still hope they change sword 3...not the dmg...but the range...i mean depending where you stand (and the red line under the skill is not there) the skill 3 has a 50 / 50 chance to fail since it is ground based (or at least fells like it is, an uneven terrain and no clone spawns).... i still hope to get the chance to throw for skill 3 an illusionary sword with 900 range (just like thief dagger skill 4)..... nothing else should be changed just that....(CD, Dmg, Effect, swap function, all the same, just more range and an illusionary sword to throw, so that i get the feeling that a mesmer can be like THAT Picture)...

    Now serious:

    I really want these armor skins from the Pictures, they look soooo cool...(i also hope for outfits for each class / profession...and these outfits should also change the look like cook or wedding outfit.....i mean ok every profession can equip the outfits but think of it: a thief or / and a deadeye outfit that change the look depending on wich class is wearing it.... cultural class outfits....my wish) <3

  8. More cultural armor.....i mean: soo much new maps with sooo much new materials / plants and monsters...and no race had the idea of making at least 1 new cultural armor for each map? I am a mesmer (Sylvari) and if i wear my cultural armor i just have the choice between skirt, skirt aaaannnd skirt....all long skirts not even one short (ok i just know 1 short skirt...)...also i really like the orchid top...just not the wings on the back (clipping with GS and staff)...the other 2 tops are not soo my favorite but the only choice when i want to wear full cultural armor.... ok there is one more plant armor from one dungeon...but...well that is not my style.... the outfits are nice (cook and wedding) but there i can not mix the pieces....

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