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Posts posted by SuSeinshuu.3206


    [Greetings from Eldritch Harbingers]

    We are an multigame guild PVX/RP/Social with an ,,evil´´ RP going on .

    We play multiple games for example : ESO/FFXIV/WOW/GW2

    We are part of testing in New World and Ashes of Creation


    Requirements: We accept any age (18+ preffered) , English, some loyalty :))

    What we can offer you : social events,a community ,experienced players in several MMOs

    In EH , we want to create a friendly and welcoming community for everyone. Our guild is lead by an -council-like setting.

    Our goals in GW2 are still unclear , we are just starting as a guild( we have few ,,veterans´´) .

    We are planning to recruit , normal players -new and returning aswell. We plan to start on bigger-scale around November.



    If you think you would would like to atleast check us out or even to join us , we would be very happy to have you.

    https://discord.gg/VcPRcA6 - our Discord with currently around 60 actual members /more inactive/

    oh -or if you would like to ask firstly few questions - Choppie#0952 or dm me here on forum  :)

  2. New guild Fire of Dawn [FOD] searching for new members , anyone can join - PVE/PVP , Guild Discord is in makingThere are no requirements, atleast for nowWe are offering new and starting community ,willing to help new players to get into the gameNo requirements in terms of activity but please be active :)Only rule i can think of for now is -dont force yourselve and play in your paceTo join comment under this post or send an ingame email on SuSeinshuu.3206

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