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Posts posted by ThePolarTitan.4025

  1. I cringed a little when you talked about changing pets by making a lot of them skins. I do however agree with the soulbeast. It was a bit upsetting to not actually have a transformation. I feel that would make rangers an actual viable class when you go against other classes. Warrior seems to mow down rangers which is why the soulbeast change would make them a little stronger to go head to head with.

  2. 'cracks knuckles'

    OK!So I have a few ideas that I would love to see incorporated into the gem store! I love the game and I love the gemstore so here we go!


    • Umbrella Glider: It would be cool to see a person gliding down using an umbrella, would be quite classy. You could have several different types as well. ;)
    • More Elemental Weapons. I would love to see more elemental weapons and armor that have some cool effects and maybe even trails. I fancy the ice elemental types, but there are many types of elemental gear that would be nice.
    • More armor that is more modern/town clothes in nature. I would love to see more suits and trenchcoats as options in the game. I know there are a few, but its a little disappointing for me since I would love to see more classy looking characters on the battlefield. I want to make a mesmer that wears a suit that is a trenchcoat piece, but there is not many options or terrific ones on the market.
    • Skins for ranger pets. I know this sounds weird, but it would be a huge bonus for the game in my opinion. I love my pets, but if you could add skins for the pets that would be amazing! For instance the wolves and hounds could have alternate skins. You could have branded pet skins, Elemental Pet skins, all different types. It would add more to the game and add more customization when it comes to pets and their appearance and it would enable rangers to have their own unique style to playing as a ranger.
    • More housing options for instances: There are many areas on the map that are instances that would be great to have as personal home instance. Many people want a place they can call home in their game and if you can have something more customization then that would be great. I know for the guild hall you can place down decorations and I would love more of that for the home instance because I would be willing to buy more.
    • Black Lion VIP Service. So this one is a way for you to make more money. This would be a subscription service for members who want to pay a monthly fee. For the service you will be given a title like VIP or something and you will have better daily rewards. You will get a black lion key every week and other rewards for the service. This is a way to just drive more profit into the game and it doesn't need to be tremendously good for it to work. I would pay the 15 a month or so just for keys each week. You could honestly customize however you want, my guild and I were talking about it and thought it would be a great way to boost money for the game.
    • Armor Types
      • Shadow Armor: Armor that has darkness permeating from it and is very wave like as puffs of darkness fall from it. Cowl will be a hood of sorts with the tip at an angle.
      • Infected Armor: This would be armor that looks like a Mordremoth style. The armor will have roots and bark that look grafted onto the skin. The roots will look like veins and the armor will have a type of glow to it that radiates green. Armor will be jagged and mostly nature, but with some metal grafted into it. Headpiece will be glowing eyes with veins of roots running throughout the face.
      • Earth Breaker: This armor will have dark grey almost black spikes of rock coming from it. This armor will look great on larger classes and make characters look like giant brutes of stone and earth. It will be bulky and have jagged areas that look worn from combat.
      • Spectral Armor: This is just another angelic armor piece that looks like a knight. It has really bright sparkling white light features. The armor is a trench-coat in style and has silver pieces that are brackets, buttons, etc.
      • Class Armor: I would love to see more armors that are geared towards classes. I want to see guild wars vision of the class and it would be nice to see wardrobe options that are built that way. I know when you unlock the elite specs you get one armor piece for the class, but I would love to see an entire armor style for the class that resembles what that class is and what is stands for. I just want to see more high tier options for the class options.OVERALL: I think adding armor, skins, and gliders will be awesome for the game because it adds more to it; but I do feel there needs to be a little bit more to the game because there is a big market out there that is untapped. Hope this helps! I love the game - PEACE!
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