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Posts posted by Dax.4012

  1. 20 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

    Sorry, but I like having access to Gendarren fields, it's a 30 second griffon ride to Lion's arch, and a double-click to get to a map with a ley-line event, not to mention awakened/scarlet's invasions

    keep the airship where it is

    I respect that. But by the same token, Gendarran is just 30 secs from Lion's Arch, a city accessible via many portals, and through the Airship Helm itself. 
    Whereas my suggestion gets us a map we currently have NO access to. 

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  2. On 12/28/2023 at 9:30 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Have you not read my previous response on your other thread? :classic_huh:

    Deactivate Post-Processing in the game's graphics settings and use ReShade for a more beautiful look.

    Sorry. I went from posting on someone else's thread, to creating my own thread, to then having a secondary question about GeForce Experience. All of which was posted at the same time and then I drove for 24 hours from Texas to Virginia. But I do appreciate all the responses. 

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  3. 15 hours ago, Liewec.2896 said:

    i'm starting to think they aren't actually after advice and just wanted to complain, i totally agree with you about reshade, my game looks absolutely beautiful!

    and thanks to the DX upgrade it also runs a lot better, in short i think the game has improved overall.

    OH yes. Thank you. I posted 1 response and my own thread when I had my original question and I did see your response the next day and do appreciate it. Sorry if my double post caused any confusion. 

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  4. One thing making it hard to return to GW2 is something has changed with the graphics settings and I can't seem to get the brightness/gama balance right. It looks terrible. I'm using the same exact machine from 8 years ago AND my newer gaming laptop from 3 years ago, and I can't ever make it look like the game I fell in love with. It went from looking like a painting to looking like over exposed children's art. The colors and contrast are all wrong. Not to mention the rendering looks like I'm watching it on an old cathode TV. I keep hoping it will magically get better when I finally get a new computer. 

    P.S. Someone has brought up Dx11 as a possible culprit. If so how are there any fixes?

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  5. One thing making it hard to return to GW2 is something has changed with the graphics settings and I can't seem to get the brightness/gama balance right. It looks terrible.  I'm using the same exact machine from 8 years ago AND my newer computer from 3 years ago, and I can't ever make it look like the game I fell in love with. The colors and contrast are all wrong. Not to mention the rendering is very splotchy is the best word. I keep hoping it will magically get better when I finally get a new computer. Now I am starting to piece together that it might have something to do with Dx11. 

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