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Posts posted by coglin.1496

  1. I do not want any mounts at all. Annoying mounts are a large part of what has stopped me from touching PvE content in it's entirety. The last thing I want is WvW ruined for me as well. #nomounts

  2. @michelada.2947 said:the only viable build right now for engineer is holosmith, and you know why? , because you can have a 2nd set of skill for free. Eles and engineers are the only classes that can't have a 2nd weapon set but compared to the ele that can have 20 weapon skills no matter what weapons you choose, enginners are forced to use kits that removes utility slot from your build.i just got tired of trying to make this class work, i hope Anet notice that engineer class need some work to be on par with the other classes.

    You appear confused. First, there is not only one viable build.

    Secondly, if you do not like the professional design, please, by all means, play another profession. The notion of demanding they ruin and destroy the functionality of the profession to suit your personal desires is unreasonable and irrational.

  3. @ankortwat.4926 said:hi guys would love to play WvW again, but I'm tired of all this farming in order to get the best gear, so if you made WvW like PvP or at least make it possible to get perfect WvW gear within 1-2 days, you would definitely get more players playing WvW.

    Oh you mean redesign the entire game mode to suite you personally, while simultaneously negating all previous gear aquizitions efforts of the entire rest of the community? That seems perfectly reasonable.

  4. @Seffen.2875 said:

    @momophily.3814 said:What i'm saying is that scourge is superior to everything else when in a side-by-side. They need to be balanced out with everyone else

    But why is Scourge so much stronger?It has a kitten ton of dmg and a medium Support. And beside that? The defense of the Scourge is a kitten joke. Especially in large scale fights.

    You mean like the ability to turn enemy damage buffs in the form of boons into pure damage, covering conditions, and harmful effects? Or like Blood as sand negating %5 damage for each shade you have active? Or gaining resistance, stability, aegis, protection, regen, or vigor for each boon you remove or corrupt on an enemy?

    They have literally not a single good escape.

    I do not think "literally" nor "good" mean what you think they mean.

    Once you catch them they are done.

    That is subjective at best, ill-informed and inaccurate otherwise.

    A scourge is so incredibly easy to burst down.

    I do not think "easy" means what you seem to think it means. They are no more or less "easy" to burst than other professions, and in many cases much more difficult to burst down at all.

    Therefore yes I may Sound like a kitten hole. But you Sound like someone not beeing able to adapt your playstyle.

    Kitten hole, no. Though you do read as someone being intellectually dishonest or intentionally obtuse in order to defend maintaining their chose preferred profession in an overly beneficial and unnecessarily strong state

    If you cant rush the frontline due to Scourge and Spellbreaker bursting you down go to the backline. Burst the scourges down and then feast on the ones left over.

    Adapting ones play to compensate for specific builds being extremely overpowered or over tuned does not make them less in need of adjusting for that level of overpoweredness.

    And concerning the condition spam: A good firebrand has no Problem with first resisting the condition and then removing the full stacks. Of course, when you mindlessly spam out your remove you will end up dead.

    Considering how easy it is to remove or corrupt resistance as a scourge, I am not entirely certain how you think suggesting one single profession access to it is relevant in the least.

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