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Davion Roth.6709

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Posts posted by Davion Roth.6709

  1. I posted a few days ago about random things taking on a red color the other day and got 0 replies.  It happens to some dye channels on some of my mount skins as well as some dye channels in my back piece.  Seems kinda random which ones it affects.  Zoning or relogging clears it up until the next time it happens.  Would really like to see this get fixed.

  2. Seriously, what's with the crappy gem store updates lately? Why don't you add some stuff back to the store that people actually want? Namely, why don't you add the stuff back to the store that I want? LOL

    Oh that's right, like I said before, they don't look at this thread, and they don't care what we want. I'm on the verge of quitting again because I can't give my character the look that I want, and therefore don't feel like playing.

  3. @Dondarrion.2748 said:Seeing as Anet actually do return items I see quoted in this thread... please return the Raven helm and shoulder soon please. Also the Sworn Zaishen Helm...

    Well of course they're bound to show up again eventually, and any items that show up again within any sort of close proximity to any post in this thread is purely coincidence. I guarantee that nothing posted in this thread has any bearing whatsoever on what shows up in the shop when, which is why I've given up. The things I've been waiting for will show up again eventually, and until then, they just won't make any money off of my account...and I know they don't care.

  4. "Not like posting suggestions/requests in the General area will guarantee Anet will pay more attention to them?"

    I wasn't meaning general was the right place to post it either, just simply meaning that things will come back to the store or go on sale when THEY want them to with no consideration to what people are suggesting in that thread. The thread is just to make us think or feel like we have some measure of control.

    "They probably don't have a dedicated person to answer every single one with a yes or no and reason for the response."

    I also don't expect or said I expect anything of the sort. They're not going to reply to anyone's posts on that thread, because they're not looking at it in the first place. LOL ...okay, maybe they are, but I'm sure they have their own cycle for determining what's available when, and when things go on sale. If anything, I'd bet the only posts on that thread they give any attention to are the actual suggestions for new items or ideas for things people would like to see, not already existing items people want back on the store or things they want to go on sale.

  5. @"KeoLegend.5132" said:Stop crying, download ARCDPS, train and get better. All those "elitists" youre calling had to spend hours to learn the perfect rotation, why shouldn't you?

    While I generally try to know my rotations, play good builds, and do my best to play well at all times, what I would say to this is that it's a game, not a job. Expecting to be perfect is unreasonable, and I don't care who you are, nobody plays perfect at all times (even though they like to act like they do).

  6. Mursaat Robes Outfit and Golden Feathered Wings please! I love how everything I want was removed from the gem store right before I came back from hiatus. I know it's my fault I was gone and not playing at that time, but the timing of their removal a few months ago really sucks because now I don't feel like playing again until I can get them and outfit my character the way I want him to be!

  7. Ugh, every time I see the gemstore updates thread, I'm continuously disappointed...they're removing sets that have been in the store forever, but they're not adding the ones back in that I want! Instead the ones they are putting back in are literally the worst...in my opinion. Bring back Strider's and Primeval and you have instant buys from me (there's a couple parts of these I really want to use for a couple of my character's looks). :anguished:

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