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Posts posted by TheWhiteWolves.3076

  1. changing from windowed  fullscreen or fullscreen to windowed mode no longer works in DX11, basically whenever you try to resize the screen it just gives you a frozen image, the game is still active and you can move in the background but your view will never update until you press Alt+Enter to put it into fullscreen mode

  2. Small thing but worth considering changing, if you have the Juggernaught legendary on catalyst it uses the mercury ball projectile effect for the swirling ball, thus you can no longer tell which elements you have up because they are all now just a floating ball of silver metal.

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  3. With the patch now out just a suggestion for future betas regarding the below line:


    • Beta characters have access to a copy of your account's Legendary Armory. Legendary items newly added to your Legendary Armory while a beta event is in progress will not be usable by beta characters during that beta event.


    Maybe give the beta characters access to the full armoury (all armours, weapons, trinket,  runes, sigils, etc) instead, then every player is able to test out any build, stat, weapon they want during the beta period

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