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Posts posted by BrotherofShadows.7426

  1. Good points with the Confer with Bangar achievement, I'll check those back next I play. It's still a bit odd that they'd stow such an important story element away in an optional achievement though, it makes the sudden "Primordus is awake now by the way" very jarring for players who aren't playing live, or who don't chase achieves.

    And yeah I agree with Delirium, I hope we get some form of major reveal or setup for the end of Champions, we need something to build some hype again.

  2. So I've been playing through the Icebrood Saga from Chapter 2 to 5 the last few days, and I'm managing to follow the story okay-ish, but when I got to Champions I seemed to just fall of completely.

    What was the deal with, just out of the blue, Primordus suddenly awaking and bursting lots of flame monsters out everywhere? It struck me like lightning from a clear sky.

    Last chapter ended with Ryland and Bangar becoming Icebrood and Ryland running off with Jormag to some unknown place, with us having to try and track the two of them down. I was pumped and ready to give chase and then all of a sudden they're just like "Oh haha, another Elder Dragon woke up and now the world is ending =)" Why? Isn't the awakening of an ELDER DRAGON kind of a big deal that we usually use whole living world seasons or expansions to set up? It just seemed to me that everything happened so incredibly fast from Chapter 4 to Chapter 5.

    Am I just slow on the uptake story-wise, or was this objectively bad and rushed storytelling? Anyone else feel weird about this one or otherwise care to explain why this happened all of a sudden? (And yes I realize Jormag and Primordus are twins, but the awakening of an Elder Dragon is still a massive power shift in the world, and Primo randomly awakening out of nowhere just because of Jormag waking seems so random to me.)

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