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Posts posted by zhonnika.1784

  1. EOTM was a fun map with some interesting concepts.... it's a shame they are just letting it all go to waste. They COULD add pips to it, but make them move at a slower rate than real maps, and then maybe some sort of currency that's like testimonies/proofs that lets you unlock hearts. That would make it worth it for a lot of people. I'd do it just to skip a few annoying hearts, for sure. I don't really see the issue in pulling people from 'real wvw' if something like this were added, because anyone going to EOTM to participate for reduced pips/currency wouldn't be going to wvw anyway... they'd likely just be in pve. Now, get em hooked on the skirmish chests, and they might very well decide to go into wvw all on their own. Win/win.

  2. Working towards spreading out stability would be a great help. Sometimes you just don't have enough FBs to go around, and need to pester everyone into swapping, or just figure you're going into battle with not enough stab/sustain. Not saying give it to everyone, but another 2 classes (ele? rev? ranger???? (the chaotic evil option)) would even things out in fights and make it less so that if you're not running the ONE PERFECT COMP you're at least guaranteed a fighting chance vs another zerg.

  3. 1, Can't wait for the new system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2, If a player isn't in a 'wvw guild' and the guild they're in isn't going to set itself as wvw, do we need to join another guild for it? (I assume so)3, Can all current player worlds be opened until the new system since none of what we're doing now is going to matter later? It would allow people to see who best fits with their upcoming alliance ;) Hey, it doesn't hurt to ask.

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