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Posts posted by LeonLannister.9754

  1. If I had to redesign the Necromancer, I'd have a whole defensive vampire themed mechanic around sacrificing health for delayed rewards, like damage, party support, etc, kind of like GW1's Blood Renewal, but maybe a little more support-role in mind. Hurting yourself to aid others would be a cool theme. I'd like a skill in which the longer you hold down, the more health you sacrifice, but with a payoff of doing more damage or support. A support type skill would be you take your dagger, stab yourself in the chest, summons a well around you as drain life, which does damage to foes but at the cost of your health, a support trait could be that it regenerates health to allies that are within the well. It could be an effect that happens continuously as you do it with a gradually increasing intervals of damage, or a payoff that happens after you finish holding down the button.

    I'd have necromancer's power themed around the idea of death through a thousand cuts where the damage builds up overtime with a couple of slow building skills that deal big damage like the second Reaper skill. Like the Axe 2, Ghastly Claws, would do increasingly more damage if above 50%, then if the target is below 50% by the time the skill ends, then it does burst damage at the end.

    For necromancer's condition, I'd have a similar theme of stacking but with blood and poison, except with a greater focus on the non-damage conditions so there's that slow constricting feeling. I like the elements of chilled, weakness, slow, cripple, immobile, blind, etc Like skills that do more conditions depending on certain circumstances, or add effects as time goes on. Like a Fear in which you get more conditions as you are feared.

    I'm really not that big of a fan of the idea of minion masters, even though people really seem to gravitate towards it. I feel like there needs to be some kind of mechanic in which you're intellectually more stimulated and not just letting them kill everything. I'd be up for something in which you're constantly like creating minions and and sacrificing them, it'd feel more active and menacing because you're really manipulating minions without the love and care that rangers have for their pets. Like instead of just blowing them up which is similar to Mesmer phantasm/clone system, perhaps like you could summon a minion, then have a series of skills activations/orders are more circumstantial so it's more fun and not as spammy (summon minion then explode).

    Like summon a minion, then a skill in which the minion leaps at the opponent, then bites/sucks the enemy's blood, then explodes, or have a minion that you order to toss its limbs at an opponent and each attack like lessens, like it throws its bladed arm at an enemy, then its other arm, then its head kind of like the skeletons from BotW.Thematic things in which you order your minion to sacrifice itself to do your bidding rather than raising a small army and letting them run around. In spitballing this idea, I actually would find this idea really fun and interesting and would actually play as a minion master.

    For the special mechanic, I really don't know, the second health bar can cause balance issues. Maybe the shroud health bar can depend on how much you health you have? I'd also have skills that change depending on what weapons you have so they can combine better depending on what your focus is. I'm sure all these suggestions are probably problematic in some way to anyone that's taken time to read this post.

  2. For me, I've mildly kept tabs on Guild Wars 2. I didn't play it when it came out because I just started college, I ended up buying it later. I want to get into the story, it seems like the characters have much stronger development, but I feel so out of the loop. I feel like I'm tuning into Game of Thrones in like Season 4 or 5 and that feeling of being caught up is something that I can't achieve because I can only experience Season 1 through other means than actually do the missions.

  3. Hello, I was excited to hear about the new 64-bit Mac client and decided to start playing again, but I found that the game kept crashing about every 20-25 minutes due to trouble loading things and a memory crash or something like that. I later found that the support page said that there are different hardware requirements for the 64-bit client. I have the system requirements, but my laptop is too out of date to play the 64-bit version. Is the hardware requirement definitive, and it won't eventually be playable on the hardware on the 32-bit version? Also, if so, can the GW2 pages definitively state this? On the account page where you can download the client, it links to the system requirements for the Mac version, but it should also feature the hardware requirements as well. And if that's the case is the 32-bit version downloadable anywhere? I'm kind of disheartened that the game I just got back into turned out to be something I can't actually play anymore.

    32-bit VersioniMac 21.5", 27" (Mid-2010)iMac 21.5", 27" (Mid-2011)MacBook Pro 15", 17" (Mid-2010)MacBook Pro 13", 15", 17" (Early and Late-2011)MacBook Pro 13", 15", 17" (Mid-2012)Mac Mini (Mid-2011)

    64-bit VersioniMac 21.5", 27" (Late 2013)MacBook Pro 13", 15" (Late 2013)Mac Pro (Late 2013)Mac Mini (Late 2014)

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