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Posts posted by Hostility.4961

  1. Nothing against people personally, this is just what i observe in ranked with this current system in place. Again its not peoples fault its the bad dev ideas.

    Fresh accounts start at 1200 rating, get put in matches with -/+ 300 rating ppl. Makes no sense at all. You might as well call gold rating elohell haha. Get two of these kinds of accounts in row and your own mmr will spiral you down 10 losses in row just cause it thinks you ain't where you supposed to be. It punishes gold ppl so much. It ruins the new ppl experience too. I'v had better matches in plat 1 and 2 (my skill ceiling hits there) and silver 2 (yep bad placements put me there) than any gold match in my pvp history.

    Gold rating between 1200 and 1500 is a cesspool of bad variations and rng. Its why you can jump up and down 100-200 rating constantly if you are around g3 rating. If you get lucky not to have these "fake" gold players you will progress and have decent matches. But there's so many of them when the devs put in a PVE item as reward for ranked its like 8 out of 10 matches that someone is fresh and doesnt know anythin. I want new ppl in pvp but i want them there cause they want to pvp not to grind some pve item and leave. They come, "soil" the rating in a chain reaction and leave. Being in unranked untill you are rank 20 so u can go ranked is not enough to prepare them for a 1200-1500 rating placement matches. I would say those ppl are silver 1 ready tops.

    Start everyone from 0 and let them grind up like we used to have season 1 and 2. From a few full rng matches this would eventually bring decent ppl up and away from fresh ppl. I mean its rng even with this current system unless you break away from this 1200 fresh curse. Sure, you would have to play more often and less casually, you might not hit your true placement as fast as now but it would be a more enjoyable matches when u eventually get away from the rng. Am i horribly wrong or?

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