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Posts posted by NekoNoKoi.9137

  1. 47 minutes ago, thechief.3609 said:

    Why you have so much Cope for vallun? you asked to see me kill a good player and you said i would get smashed by jen or vallun if i fought them so i responded and now you are coping say oh its probably a test build. People like you just move the goal posts to every argument till you win but this time you wont.

    This is so true lmao

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  2. After years of maining necro, I can finally confirm that some of y'all play this kitten class for the sole reason that you're masochists. "Noooooo don't buff me, I like it rough! Pls daddy anet I love it when I get bonked around like a bowling ball because I have a fat ONE stack of stab on scourge! If you don't like endless suffering, go play something else, baka!!!"

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  3. 50 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Again, not sure anyone should just conclude the average raider is going to be best served with the meta build. Its more accurate to acknowledge the average raider is going to be best served playing the builds they are most comfortable/capable playing that are probably builds they most likely want to play. That's meta for some people ... and for some people it's not. 


    For what might be the 3rd time now: we are no longer in 2016, or whenever it was that raids released. The raiding community is no longer doing updrafts on Gorseval. The content being old + 2 expansions of powercreep = community is better overall. Today, for the memes and out of curiosity, I did Sabetha with the goofiest power reaper rotation I could imagine (staff autoattack spam and all), and my end result was still 17k on dps.report. Despite the insistence of yourself and OP, the average pug isn't completely incapable, so yes, they will perform much better with an optimised meta build. I know you really don't feel like this is the case, for whatever reason, so feel free to send me your kp.me so we can see how much experience you have raiding in this community compared to myself. Maybe you have 10k LI and have seen twice the LFGs I have, and I'm just lucky with PUGs 🙂


    Also, there is no alternative "meta", that's literally the opposite of what the acronym stands for.

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  4. 18 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Frankly, I think any attempts to frame any build as 'better' or not make little sense without considering the player. I get that in the IDEAL situation with HIGHLY capable players, meta is giving the best performance. That's almost NEVER what people who make non-meta build threads care about discussing. 


    This has already been covered repeatedly, but to clarify, there's nothing wrong with stating which build is the current highest DPS build, i.e. meta. It is what it is. Also, generally, pugs aren't as bad as OP strangely seems intent on painting them out to be, so for the average raider, the meta build will serve them better, especially if they want to play the best/meta option. If they prefer to play something else then they can do that too.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    No amount of metapushing is going to convince the average, casual gamer that they shouldn't play how they want, especially if the and the people in their team can be successful doing so. 

    No one is telling you what you can and can't play. GW2 is a game we play for fun, presumably, and you should play what you enjoy, meta or not. OP posted their build and people are critiquing it and suggesting what could be better. My bugbear is their framing of their build as somehow better than the meta variant, because this is untrue and shouldn't be advertised as such, because that's misleading (especially to newer players).


    This build, a meta one, a roleplay base war running soldiers stats, whatever - play what makes you happy, that's what this game is for. Critiquing someone's build and telling OP they shouldn't make false claims has nothing to do with forcing others to play a certain way


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  6. 14 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    I'm not responsible for horrible people being horrible.

    I didn't say that, and you're not, obviously. If I was making builds outside of the meta for newer players, I think it would be nice to give a disclaimer. 


    Regarding the actual points of your build, since you're bringing them up; people here have already given very helpful explanations as to what could be improved, so there's not much more to add. 


    You didn't reply to any of the others points I made (and frankly, I'm not sure how else I could paraphrase them or what else we could add) , so I wish you a good night 😀

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  7. 29 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    To protect no one. Just to protect your feelings and what you and many others view as "proper".

    Oy vey. I'm going to continue assuming you have a chip on your shoulder because you didn't reply stating otherwise, so please take this in good faith: I'm sorry for whatever crappy experience you had with some toxic elitist raider. I've also blocked plenty of people, unfortunately, who I had bad experiences with.


    33 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    If they can't conform or meet your bar, you don't want them.

    What you consider proper isn't necessarily the best fit for most players, so what you mean by proper is that they are playing in a way you find palatable/acceptable, and all other ways, therefore, are not.

    No...Please stop making me repeat myself. I already said, if people can't or don't want to learn the meta builds and rotations, there are good, viable alternatives from people creating low APM builds. I don't care what build you personally run, or frankly anyone, as long as boons are good, DPS is fine, and we clear the raid etc in a reasonable amount of time - run base necro, for all I care. I'm not the meta police lmao, play what you want. My one and only issue here is your claim that the current meta build is:


    2 hours ago, mandala.8507 said:

    You just can't call this the strongest way to play power reaper, because it's not the case.

    Because it is. That's the definition of meta/strongest/etc. I know you disagree, but words have meanings and it's impossible to have a conversation otherwise. As I previously said, you could totally make a case for your build being stronger, it's just that it would be in very suboptimal conditions, so it requires an asterisk. I have no emotional attachment to the "system" or whatever it is you accuse me of defending, I'm here because I was bothered by the irresponsible phrasing of your build claiming it as superior to the current BiS. If I was new to raids and didn't already have legendary armour and a bank overflowing with ascended gear in every stat, weight, and flavour, I'd be pretty upset to craft an entire new gearset based on this thread and then find that most of the groups I join kick me as soon as they see 3 signets on a power reaper.


    Again, play what you want

    46 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    And you say you're teaching people how to play "properly" and then flexing how much easier it is to skip mechanics and not learn them. So which is it?

    You... You know you have to actually learn mechanics and encounters before you can start figuring out how to min max DPS to skip aforementioned mechanics/phases, right? Do you think people like that show up expecting to do benchmark DPS despite not knowing what's going on? The difference between heal scourge and cheesing DPS is that one of these requires everyone to already have mastered the encounter "normally", whereas the other can and will hard carry people through mechanics they'd otherwise die and wipe to. I like to teach people and explain mechanics because it's my strong belief that helping others understand encounters builds a more solid foundation for success in their raiding journey than simply carrying them, because then they don't learn,  join experienced groups without a healscourge etc and get kicked. It's not a fun experience for the squad, but most importantly for that person either.


    Honestly, idk what else to say here. I can empathise that it probably feels really crap to dedicate time and effort to a build and then have it be criticised on a public forum - I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I don't see an issue with less optimised builds that are more forgiving/easier, like the low APM ones. You just shouldn't advertise it as being better than whatever the meta variant is, because it isn't and it's not even meant to be, that kind of goes hand-in-hand with "more forgiving/easier".

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  8. 13 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    But I can, because strength is always contextualized by who is playing the build and with whom the build is being played.

    Well, you can't really, because words mean things. This build is not the strongest power reaper build for the role (DPS). You can certainly make the case that it might be stronger than the BiS build in extremely unoptimised scenarios, but then that comes with the aforementioned disclaimer. I don't have any feelings about you or others playing this build, but I think it's a little irresponsible to advertise alternate builds in ways that aren't true.


    17 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    Disregarding these instances that are the common experience for new and low-skill players and forcing them to suffer on more streamlined builds "just because" is silly and we need to stop telling them these glassy builds are the only way to play the game, because they aren't.

    I'm not disregarding anything, I'm just saying that the frequency of these scenarios has definitely decreased dramatically since the inception of raids and other high end PvE content. Also, I'm not saying meta or low APM are your only options, you're assuming my point. You can play whatever you want (though not everybody will accept homebrew builds).


    24 minutes ago, mandala.8507 said:

    And what you're indirectly saying is that we shouldn't tolerate players that make mistakes and inconvenience this status quo. That the system should not accommodate them and the only people we really want raiding consistently are the ones who will end up being quite good at the game.

    I'm starting to feel like you might have a chip on your shoulder about raids and the meta and benchmarks, so you're now making a lot of assumptions. I'm involved in a guild which leads raid trainings, whether you're brand spankin' new or just need a refresher, so I'm very accustomed to mistakes (and mistakes are good, they're a great opportunity to learn). I wouldn't recommend the valkyrie build to a trainee because my aim is to teach them how to clear a raid boss properly, learning the mechanics, and without getting carried, whether that's heal scourge or anything similar. Once you're able to do this (and even when training, honestly), there's simply no need to run extra vitality etc outside of "hecc it, why not?".


    P.s. Some of the easiest runs I've had were with aggressive comps minimising heals and with high DPS. It's insane how easy it is when you skip mechanics

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  9. On 11/24/2022 at 3:35 AM, mandala.8507 said:

    However, this build failed to change with the times, and (I believe) it no longer represents the strongest way to play power reaper or the limitations of the class.

    Funnily enough, I think the times have changed in the sense that there are fewer reasons/situations to take a less optimised build in raids nowadays. Raids have been out for so long (not to mention the significant powercreep) that, for all my LFG browsing, it's becoming rare to find groups struggling so much that a build optimised for less DPS but more sustain/res power could be viable. Now that I think about it, it's actually become really rare for me to stumble upon those kinds of groups (and that's coming from someone who likes joining random LFG trainings to help out).


    The strongest/best in slot/etc build for a DPS power reaper in high end PvE will always be whatever does the most damage, and at the moment this is the so-called "glass cannon" variant, not Valkyrie or any other tankier mix. Sometimes you'll swap out a skill or sigil (like for HT CM), but ultimately the optimal power reaper DPS build has remained quite similar over time. Not everyone wants to or can learn the most optimal rotation, and that's fine, it's why we have low APM builds which still do decent DPS. You just can't call this the strongest way to play power reaper, because it's not the case.

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