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Posts posted by getskilled.2481

  1. I actually have a thread on the topic here as well:


    QoL for players in general, especially considering the frequency of bugs and crashes, but would also be a huge help to players with limited ability to play for big chunks of time.


    I'd also like to suggest allowing players to move the part of the UI for the fishing modal/popup and "!" icon. The current location of the exclamation point that comes up often overlaps other graphic features and makes the alert itself harder to see, all the more so for people with some colorblindness and people who are using the floaying lantern skiff skin.

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  2. To reply to everyone here:

    I honestly can't even remember playing through season 1, so I'm not sure what the intervals there look like.

    I should say that if I just plow RIGHT through a story section, I rarely hit something that takes more than an hour, but that's if I skip all the parts that actually give you achievements within that section (often needed for masteries). Either way, I think an hour is WAY too long of an interval. Having had to deal with bugs in 20-minute sections before, I feel like even a 20-minute interval is pushing it.

    I agree that it's also frustrating that there's no real time estimate, but on this part, I couldn't really tell you a good fix, because I think that's going to be pretty dependent on how you play, what class you're playing, and if you have a party etc. Looking up tutorials on YT isn't always helpful (plus, then you're adding in the time you need to go watch the tutorial).

    • Confused 2
  3. I am amazed this problem is still not fixed. I've played this part of the story on windows 8 and 10. When I first played it years ago on a win 10 system, I had the same freeze and crash issue. I got in touch with support and literally spent over a week redoing this same stupid story section over and over to try to help them bug test and NEVER got anywhere. Ridiculous waste of time. Eventually, I ended up trying the story on an older win 8 system that I had played GW2 on for a few years before this, and it worked fine with no issues.

    I am currently stuck redoing the story on another account, new system using Win 10, and I ran into this SAME exact issue. It STILL isn't fixed. That same cutscene still stalls out. Having run into the issue before, I just let the thing run stalled out in the background while I went and di other stuff online for a coupel minutes. After like 10 minutes, it eventually ran to the next cutscene clip (which also stalled for a couple minutes). I just left it running in the background and eventually it got through it all, but it really bothers me that this is still an issue.

  4. I can tell so much work has been put into this game and the story, but I've come to avoid doing the story content whenever possible.

    For players who solo more often or those who don't always have huge chunks of time, the story is difficult to complete.

    Many story sections take a while to complete, even with a group, and longer if you solo them. It can easily be over and hour between points where your progress is saved. You don't get experience during progress, and many sections also seem to have bugs that stall story sections that already take a long time, or make it likely for them to crash.

    I've run into these issues in PoF more than other story sections. I really enjoyed EoD. I'd like to be able to enjoy the HoT and PoF stories as well, but working on them feels more like slogging through an obligation that carries a high risk of zero gain than playing a game.


    Please add more "save progress" points in the stories. This would make it easier for players to complete stories more easily if they need to pause for some reason. It would make it way more accessible for EVERYONE--people who have health issues and need to take breaks, have kids to pick up, crash because they're running on older systems, or people who just want to do something else and enjoy another part of the game for a while.

    I'd also like to suggest giving experience for kills within the story. Not an accessibility issue, but for people who suddenly need to quit a story section early or crash, it would be less of a loss if they could at least earn experience.





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  5. I'd like to suggest that they at least improve it by allowing the UI alert popup to be moved. I'm not sure if it's an issue at all graphic setting levels, but I've found that where it currently pops up can be really hard to see, and even worse if you have the lantern boat skiff skin.

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  6. Continuing on the subject of TT and FAQs:

    Why do some groups gather so long before the event starts?

    There are two main reasons for this: getting everyone to the right map instance and organization.


    TT is a complicated event, and some commanders take their squads through a dry-run of the pre-event and the wurm spawn event, so everyone gets an introduction on what to do. It just makes it much more likely for the event to succeed.


    Map instance complications:

    Perhaps you've joined a party or squad, only to find that you can't see anyone, even when the map shows you right next to them, and their party icons are transparent. This is usually because you're on another instance of the same map. You can think of it as the same map in an alternate dimension if it's easier. The game does this so map instances don't get too crowded--if a map is at full capacity, it will start putting newcomers onto a new instance. If this happens, clicking a party member on the other instance and selection "Join in ____" will put you on the right instance if the map isn't full. This is called getting a taxi in.

    TT requires large groups of 60+ people just for that event, so players who try to join the instance for the organized run later may find the map is already full and they can't get in. Getting there earlier means that you can keep trying to taxi in and hope that someone has left the map and there's a space you can grab before the event starts.

    Not all groups gather very early for TT runs. Most start gathering 15 minutes before the escort event starts. EU runs may gather earlier, as players are often more inexperienced and it allows more time for questions and instructions.

    Shouldn't a map be able to hold more than 60 people? How can it fill up so fast?

    Yes! There are always other people on the map before people start gathering for TT, so the game is looking at the total number of people on the whole map, not just who is there for TT. Especially on days when Daily Achievement tasks direct people to go to Bloodtide Coast, there can be a lot of people on the map ahead of time who have no interest in doing TT. If you see a map commander asking people to either portal out and back into the map or go to their character selection screen and back to join another instance, that's why they're asking--it means the map instance is full and not enough people who are needed for TT can get in. They're asking people to join another instance, which will make room for TT groups to get to where they need to be.


    My squad killed the Wurm head, but the event failed! What happened?!

    It's likely that even though you killed your wurm head, all three heads were not killed at the right time. In TT, killing one head is not enough. All THREE heads have to be decapitated and killed at nearly the same time, which is why you'll see commanders shouting at each other about their wurm head progress--they're trying to keep things coordinated. After each wurm head is decapitated, commanders also need to make sure they're killed at nearly the same time. Always listen to your commander and follow instructions--not following instructions can mean killing something too early or late, which can cause the event to fail.


    I heard the event is really two parts?

    It's really kind of THREE parts.

    At the event start time, an escort missing with three different escorts will start. The escorts lead to the three different head spawning locations.

    Once all three escort NPCs have reached their sites, the second part will start--the wurms will spawn and each group will need to follow commander instructions and complete special tasks to decapitate their wurm head.

    If all three wurm heads were decapitated at nearly the same time, the third part will start, and players will need to work together to finish killing off their head entirely.

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  7. For general info on the event, including player and commander event quickguides, and info on blocking, mechanics and event achievements, please visit the wiki here:



    Currently, there are some more regular organized EU TT runs, largely run by a single very small guild. Unfortunately, the primary person organizing these has routinely been abusive to players, and other people who help organize the event. As I cannot endorse this group, I will not be posting the schedule here directly and players who wish to seek it out should take caution and be aware that they may encounter conflict with group authority. Experiences during these events do not represent all TT runs and organizers.

    EU currently has a number of experienced TT commanders and blockers, who do not currently run organized events, but are often willing to help out on unorganized runs and teach new players if asked. I highly recommend seeking these people out, learning the event mechanics, and even trying out commanding yourself!

    For the event to succeed, all three NPCs must be escorted, all three wurm heads need to be decapitated, and all three wurm heads need to then be killed, which takes a large number of people and coordination. That being said, players who are just looking for comm and event mechanic practice can still complete the pre-event escort (three groups of 3-5 people each) and often practice mechanics and even get through the decapitation phase for single heads (apx 20-25+ for amber, 10-20+ for cobalt, and 10+ for crimson head). The overall event will fail in these partial runs, but there are still small event rewards, and it can be a good fun practice event for a group of players, especially if you want to practice for other aspects of the game that require more coordination.

    Some achievements can still be gained from events, even if the event fails. This includes all escort achievements and mechanic achievements, such as scrambler, klepto, and wurm barf (a total of 7 achievements).

    NA servers generally have a greater number of organized TT runs. Currently, NOPE runs a casual daily organized run for the 21:06 CET timeslot. WHAM does some organized runs during the week, typically at the 18:06 timeslot, and a number of other organized and spontaneous groups run TT as well. If you have an organized group with a regular schedule, feel free to post it on this thread!


    This site, https://tripletrouble.today/ is a good resource for a great deal of TT information and video clips, however, listed runs only include the EU servers.

    Timers for world boss events in general, including TT, can be found here if you need them: http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/events.php?serverKey=119&langKey=1



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  8. Hi,

    It seems that there may be some confusion over when organized TT runs are happening, so I figured it would be worth posting here.

    TT Triple Trouble is a World Boss event that runs every few hours. Timer can be found here-- http://guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/events.php?serverKey=119&langKey=1

    It's one of the events that requires more coordination, so unorganized groups are more likely to have difficulties with it. Trouble, if you will.

    If you'd like to join an organized run, organized runs are announced on this Discord on the organization channel-- https://discord.com/invite/6YG5CC6

    Please keep in mind that these organized runs start grouping on the Bloodtide Coast map about an hour before the event starts, to allow time for organization and instructions. There are usually both silent text command squads and Discord voice squads available. Due to the number of people that show up, the map tends to fill up quickly, so if you show up at event time and the map is empty, you're likely stuck on an overflow map. Plan to arrive at the Discord event grouping time, not the event start time to have a good chance of getting into an organized group.

    If you're new to TT, you may want to check out a few videos or the TT Wiki to look at some of the mechanics-- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triple_Trouble


    The next run is scheduled for 10 Jan 2023 and will start grouping 0815 PM Central EU Time (CET).


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  9. Sorry I'm a bit late to the party here.

    I understand your frustration with TT. From what I've seen, unorganized runs of TT often have a lot of trouble, no pun intended.

    Without three commanders that really know the mechanics well and can communicate well, AND all have enough people following directions, it's a very easy event to mess up, and sometimes doesn't go perfectly even when people don't know what they're doing. The runs that I've been on and failed have generally been because people thought they knew what they were doing but didn't, and the groups weren't well coordinated. It's always harder when some people have limited experience and no comm tags as well. I was on here checking to see if someone had posted a general TT guide for people recently, as I figured that it might be worthwhile having a post directly on the forum in the future that people could refer to easily for basic instructions, when I stumbled on your post.

    There are definitely far fewer people running regular TTs on NA and EU servers, but there are still regular runs, so you can check when they're doing runs and pick a time that works for you.

    I most often do the EU runs. These are once a day (sometimes twice) and start grouping up around an hour before the event starts to give time for explanations which I think helps a lot. The EU ones currently start grouping at 0515 pm or 0815 pm CET (sorry my semicolon key has apparently broken). Times are announced in advance via the Discord (https://discord.com/invite/6YG5CC6). You don't actually need to be on Discord for the event itself, as there is generally at least one squad that commands via text. If you're unsure of the time that day, and have zero access to Discord, you can likely shout in Lion's arch and someone may be able to look it up for you quickly. If you catch an organized TT run, you can likely also just ask a comm after the event when the next run is and they can likely tell you.

    The run for 9 Jan. 2023 is over for the day. The next run is supposed to be 10 Jan. 2023 and will start grouping at 0815pm CET.

    The event itself doesn't actually start until a little after 9, but these are big groups and the map tends to fill quickly, especially on weekends and when dailies are on the same map, so I would plan to get there at 0815, jump in a squad, and then run around for a bit until instructions start.

    In terms of mastery--Some points for the mastery can be done without a full TT success run and just require the pre-events or killing individual heads. These can often be completed by unorganized groups if they coordinate on the spot. It's possible for smaller groups of people to split up and complete the pre-events and then regroup to just kill one or two heads, or just focus on a single pre-event for a very small group of people.

    I'm not sure what times the NA groups run, but I've heard that they are often all text-based commands that don't use Discord, if that's more your thing. Best of luck.


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  10. At the very least, it would be nice to find a way to still reward players beyond basic event rewards when they have exp but no points for the mastery completion available, so they're not "stuck". When I run into this, it often feels like I'm wasting my time--fully complete tracks give rewards, so it would be nice to have something similar with smaller rewards for incomplete "stuck" masteries.


    I definitely hear the issue that some people have with core completion. I've gotten through other areas far faster than the core content. One of the features I like about the game is that there are a lot of ways that you can level up, even solo. I feel like this is reflected in a lot of the HoT/PoF content as far as masteries go, but less so in the central Tyria/core content where more masteries require a group or are quite difficult without one. It would be nice to add more options, especially options that are outside of PvP/WvW/fractals that would be easier for newer players and those who don't have a guild/play group. Personally, I don't think the PvP area masteries are too difficult to complete, even if you're new, but I personally often avoid it just because of all the trashtalk. Unless you're into that sort of thing, I can see that being pretty off-putting to newcomers. It doesn't exactly show off the highlights of the community or the game. I've also noticed that some days it's just difficult to find a good group for things, especially if you have limited play time.

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  11. So I'll say that I've player GW2 on at least three different systems since I started and all were far from gaming powerhouses. I started playing when I was in the US, but I moved to Germany a while ago. Even my old crappy laptop will run things fairly smoothly if it doesn't overheat--as long as I'm playing before like 5PM. I get the impression that this may have to do with when people in the Americas are getting up an logging on, because there is a MASSIVE difference in the number of people I see at events.This has definitely been more of an issue in the past year, definitely starting not long after COVID lockdowns started going into effect in the US. In the last month, especially around Christmas and NY when people are home from work and school, it's been REALLY bad. If I really want to get anything on the game done, I make damn sure I do it before 5PM here because after that I start getting massive lag and disconnection issues. When it lags, it seems to lag for everyone, not just me, so I'm guessing it's on the server end. Sometimes it's bad enough that the game flat out won't connect.The GMs asked me to try redownloading the game to fix a story chapter graphic bug, and I made the mistake of starting this at like 6PM. And the later it gets, the longer the DL estimate gets. A little while ago the estimate would have given me a total time of like 14 hours. It took like an hour and a half tops to do the installer and start playing when I ran it the first time on this computer a few weeks ago.Given the specs you've listed, the fact that it seems to largely be an issue when you play GW2, and my own experiences, I'd say the issue isn't really on your end. There are things you can do to speed up the game in general, which some other folks have suggested, and there's no reason you can't do those anyways, but if the problem lies on the server end, you're still likely going to have some issues.

  12. Hey, folks. I'm getting something weird when I play sometimes where after talking to an NPC or accessing one of the menus (inventory, hero points, etc) my controls get switched around. Right click will start "run", and wasd will still cause the character to move, but the camera will not reposition behind the character. Sometimes wasd will not cause the character to move in the expected direction. I haven't found a way to fix it, outside of dicking around with the controls until it seems to fix itself.Does anyone know what causes this, how to fix it, and how to prevent it?Running a repair file does not fix it.

  13. Multiple bugs encountered in the Descent chapter. In the early part of the chapter, I've had some issues with NPCs not moving, mobs and other interactive parts of the environment not spawning, as well at cutscene freezes and graphic issues. I've found that restarting the instance or restarting the game solves some of these.Looking for input on the one I can't fix:Right after hitting the heart on the Destroy the Heart step, shown here

    at 27:27, there is a screen whiteout that goes to a cutscene. I'm encountering a bug where every time I hit the heart and the whiteout and cutscene start, the entire game freezes just as the screen white starts. In most other cases where the game freezes, I can still Alt F4 to close it if I have to, or use something like the task manager or cmd to force it to close out, and I can still swap windows or view the desktop. That's not the case with this bug. The mouse cursor is still mobile, but the game seems to take over the whole desktop. Swapping windows or trying to force the game to close by typical means doesn't work. Task manager can be opened, but the window itself can't be accessed. The only way I've found to exit the frozen game at this point is to force restart the computer, or force relog the computer account, both of which force the game to close.Before the cutscene starts and the game freezes, the game connection appears to be stable (chat, mail, and trading post etc still work), at least until the game freezes.

    (Working on viewing the character connection status from another account when the freeze happens. Not yet sure if the game is simply frozen at that point, or disconnected entirely.)

  14. @Perihen the Thawk.9527 said:

    @"Daria Morgendorffer.7049" said:I try to play both evenly to keep it interesting, so each character looks & sounds more unique.

    But I find it hard to play female characters, because of the pretty sexist way women are treated in GW2 (especially humans/norn). The same armor/outfit on a male vs female character is so different — a fully clothed armor on a male character is a revealing battle bikini on a female character.

    This is the SAME armor skin:
    I'd give a dozen more examples, but we've all seen it.

    I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?

    I know some people like these designs (they do look good individually if you're into that), and that's fine, there's just a lack of options. I don't mean to insult anyone's beloved characters. You do you — I even have a female Norn, myself.

    100% agree.

    I'm a guy and I play an even mix of genders because I just like to think of them as characters with some backstory that I make up, rather than avatars for myself. And I completely agree about the armors,
    light armor. I find myself wondering why so many of the female armors are so
    male gaze-y. Even the heavy armors have weird random "windows".

    My wife watches me play sometimes, and she was interested in the game so I made her a free account to try it out. But then she went to make an elementalist, and hell I forgot how weird the starting light armor is for female characters. She was so annoyed, her reaction was pretty much "I'm a sylvari still in the Dream and I have to wear a freaking
    ? Really?" I agreed and offered that we'd find her some better armor first thing but even though she halfheartedly continued for awhile, she was kind of done. Said she didn't want to have to
    pants. I don't blame her at all. Anet lost a new player there.

    While I understand that some people love the current options and I don't want to take them away, they should do better about providing more, especially for the starter and early game armor sets when people are leveling and are just stuck with things for awhile. Some of the armor skins labeled "pants" are not anything anyone would mistake for "pants".

    And there's definitely some sexism in the available character models, too. You can make male Norn of various ages with just totally gnarly, scarred, weatherbeaten faces, look like they've been through hell. There is, I think, exactly one female Norn face with any kind of scar, and zero older faces with any visible wrinkles at all. Not to mention male Norn have totally different proportions from male humans, but for some reason female Norn are just tall.

    Oh my god I went browsing the forums because I was wondering if anyone else had the same issues.While I have both male and female characters, I definitely enjoy playing the male characters more. If I do make a female character, they're generally sylvari or charr, which seem to have a slightly more gender neutral appearance. (I'm just not a fan of the asura movement animation.)I really dislike the lack of options for female human and norn characters. Most of the face designs are very similar in that they all look like made up dolls. So many of the male faces (even with the charr and sylvari) seem to have faces with more "character". There are way broader options for age, skin marks, facial structure, and damage in the male characters. With female human and norn faces the option is basically "what color do you want your lipstick and eyeliner?" I really try to make all of mine unique and it's really a struggle with those races. Running around the game, it looks like I'm mostly running around looking at the same character but with different skin and hair colors. I really wanted to try playing every race storyline, so I figured it would be fun to make the human character look like myself. The trouble was that it wasn't fun at all, because there's so few options that aren't just Barbie variations.I'm with you guys on the armor differences too. I do a couple types of historical combat, so I've spent a lot of time running around in armor, and I really hate that so many of the female armor options are pretty much bikini-maile. I really wish that they would at least give you the option to customize the basic starting armor appearance so you don't have to start off wearing stripper outfits.When I try playing a female character, it often feels like I'm just playing a walking pair of boobs. If walking boobs is an option, and not just the norm, I'm fine with that, but when that's the default, it takes the fun out of playing the character. It's not really a character anymore; it's just eye-candy. There's nothing wrong with giving people the option to make eye-candy characters, but I find it both weird and kind of insulting that you're playing characters in the game who are a range of ages and have obviously seen combat, but so few of the female character options represent that.

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