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Posts posted by Sekai.2987

  1. well after over 1k people saw it live on stream with teapot and even more now with posted here i think its obvious how good condi thief is and its not anymore about "thief is dead" but more about people dont want to change their playstyle, this also means to change from power to condition dmg if its necessary and if its simply the better build until the next balance patch, dont cling to your old build guys

  2. @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:I suppose we will see more of these weavers popping up in wvw after this was shared.

    this looks like a condi meme build, he has no water traitline which means death against any good condi mirages, he also has just one stun break and no stability trait, that spellbreaker build with a shiton of cc with the chain that pulls you would kill him too, i would suspect that even other weaver could kill him if they cc chain him with air 5,earth 4,air/earth 3 and weave self (which order you want), or in any 2vs1 against a pistol thief, thief just needs to spam headshot and he cant do shit

    but you know what, play what you what, troll other players and make them salty, thats the only reason to be in wvw

  3. yes ofc, ele is still one of the classes that benefits the most from all stats, i mix in with zerk accessorys so not all fights are stalemate or taking forever. it takes practice to survive with less hp and less thougnes so i would not recommend it to a begginer

    mute sound, i didnt bother to slap some music over it , just made it to show a friend:

  4. i like to see it as a challenge to myself , to never let the enemy get my below 50%, if he manages that its my punishment to play without stab the rest of the fight..

    joke aside , its incredible how every patch they introduce a new bug while fixing an old one , last time it was the trait that gives regen while gaining swiftness that was buged , now this, both traits are so important while roaming/ dueling and now i have to fight again for weeks with a handicap , god damn awful anet

    place your bets if/when the trait is fixed and what trait will be buged next

  5. reminds me of gw1 with second profesion thing, and after thinking about all the possible builds one could make if you could use heal/utiltys/elite from other proffesions, i really really want it as a permanent thing, i know balancing even more skil combos would totally overwhelm the devs but...who cares about it at this point , not like it was much better in the past 7 years

  6. first thing that came to mind would be guild chat looking like this: "guys , there is this guy i need to kill for bounty , join my party"

    and you would see a party of 5+ people hunt/chase/gank one guy just because one guy from the party has the bounty for him

    majority of people in wvw dont look for good fights but for easy kills, they dont care about 1v1 2v2 or other even fights , they would kill you 10vs1 or even 40vs1 just to get the kill/bag/bounty

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