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Soa Cirri.6012

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Posts posted by Soa Cirri.6012

  1. @SkyShroud.2865 said:so-so?Above average, I'd say.

    As others have stated above, GW2 is more cooperative than competitive, which promotes friendlier behavior. People still run HP trains, portal JPs, and occasionally help each other with achievements and the like.

    However, there are fairly broad realms of content (fractals, raids, harder world/meta content) where if you PUG at all, you can easily find it doesn't take much for people to reveal antipathy and even hostility, pointing fingers, calling names, &tc. Cliquish behavior is also very common within and among guilds, and as GW2 is largely a social game, and in the social arena ANET is relatively laissez-faire, people regulate themselves, with mixed results.

    I've seen MMO communities that are much friendlier, where players regularly gift new players items with premium currency and trade them extras of rares they could easily otherwise sell, just out of empathy and sympathy for being in the new player's shoes. But I think GW2 is at a point now where the noob/vet discrepancy is so huge and the veteran position is so remote, and so much content is dependent upon group competence despite GW2's generally casual veneer that it's much easier to see new players as obstacles or as anchors than as assets. Outside of specific game modes or interactions that friendliness is there, but patience and generosity, less so.

    I'd rate it maybe a 6.5 to 7/10. Not LoL level, or even WoW level, but certainly not utopian by any means.

  2. GW2 has the inertia to last a long time, so strictly speaking, it doesn't really need a sequel. I mean, WoW is still active, and GW2 is arguably a sidegrade, if not an upgrade, upon the WoW style of MMO.

    If there is a GW3, it would need to make some radical innovations and departures from convention, even though that might risk alienating some elements of the playerbase. But if a sequel is made, I hope the devteam behind it will look carefully at what has been done in GW2 in order to replicate its successes and avoid its mistakes. If that process is not undertaken carefully, and the game is not redesigned with an eye toward the future, I would rather they just keep updating GW2.

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