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Posts posted by Bobzitto.8571

  1. On 9/5/2022 at 12:48 PM, SolidTx.3249 said:

    - prove me wrong


    -- the biggest issues in end game are balance related

    -- there are far more "viable" classes that never get picked in LFG because they arent the snowcrows perfect meta build

    -- the community is like lemmings and indexes on the classes that are perceived as making the content the easiest it can be; regardless of truth

    -- ARC dps and the like have driven the community to a caustic state - where end game is not friendly to players trying to learn raiding and other end game content like high end fractals

    -- if ANET really wanted to make end game more viable for all players - they would not allow any DPS meters - and this would improve end game for most players

    -- the above would improve the game overall and the reputation of the community


    There are plenty of builds that do 'ok' (25-30k) dps but don't get posted in snowcrows because it's considerably below the meta. That said, I find it extremely hard to believe most players who don't play the meta would arrive at those builds on their own. And to be honest here, I've sincerely never seen anyone get kicked from a group simply from playing a certain class/spec - and I pug 100% of the group content I do. 


    Players trying to learn raiding =/= players using builds that simply don't work due to stats/traits/spec/weapon choice. Yes, these very often intersect, but removing Arc will not fix this, it will simply make people go on a witch hunt whenever fights are taking too long, to see who's using the 'bad' build. On the other hand, Arc allows players to see who isn't pulling their weight and either kick them (if in an experienced group where this wouldn't be acceptable) or talk to them and figure out what is going on(in a learning/training group where this is somewhat expected). The problem is rarely the tool, but rather how you use it. Just yesterday I did T4s with a reaper that had 800 AP and was doing 2-2.5k dps. When we finished the last fractal, I asked them what build they were using and they linked me the stats. They were in Dire gear, which...pretty much explained it all without even looking at the rest of his build. Gave them some advice and to check snowcrows/discretize/metabattle. 


    What we need isn't to disable Arc, it's to have players show more respect and acceptance towards players who are new to a certain type of content and what is expected of them there. And to get rid of this mentality that only classes doing 35k+dps are viable for content. Removing Arc fixes neither.

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  2. I do think the -lore- and worldbuilding of GW2 are miles ahead of FF14 (in part due to the existence of GW1). There's a lot of story to the world and some of it is quite magnificent, like the story behind Orr or Ascalon. When looking at things at a grander scale, GW2 gets a lot right. However, the plot followed by GW2, imho, completely pales when compared to FF14. Nothing in GW2 is given proper time to breathe unlike in FF14, so everything feels as if it is resolved before it had a chance to be explored. To me, it feels like the game would benefit much more from having smaller, more insular stories that explore different areas and cultures of the world rather than the whole 'this thing is going to doom the whole world' on repeat. 


    Also, Emet-selch. If you know, you know.

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  3. 10 hours ago, valeran.3029 said:

    ."Every single multiplayer game on the market goes through balance passes"


    No. Every single MMO with pvp goes through "balance" changes... to appease pvp'rs... period.



    Nope, every MMO regardless of PvP goes through balance patches as long as it is receiving updates. Nearly all MMOs have stat-based gearing and you can never really tell how things will work a few years down the line when players went from having X crit to having 10X crit. Almost every MMO also has PvP...even ones where it is not the focus like FFXIV. And alas, they also have balance patches regardless of PvP since, again, updates add new skills, or change rotations, and things need to be looked at again. Speaking of GW2 specifically, one of the biggest things to affect balance was the introduction of elite specs, a more grounded approach to support classes focused on buffing and healing,  and changes to how classes interact with content (which again, leads to a need to rebalance things). 



    Whether it is or not remains to be seen. Some things I like. Some things the devs have done I don't. 


    Welcome to every game ever, mate. 




    One thing I have seen? The community IN GAME is far different than the people on the forum. Because this "just leave" is kitten. Why should I "just leave" and NOT just tell the devs where they are kitten up? And WHY are people on the forum telling me to leave when the people IN GAME are more then willing to help new players?



    People who actively participate in a game's community outside of the game tend to be the ones who love it most. That can easily turn to toxicity when they see critics to the game. Doesn't justify them going after you and asking you to leave, but do get off your high horse thinking you hold the truth of what's right or wrong or how things should be. Specially if you're going to try and validate that with kitten-poor arguments like 'I've been playing games since the 70s' or 'I've played every RPG worth their salt so what I saw is the law".


    Go to any game's forum or reddit with that horrid attitude and you'll meet much the same reaction. Except maybe WoW because we've been talking kitten about WoW for the better part of a decade.

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  4. 19 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Why do new players need ascended gear?


    Nobody needs anything in this game. Question is, what is the harm in reducing the timegate to obtain it for anyone who wants it? If I want to spend the whole day gathering to craft a ton of ascended mats/gear for myself,  why can't I?

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  5. I can see the point of some of the time gates we have for purely economic reasons (like quartz or ascended mats) but I do think they hurt new players or people looking to craft new sets of ascended gear. Easy solution, allow players to craft unlimited amounts of these resources but only the first one of the day is tradeable. People who don't have the resources at hand and want to avoid farming for them will continue to rely on the trading post (either buying raw mats or the finished product), while players who accumulated resources won't have to get the mats drip-fed to them. 


    GW2 would also benefit from a system like Lost Ark's, where not doing something daily allows it to accumulate so you can reap the rewards on a different day, albeit at a slight loss. In GW2, if you miss the daily 3 one day, the following day it would give you 3g50s instead of 2. A player doing it every day is still at an advantage, but people who can't do it everyday are at less of a loss. Considering how much daily stuff some of us try to farm, depending on what we're working on, it would be pretty helpful.

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  6. Maps:


    The maps are visually stunning and really pushing the engine to its limit (in both good and bad ways). There's some clipping here and there but you can ignore it for the most part. I wish New Kaineng had a darker vibe to it (like Cyberpunk's Night City). Still, New Kaineng doesn't feel as lived-in as one would hope with its size.


    The metas are OK. Worse than HoT, better than PoF (the xpac metas, not what came after). I wish DE could be more organic, like Drizzlewood Coast or Dragonfall, rather than on a fixed timer. 




    Frankly, I didn't like it as a whole. I like Ankka, and I like Mai Trin's redemption arc (which doesn't work that well for anyone that didn't play S1), but there's way too much happening without a shred of logic or reasoning behind it (like Aurene constantly doing stuff without thinking because plot armor). The "villain" at the end feels super tacked on, and it would have been better if it had appeared way earlier when we noticed how killing Elder Dragons screwed with the balance of magic. Or if it hadn't appeared at all. 




    Awesome pieces, and it's great to know they used traditional korean instruments in it. Would have loved to hear biwas, shakuhachis and shamisens but we can't have everything. Not as much variation as what we get from a certain japanese composer who loves breaking the mold but still great. 




    It would be nigh impossible to top the glider and mounts, simply because of how their implementation changes the way players interact with the maps and traverse the game world. There isn't a single better mount system in the genre. What we got were some self-contained masteries and a bit of utility. Fishing and the Skiff are there for each other, but I don't like how they did Fishing in the game. It feels like a one-off gimmick for achievements, but I frankly don't know what they could have done instead. The Skiff exists for fishing almost exclusively, as any body of water will be crossed faster on a Skimmer. The Arborstone works as a hub and I like the architecture of the place a lot. I also like that it becomes a serviceable hub without draining player resources like EotN. Good for newcomers. My favorite, though, has to be the jade bot. It is the only one that really brings utility outside of its little bubble, with the vitality boost, the self-res, extra utility and farming resources with the chips (or whatever they're called). 



    (This is PvE-related as I don't generally engage in PvP or WvW)

    This is where I feel things were rushed. Not from a design standpoint, but from the sheer amount of reused assets for some of the specs. Design-wise, Anet does a great job opening up roles and allowing for more variety in what has been established as the  meta (quick/alac providers, dps, occasional heals). 



        - Vindicator GS is basically a reaper copy and GS5, which had the chance to look amazing, is probably the most visually bland skill in the entire game. 

        - I don't like the choices we got for our legends. The duality of it feels weird as a build that uses one side rarely has any reason to use the other. Also, we all know Nika is the one who carried these two buffoons to victory. 

        - The dodge mechanic is a bit clunky and I've had my fair share of issues not actually dodging stuff while in the air. 



        - Cool skill effects, a great streamlined glass-cannon build for mesmers. The dagger attack sounds get very annoying very quickly. 



        - Scepter AA animation is the same as warrior's axe.

        - Can feel a little clunky at least in action cam, with you suddenly targeting allies you moused over. 

        - Other than that, the class feels great.



        - With the most recent changes, feels really good to play. 

        - Hammer 3 orbs need to stay after hitting block/immune enemies, specially since they're the crux of energy generation for the weapon. 

        - Could do away with energy in its entirety, TBH. 

        - Auras as a mechanic don't feel as fun.



        - You now know what happens when you give guardians coke. 

        - Feels fun and fast, but your F1 is clunky with the delay between you dashing and you dropping the fire attack. The good part is that it can follow your target and drop in weird places to hit them, but it still feels clunkers.

        - MH Sword is completely antithetical to the design of the spec. 

        - Whenever you mount/dismount, you get the Aegis passive from F3. Unsure if it was fixed recently or intended.



        - Feels like a 'love it or hate it' spec. 

        - The blade weapon skills feel 'meh'. Pistol is nice.

        - Very risky, not sure the rewards are worth it with the current balancing.

        - Still a bannerslave (to be fixed soon?).



        - The glass cannon for the necros. Amazing damage, at a very hefty survivability cost compared to the other e-specs of the class.

        - Elixirs and the blight mechanic can be fun to play around with. 

        - Elixirs are almost mandatory for the blight mechanic to flow well.



        - Very much tamed. Bad damage, the ability to control your pet skills feels more like a detriment if you can't put them on autocast. 

        - For how much work it is to proc them, ambush skills feel underwhelming. 

        - Does nothing a soulbeast doesn't do better.



        - Any time you join a meta group, there's a 90% chance 50% of the group are playing mechanists, and thus I rest my case.

        - Dye mechas when








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  7. 3 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    I did see squads that require quickness and alacrity. That's not as bad as killproof though. That's more Anet's fault for making those mandatory...

    Rather, I think what we are seeing is a shift as these kinds of builds cement themselves alongside DPS builds as a core of the game. It's similar to other games asking for, say, healers and tanks. They've always been there so for them that's normal, but as new specs open up more providers of quickness and alacrity, the game gets to a point where it's comfortable to design content requiring them. Since we're the vanguard to this kind of design, it's kind of new and strange to us. 

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  8. Just now, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Fun fact. In FF XIV, in any encounter, when a group wipes, it's generally clear why that was the case. If you fail due to dps check, you will know you failed due to dps check. If you failed due to a mechanic, you will also know that. And in FF XIV the answer to improving your dps is generally simple: polish your rotation more. Also, notice how i mentioned how dps checks are themselves extremely rare, especially in non-HC content.

    In GW2, dps check is always there, in the background,and bigger dps is a solution to 80-90% of the problems you might face. At the same time, that (much more important than in FFXIV) part is also something that is much harder to improve upon, because it's hidden behind not one thing, but several systems with very complex and unclear interactions.


    Find me a player that has a polished rotation without having checked external sources. I really, really doubt you'll find a DRK or DRG or SAM out there doing great rotations without having sought the correct rotation in The Balance. DPS checks are in literally every Savage and Extreme boss (is that HC? Or just ultimates?), specially when you're doing it at the correct gear level. Otherwise, yeah, they don't have enrage timers for the most part.


    Also for DPS in GW2, I'll have to disagree here. There's plenty of mechanical fail. I remember when I did DE with random groups and you could tell a group was doomed on the very first smash the boss did when the fight began. You saw like 25 people get downed by standing in the shiny circle, you knew you were effed. 

    (also, "bigger dps" is a solution for most bosses regardless of the game)

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  9. 1 minute ago, Erise.5614 said:

    Everything is there but both the UI and the UX is mediocre in a lot of ways.

    Again, Dark Souls doesn't tell you good stats, bad stats either. You get to progress in whatever direction you wish and it has plenty of gameplay styles to choose from. It merely displays differences in a more concise and user friendly way.

    I mean. Noish. A lot of those comps are make shift and have some but not all attributes. Most of what I see is either that CM gatekeeping style of stuff or people who mostly do makeshift teams. They often end up having an okish comp but there's no explicit focus on an optimal comp which means people learn about that aspect between slowly to not at all (depending on how attentive they are). 

    And a few fractals are serious issues. Siren's Reef requires not just boons but also good AOE ad clear. Which can make the fractal hell on T4. Especially in combination with certain instabilities. 
    Sunqua is often very, very long or even fails in T4 PUGs. Similar with Mai Trin. Certain classes do way worse and certain makeshift comps are extremely difficult to succeed with. 

    That's what I mostly meant. 

    You don't need all. Get a healer and a quick provider and you're golden. Unless you find 3 DPS that play with their elbows. I haven't had it happen yet. If you're pugging, don't join a group that doesn't state what specifically needs. Also, how is requiring CM to do CM gatekeeping, for people farming it every day? You don't like it, go make your own group and get the challenge done, there is no gate being kept.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    The game tells you that you failed, but most of the time it doesn't actually tell you why, or how you could do to change that. That is especially a problem in highly dps-dependant encounters (which is most of them, btw). When you fail due to failing a single visible mechanic, you know that and can work on improving that. When you fail because you just were dps-ing too slowly, or got overwhelmed by a lot of mechanics happening all at once, but can't point to any specific point of failure, and all you know is that you failed, you learn nothing whatsoever.

    Basically, the game keeps throwing at you barriers that are higher and higher, but gives you no help in learning how to jump higher. If you learn that on your own, you're golden. If you don't, then, well, either someone will push you up, or you fall flat.


    Welcome to MMOs. There isn't one out there that will tell you how to correctly improve after failing due to DPS checks. Because it can't really, unless the game starts analyzing your stats and rotation and whatever choices you can make to optimize for damage, and tell you. For the longest time, MMO players wanting to improve in terms of DPS have sought sources outside the game for that. WoW and BDO use class discords, FF14 has The Balance and Akhmorning, GW2 has Snowcrows, Discretize, Fast farming and Metabattle. None of these games natively tells you your performance either, you have to use outside sources for that. 

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  11. 17 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:


    I may not be the best at explaining it so let's look at some examples. Here's three images. GW2 DungeonDefenders (extremely grind focused coop game) and a Dark Souls game.

    Notice how in GW2 I am given all information on a superficial level. About the item, about my stats and so on. But have to juggle multiple windows to see the difference to my own gear, to see my stats. Which are next to the stats of my stats because yo dawg. 

    Dungeon defenders has significantly more stats and modifiers. But they all have their own icons making it easy to distinguish at a glance. The tooltip gives you all information alongside all information about your current equipment so you can see what you gain and what you loose. It even highlights which stats are better and which are worse. Plus all your current character stats are listed too right next to it. 

    Same with Dark Souls. They have more stats. All are displayed and if you hover over an item it displays to you how all stats would change. 

    It's not necessarily more info. But it's displayed in a more intuitive way that makes it easier to improve your effectiveness and more engaging to experiment. Without simplifying the system in the slightest. It's "just" QoL stuff.


    Everything you need is on H, at most you have to mouse-over an item to see which stats it specifically has. The one thing it doesn't do is highlight stats (as someone mentioned before, "The Good Stats" or "The Bad Stats"), which in itself would make no sense because there are different builds that want different stats. Your whole argument about the complexity of the stuff requires the player to simply mouseover the numbers in his H tab.



    The idea to necessitate people to craft gear and look closer at gear slots is great. But it's not successful enough at getting people all the way through. Idea is good, execution lacking for some reason. Also due to the LFG format most pugs have poor team compositions even in T4 which also creates some issues. There is no simple fix. But it's not supporting the learning experience either.

    I don't know what you've been playing but I pug T4s every day and I've never seen a group with poor comps. Or rather, we always have what we need to complete it painlessly (heals, quick, maybe alac)

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  12. 8 hours ago, Kandrax.1504 said:

    Ok, first things first, this is a serious question.

    I recently started playing this game together with my wife, we have a lot of fun but there's one problem: killing human enemies is creeping her out, up to the point where she doesn't want to do anything that involves bandits or other human enemies. I never really paid attention, but after she complained to me I spent a while killing and I have to say, even tho there is no real blood or gore some of the death animations and accompanying voices may really seem a little disturbing, depending on your personality. It's not like the slapstick deaths from WoW.


    I didn't see any options in the menu concerning this and there probably are none, but I'd still want to ask if there are any ways?




    You might be better serviced with a game like It Takes Two or Stardew Valley. 

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  13. I came late to the party and missed the meta pre-nerf, but my experience so far is that organized groups get it. I've had kills with almost 6min to spare, and only had one fail with an organized group, because a lot of us had a random crash (the event timed out with soo-won at 2%). 


    The event is, frankly, not hard. There are maybe 3 or 4 deadly AoEs you need to get out of and a CC phase and target switching to the tail (which, granted, could knock a couple % off the boss as a reward but oh well). Thing is, the community as a whole has gotten used to meta events being essentially free loot rides with very little effort needed. Players who are used to harder content will quickly adapt, but the guy who has spent the last 7 years playing MM necro with full toughness and vitality gear will struggle and might not even be willing to learn much.


    Even though I'm personally against it, for the health of the community, they should add a few minutes to the timer and/or make destroying the tail hurt the boss. 

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  14. 7 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Do most new players know how to farm gold in WoW?  I played WOW I didn't have a lot of gold there either.

    The truth is there are tons of gold farming guides out there and its' probably much faster to farm the gold you need here to get your living world stuff than farm WOW for your $15 a  month.

    Not to mention, someone can disagree with you and not be a shill.  On the other hand, calling people a shill to discredit them doesn't make you a hero, nor does it make you correct.

    The fact is, this seems more like you're shilling for WoW than I'm shilling for Guild Wars 2.  Shrugs.

    You're not discredited for for being a shill, by the way. We can keep going on this tangent we have absolutely no way to quantify. You believe it's faster to farm gold here, I believe it isn't. I can't prove my point any more than you can. We simply don't have any metrics for that. 


    But if we stick solely to the new player experience, there's one thing WoW (or FF14 for that matter) doesn't do that GW2 totally does: kitten you. You buy one of those games, you know you have to pay for the sub to access all the content you paid for. Now go to https://buy.guildwars2.com/en-us and tell me if you see anywhere that you have to spend extra (be it time, be it money) for the content you're paying for to actually make sense. 

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  15. 1 minute ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    You can buy the living story Seasons with in game gold too, in which case the price of this game drops as well.  So yeah, you don't have to pay $99 here if you want to farm in game gold. Same deal here, glad you brought it up.  It's only $99 for people who don't want to farm.


    How come you count the ability to buy the Shadowbringers content with in game gold, but you ignore the Guild Wars 2 ability?

    I was waiting to see if I'd bait any shills, since that's the one argument everyone loves to hide behind when anything related to gems is mentioned.


    Most new players have absolutely no idea how to farm gold. A lot of vets don't know how to, either. Most decent gold farms also do require you to actually have some of those LWS maps unlocked, a decent amount of magic find, and an efficient group. And time, lots and lots of time. Otherwise you are locked to gold from dailies and weeklies which sure, isn't bad, but isn't great either. And you know what else doesn't feel great? Spending your hard earned gold to unlock story content so you can understand WTF is going on after you finish the core game and start HoT. Who the hell is are Braham, Marjory, Taimi, Rox, etc? Who's Scarlet? What happened to Lion's Arch (Heck do I miss old LA)? Or after HoT and into PoF. Who's Balthazar? Why are we in a desert? What the hell is this dragon I keep talking to? What happened to that egg all the way back in HoT? And once again from PoF to EoD! Three Elder Dragons down! Wanna know how you did it? Pay (or farm a heck ton) to find out!

    If these were actually -extra- content, I'd be A-OK with them charging for it. But...they're not. 


    9 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Farming enough gold to pay of your subscription each month in wow is also insane hours mate.

    And how  many hours will it take you to go from 1-max in wow were you can even start farming.

    You dont have to have all the content in gw2 from the get go you will earn gold on the way up in story, mapcomplete and daily login rewards to were you can even start season 2.


    Pretty sure you can boost to max-level or close to that when you buy an expansion there.


    As for how long it takes farming...there are so many variables when comparing GW2 and WoW in this regard that I can't really say. I sold runs through PvE content for people who didn't know how to press buttons and could pay for my sub with an hour's worth of doing that. Some people do the same selling raid runs in GW2, which goes for about 1.7k for all raids in a week, and takes about 2.5hrs. That's 188g if you're carrying one person and splitting evenly. But that requires a lot more experience in content that is much harder to get into as a new player than anything in WoW. 

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  16. 22 minutes ago, Trobon.1452 said:

    It's not $99 for a 9 year old game.

    It's $99 for a 9 year old game, a 6 year old expansion, a 4 year old expansion, the most recent expansion and $50 worth of gems which can get you basically the entire Living World and extra goodies.

    You can buy the 9 year old game plus expansions for $50 but then don't get the Gems and goodies. That's $10 more than the base price of Shadowlands which is the latest expansion for a 17 year old game which has an $80 version as well.

    Guild Wars 2 is pretty much on industry standard when it comes to MMO pricing and editions. The only problem is the Living World is continuing to cost more and more over time.  


    I can buy Shadowlands for $40 and gain access to all previous expansions. This includes anything that was released between expansions - the raids, dungeons, and areas that came during the patch cycle. Yes, there is a subscription but you can pay for it with in-game gold. 

    I can buy the Shadowbringers Complete edition for $60, to gain acess to all previous expansions. This includes anything that was released during an expansion's patch cycle. This one has a subscription that can't be paid with in-game currency.


    I can buy the GW2 Collection for $50. This gives me access to the expansion content but I still need to pay for LWS2, 3, 4 and IBS. That comes down to another $50. It's already over twice as much as WoW and $40 over FF. That is faaar from the industry standard. And it will only go up if ANet doesn't change it. Sure, GW2 doesn't have a sub, but you might find yourself wanting to buy extra bank tabs, extra bag slots, extra character slots, etc, etc. And while you can buy those with in-game gold, the cost will quickly add up to pretty insane hours of farming to afford it.


    The base game should include S2, as it will S1 when it re-releases. HoT should come with S3, and S4 with PoF. The only one I'd be remotely OK with them charging extra for is IBS. 

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