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Posts posted by SloBiscuit.7913

  1. Yesterday I got to Tower Down mission and I could not complete it. I tried restarting it 3-5 times, but no luck there.
    First 2 runs the last standing tower, does not get destroyed. It says I am supposed to "Escort Tonn's team to the undead towers".

    I tried several things. Clearing all enemies (some get bugged in the pile of rubble when the tower gets destroyed), before the team can catch up. Then I tried going with the team and clear enemies as we encounter them. No help there. This was all solo, then I invited a friend, after that the last standing tower (I think there are 3) gets destroyed, but then I am supposed to talk to Tonn or whoever and another bug appears. I can only talk to him as I would to a local, I cannot initiate a conversation beyond greetings (all he says is hello and stuff like that). I quit after that and tried my luck replaying it one more time today, but again the same bug. The last tower does not get destroyed. Also, I'm not sure if this is any help, the Mormox or whatever that animal is that is carrying stuff during this mission, it stays behind the last tower on the hill next to the tent.

    I should probably mention that I cannot exit this story mission via the button on the bottom right side, because it is not there. I have to leave the area so the game kicks me out, to leave the mission. I've read online there is a cinematic when you complete the mission, but it never starts to play for me. If its any help at all, I've just recently came back to play the game and bought both expansions(but I bought them a few days ago).

    I also tried logging out of my character and even restarting the whole game. It didn't help. So that's it. I'm stuck and can't progress the games main story, it's really frustrating :(

    • Date and time: 14-15.07.2018 22:00-01:00 and 10:50-11:35 CET
    • Map: Sparkfly Fen, Story mission [Tower Down] (LvL 70)
    • Character: Boltpowy -lvl 80 (was lvl ~70 yesterday) -Norn - Revenant
    • Group: Yes and no
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