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Posts posted by Anput.4620

  1. @"Kovu.7560" said:Strip their boons if you are able and maintain constant pressure at the right times. If they're using a longbow get in close and pressure, if they're using something like sword/axe or greatsword be careful about when you time your attacks so you're not punished or they miss. Watch for when they pop their dolyak stance and when their protection is up, that's when they're at their hardest to murder. The thing about tankier boonbeasts is that they're top tier at mitigating damage through traits, boons, utilities and weapon skills, however they're not so top tier at healing through damage once they've taken it. If you run conditions, bait out their bear stance heal and try to burst when while they don't have protection (or remove/convert it). Boonbeasts are usually pretty slippery but not especially stellar at negating control effects that successfully hit. Smack 'em with cripple/chill/daze/stun before a wombo combo if you're able.

    ~ Kovu

    What, boonbeast has toptier sustain with perma regen and perma prot heals along with 2 heal skills. Bear stance isn't even really used unless condi. You can easilly just kite around and use the block while your health total goes back to full.

    This is my mains main build and has been for ages http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEcEWosAWErj9wMxjay9VOgD-zRZYVBd0FEuY0xOjMlC9qC04BJM6dUNDA-e

  2. @mindcircus.1506 said:

    @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:I for one would like to know what ANET's vision for the Warclaw was in the first place, aside from the obvious which was to sell skins. It is really hard to comment on whether they hit the mark with this mount or not when we have no idea what their target was.I'm sure it goes a little something like this:Anet runs a focus group and sends out one of their periodic random email surveys to a small amount of the player base. And what they are asking is "What don't you like about WvW?" or "Why don't you play more WvW".And the responses that come back look like these... average responses from average gamers

    "I hate how long it takes me to get back to the tag after I get killed"... "I wish there was a way to avoid a fight if I wanted"..."I don't like how all my builds have to have some mandatory source of swiftness"...."I feel useless when we are breaking down a door and I am not on a ram"...."Why can't there be a way to travel to my friends without getting globaled by a Thief or a Mesmer?"... "I want a way to counterplay the stealth of thieves and mesmers"These used to be super common complaints on the reddit especially before Path of Fire about WvW and I will wager that they were the most common bits of feedback they got from ordinary players in controlled settings.When they started to describe the Warclaw and it's features it just seemed so perfect that these common bits of feedback from players who had tried the game made with an open mind (not the "I loathe all forms of PvP types) were addressed.Did it accomplish the goals? Probably.Did it increase participation in WvW on a longer term sticky basis?Only Anet knows.I still maintain that they need to remove the damage and the stomp off of ability #1. Getting a free attack on dismount is great for mounts in PvE but shouldn't be a part of WvW.The damage is fine, but that stomp sure has bred some trash gameplay. It seems there's a certain breed of player that hovers around large fights mounted just to do stomps, then bugs out and repeats. It's a very low-effort/low-risk playstyle and really doesnt seem healthy. Otherwise I like the Engage.

    Did it increase the average skill level and quality of gameplay?

  3. @Hyper Cutter.9376 said:

    @DeceiverX.8361 said:Shares evades with the character.Has 500 health and dazes for 1s when dismounted.Movespeed is the same as OOC + Swiftness.

    Skill 1: 15s AoE(5 target) swiftness (15s cooldown)Skill 2: 5s 1x stack of Stability (15s cooldown)

    Everything else removed.Glorified swiftness bot like it should be to keep up with people. No BS outnumbered chasing or stomp cheese or a safe anti-burst mechanism for free 10k hp. Roaming/Havoc is actually doable without getting run over by a blob that can cross the map in half a minute.Dying and having to respawn means something.That's literally worthless and you know it.

    Atleast it keeps old engagement balancing intact instead of making anything non-blob revolve around the damn thing.

    Any upgrade is still an upgrade the game wasn't balanced around fundamentally.

  4. @XenesisII.1540 said:

    @XenesisII.1540 said:How are people still complaining about mounts when you have a button to dismount people....

    How will you reach their mount to use your dismount button?Use your mount, duh.

    But they are the exact same speed meaning you can never catch up and run away infinitely.

    So go look for another target you desperate ganker.

    You know that the exact same will happen, nothing is wrong with wanting to engage in PvP combat in a PvP, stop trying to create a ridiculous stigma lmao. I also only play alone, i never gank poeple.

    There are no other targets, whenever i try this game again after warclaw every few months it feels dead, zero action.

    @Kylden Ar.3724 said:

    @XenesisII.1540 said:How are people still complaining about mounts when you have a button to dismount people....

    How will you reach their mount to use your dismount button?Use your mount, duh.

    But they are the exact same speed meaning you can never catch up and run away infinitely.

    So go look for another target you desperate ganker.

    Describes it perfectly.

    Are you one of those PvE casuals you described or smth?

    "Killing bads bad" isn't a real argument.

  5. The game has been ruined since the combat avoidance cat entered the fray basically, i literally logged in today after a few months of not playing and it doesn't feel the same at all.

    There is no real balance here tbh and most poeple in this game don't care about issues that positively affect them.

  6. @Infusion.7149 said:Multiple heals? Only wings of resolve outside of the main heal skill unless they slotted a merciful intervention or some other utility.Blocks? Longbow doesn't block so it's probably from the virtue or a scepter+focus (focus 5) or scepter+shield combination unless they run a melee swap such as sword+focus (sword 3 blocks ranged).

    Renewed focus resets the virtues, which meaans wings of resolve, spear of justice, and aegis of courage become recharged. It's far weaker on DH overall if you think about it since a firebrand gets all tomes back.

    I have no vested interest in defending DH (see my post on trueshot thread) because I generally don't play DH. However, if you look at ranger vs DH , the reason why rangers were hit is because of merged bonuses. Specifically soulbeasts with beast mastery were shaved down ; most are run with wilderness survival.

    Every Medi heals.

    With blocks i ment aegis, and focus 5.

    I don't see why longbow soulbeasts are being nerfed when they are a pubstomp spec, not an actual good spec, SB longbow hasn't even been meta in PvP for a long time either in high ranks.

  7. @Infusion.7149 said:I think the real reason is so rangers will switch classes in WvW. Of course we all know ranger-only players are adamant they are useful in squads and can't be flexible despite every other class having some legitimate role.

    Dragonhunters on the other hand don't have protection on dodge (wilderness survival) and other sustain/disengage tools such as stealth on longbow so while true shot probably deserves to be cut down, it probably isn't a priority.

    The DH was incredibly tanky with multiple heals, blocks and that long invuls that resets all of those, what are you talking about lol.

  8. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

    The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

    I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

    Yeah, let's just pretend the 9k crit screenshot posted hours before doesn't exist.Reading comprehension anywhere?

    I did not say it's not possible. I did say it's a best case scenario no one (except a few people like you) cares about.

    @"Anput.4620" said:Ive been meeting that guardian all evening that night and they consistently hit 8-10k trueshots on me with 3k armor.There are your subjective experiences on the one side.

    There is the objective math the damage calculation is based on on the other side.

    Sorry but I trust the latter more than I trust some forum poster. I don't need experiences. I can take the damage formula and insert numbers to get a better insight than asking random exaggerating people.

    Btw.: 8k is not 10k!

    Damage calculation:

    Damage increasing traits:

    These 3 seem to be the main contenders for big trueshot numbers:

    Lern their mechanic to be able to avoid them!

    Ok so the damage log is faulty then.

  9. @KrHome.1920 said:

    @Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

    The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

    I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

    Ive been meeting that guardian all evening that night and they consistently hit 8-10k trueshots on me with 3k armor.

    @Drennon.7190 said:

    @Drennon.7190 said:How are Guardians hitting trueshot that high?They don't.

    The multiplier of True Shot is 1.91. In a perfect scenario (25 Might + 25 Vulnerability + all possible damage modifiers) you can get a 10k crit with that skill on a 3k armor (!) target, but that's so rare that it's not worth talking about it.

    I’m full zerk and get excited to see a 5k crit.The 5k you got is what you can expect in typical scenarios.

    Yeah, let's just pretend the 9k crit screenshot posted hours before doesn't exist.

    Can you tell me how to do this on my own without a blob stacking 25 stacks of weakness first?

    Not a blob, it was roaming 4v4 max.

  10. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:cuz rangers are 100-0'ing from 2k range with quickness, stealth and mobility with 3k armor?

    Show me this 3k armor build that can oneshot actual good roaming builds, not glass zerglings.

    Ranger doesn't have that much mobility anymore after the swoop nerf either, Warriors, Mesmers and Thieves all outspeed Ranger.

    @"ArchonWing.9480" said:10k true shot post patch? Pics or it didn't happen. (I don't run above 2800 armor on any non-zerg build and have never seen anything close to that. Now because of damage nerfs I'd rather have more vitality than toughness anyways due to condi.) Only thing that regularly hits for 10k is death's judgement and that was before patch.

    It's exceptionally rare that a guardian of any kind is a threat in small scale, and either exclusively as a burn guard or a healer healing someone else. It is even rarer that a power guard does anything but die when focused but this may be due to the guardian class being too popular and having a lot of bad ones. There was exactly one good trapper guard I've seen in the past few months and he completely outplayed me. Despite this I just ran away on gs lol.

    OTOH, good eles, revs, or thieves are much more scary. Sadly it seems mesmer is overnerfed, as they seem less common. I usually do small scale on guardian, ranger, or warrior myself so YMMV.

    Of course, if you do have footage of yourself 10k'ing non glass people with DH longbow, I'd always love to learn.

    Don't have a pic of the 10k one but do have one of a 9k one.


    Chunks me for half my health when i have 3059 armor with a 4,5k followup.

  11. @Krispera.5087 said:Shortbow is an super outdated weapon and they even had the audacity to nerf the Power Coefficient and Sharpened Edges. Shortbow was so prevalent in PvP (/s) they increased cooldown on Quick Shot. It needs so much setup and help from traits/utilities.

    They really need to stop with the flanking bonuses on Light on your Feet. Also, temporary Condition Duration bonus on DODGE ? Really !? Everything right now on Light on your Feet should be Baseline Shortbow and then given a new buff or direction to LoyF.

    Crossfire gives 1.5 sec of bleed untraited, then compare it to untraited : Necro Scepter (4.5s) or Engi Pistol (5s) or Renegade Shortbow (4s) or Ele Earth Scepter (6s).

    IMO, it needs a overhaul, it's terrible. Yeah, I know it is used for sPvE, but D/T+A/D build can do it better.

    I don't get why they won't just rework it, ive been wanting to use it for ages but it just won't work, even in WvW those root druids just do meh damage.

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