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Posts posted by Chris.2183

  1. First off, i get that the average bob highly dislikes to be outplayed and iced by a thief (when i say thief, im talking power and melee), i also get that average bob makes up the majority of the player base and we need to keep em happy with flashy lights and big bangs followed by the success experience of a kill, while having to put in mininal brain power, so they keep playing.

    So i get why thief keeps getting nerfed and nerfed and is now limited to 2 braindead meta builds which could be played by a bot.

    But i cant be the only one that loves to play fragile AF tricky builds which can be super effectiv but one small misstep and u are toast, thats my whole incentive to play, right on the edge always having one foot in the crave.

    Been playing since gw1 and going to uninstall gw2 now,its just super no fun, the last nail in the coffin are the 8 ini for Inf Shot, so u as a thief have 1 single 900 range port, which nowadays pretty much every single class has and more and after u use it u are pretty much out, because your total ini is to low to get in the fight and do anything and even have a chance of getting back out, being hammered by random target seeking aoe condi stuff, that just dont give a fuck about stealth.

    To me its kind of a bad joke but have fun ppls,over n out,see u in gw 3...

    P.S. Zeus, u can keep the 150g, dont give a fuck ;)

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  2. i mean cmon...8 ini is just to much, just the fact that many, many points of ini disappear into nothing, because of "no vaild path", before u kinda had a chance of getting away, u would steal, dodge and could inf shot again. I have been playing thief in platin for years now, so i now a thing or two, i do realize that i have a major handycap in playing with action cam compared to the avarage player, so "nvp" is much more of a problem for me, but still if u are in a fight just putting a reflex inf shot to the side as a last way of getting out and nothing happens "nvp", your ini is gone and u are dead.... its just a great feeling and now you are telling me those events are going to multiply and be even more finite.

    The problem here is that this fix is aimed at the meta dodge devil, but now it will be the only thing that can cope with the cost, because he does not depend as much on the sb as others.


    Because now u are even further forced to play meta, which i dont and never will, meaning now im playing something that is even more inferior to meta than it was before, which is great for diversity and even greater for gameplay.... not...

    BTW: easy fix for the problem, take away the energie on signet of agility, because now u have to think and can not go full retard in fights knowing u always have a extra dodge when u need it, changes the whole gameplay.

    Piece of Wisdom: as Sgt. Lincoln Osiris in "Operation" Tropic Thunder says: " You never go full retard"

  3. Well, as far as im concerned,i dont believe that you will be able to get it to work proper until the game-servers get shot down and if the rest of you is honest you know it too.So, simple solution: if your skill fails for "no valid path" at least reset the skill or in case of a thief, you will get your initiativ costs back.And if anyone tells me now "we are constantly working on the issue" (i call ->#!Ö?#?!Ä"!c) just use it as a "temporary" solutuion and everyone can go on without losing face.

    delete the post and sell it as your idea, i dont mind... just let me use my thief as it is intended

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