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Posts posted by Metharius.8637

  1. @"Randulf.7614" said:It was not for pvp reasons it was from feedback to reduce overall effects at the time

    isn't that what effect LOD was for ? ... that's so sad they could have put a slider for thoses who want. i wonder from whom the feedback came.I do know some person who are competitive "extremist" in a sense that not only do they play int he lowest setting possible (you can't hide in grass if grass is deactivated :^) ) but they would be fine with no graphics at all and just hit&hurt box and terrain wall in an empty height map.

    edit: anyway, i hope they will fix it one day, until then i think i'll stay on the side and hibernate from this game again(unless there is a mod), have fun.

  2. yea i have no bubble, be is fire, ice/frost or chaos(with the mesmer)ex: for frost: https://i.imgur.com/t8lvEqC.jpgvery far from https://i.imgur.com/NJRUksY.jpgthoses are old screen, but i just checked right now, it did not change;Please note that I DO NOT HAVE effect LOD activated (who is said to reduce particle effect is it a bug where the game thinks it's constaly activated ? )

  3. I get why they reduce them (well kind of, even now i bet some would still complain that skill still have to much effect ... )but it's been almost 3 years now. is there a way to get back the cool visual still featured by arena net in their video and screenshot ?(because obviously: showing a fire shield like this https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/en/uploads/forum_attachment/file/230291/gw012.jpg is more apealing than this https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/traits-unleashed-forty-new-traits-and-more/ :^) )

    anyway, has anyone found out an option or secret option that must be activated in the ini or whatever?(this could actually make many of my friend come back, just from the enjoyment of having your character blast stuff with style...)


    nb: i already asked this 1 or 2 years ago but back then people said it was for pvp reason (e-sport ? it seems proposterous but i relly remember somone saying this lol...) but recently i found a video about GW2 saying it was not designed with pvp in mind unlike gw1 so... here is why i am posting this again, maybe dev finally decide to let people chose if they want to be bothered by "visual noise" or not since it does not affect gameplay anyway, just pure enjoyment.

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