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Posts posted by Alpharaptor.3914

  1. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Alpharaptor.3914 said:Which profession for each race/vice versa with some reasons too please, having trouble deciding which race taking into account all things, thanks.

    If I had only those two options, I'd go with the following:

    Charr = warrior (because they love raw, brutal fighting)Sylvari = guardian (because it's the only other option ;) ; perhaps the character was told in their dream to pursue this career as their wyld hunt)

    What do you think would be both unique but not a special snowflake and fit in the story at the sametime?

  2. @Donari.5237 said:Unique interactions are few and far between. For race, if you have a sylvari you'll get extra bits in the HoT storyline, if you have a charr you may have tailored dialogues in the newest release (I haven't gone through with a charr yet there). For profession, there are ... two? ... points in LS where you get to do something based on your profession. One is a home invasion, the other is a jail escape. (Avoiding spoilers -- once you've done them you'll know which ones I mean, one is in LS3, one in LS4). Nothing that I know of will be extra for you based on being a specific race/prof mix. And a lot of the story is human-centric with one episode in particular not making much sense for any other race but they get shoehorned in anyway.

    If you are looking to go a little more unusual, making the charr the guardian might somewhat do that. I'd have to see the stats, but I have a feeling there are a lot more charr warriors than guardians among player alts :)

    As I said before I have a female sylvari guardian. I also have a male warrior, but he's never been rp'd. Still, it fits sylvari well imo. Really, I think that if you are going to have a sylvari and a charr, and one is to be warrior and the other guardian, it's a real toss up which to assign to which and you'll probably end up equally happy either way.

    So then what about when it comes down to gameplay, which class did you find more fun as a charr or sylvari (animations) and which do you feel overall you had more fun, impact, damage etc.

  3. @Donari.5237 said:There is no mechanical difference, so it comes down to your personal preferences. Here are some commonly stated issues either way:

    Charr are very big, making them annoying to use in jumping puzzles. Plus when jumping they do an all fours lunge but what matters for sticking the landing is where their hind feet are so you have to learn to allow for that. Charr have clipping issues in a lot of armor, and a lot of armor doesn't allow for the tail and horns. Female charr almost always get male versions of armor and outfits (a plus for me, but some complain). Charr have some adorable emotes -- /surprised and /sleep especially. Sylvari have the (imo) best /dance. As to combat animations, I can't really say which I find better because I play so zoomed out I don't really see those details.

    Sylvari have fewer armor issues, but male sylvari can have shoulder pieces turn huge and hovering off their shoulders. Also if you want to wear leafy stuff rather than covering your bark up with cloth, the armor skins are super limited. Charr can look good in a pretty wide range of heavy armor.

    Lore-wise, either race works for either profession. One of my first five characters was/is a Sylvari guardian, and she's had a lot of adventures smiting things and questing around like an Arthurian knight and becoming a Warden and then getting banished for Arthurian-stupid reasons (all rp, though since her Hunt was to find the most beautiful place in the world to save for the Dream she was my second full world exploration alt). For warrior one might lean a tiny bit charr since traditionally charr have been leery of magic and guardians are pretty full of magic burns and shields.

    I guess if you are making those two professions and assigning one race to either, I'd say sylvari guardian and charr warrior. But you could easily swap that around and be just as viable. Whatever feels right to you.

    Thanks for your input, was thinking of going traditional but was thinking in the story what fits better? any unique interactions for charr/sylvari guardian/warrior? what looks good and has can fit in while at the same time unique? and for both professions which feels better in general (pvp and pve )

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