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Posts posted by Satori.1978

  1. Hi there,


    I don't use the forums hardly at all, so I'm hoping this is the right place to put this. If not, please do tell me where to post it! Sorry if I'm messing something up.

    Big ol' spoilers for the story of End of Dragons ahead, so please be warned and turn back now if you're not done with it! It's really good!






    So I'll start with the thesis:


    Please bring Mai Trin back.


    I loved the entirety of the EoD story, but hands down the runaway star of the show for me in my heart was Mai Trin. Kelly Hu's performance of this brash and brazen pirate captain who has just fallen so low, is faced with the consequences of her actions, and is so genuinely repentant and sincere in trying her best to make things better and to be better--it was just, god, my heart. It was so good. I love her.


    Which is why it was just, way, WAY too short a time for her to be on screen. I'm personally not a fan of character deaths in general, I'm a big ol' softie (I know, how on earth did I survive Heart of Thorns, right? *shudder*), but I do think this was well written. I'm not bashing what's there. But there can be so much more!


    And I phrase this as being my "hope" because I do think there are a decent number of signs that this is already the plan. There are /so/ many little hints that she's not really dead, and so many ways for her to come back from what happened.


    For one thing, she is one of the only main characters to have "died" off screen besides Blish (unless I'm remembering wrong?). We see so many other beloved characters get brutally impaled, exploded, stabbed in the neck, all this other awful stuff. Could it just have been creative camerawork? Sure. But I believe it was a significant choice to never show her body. 


    That said, there is of course afterwards the public 'belief' that she's dead; we hear from Mi-Rae that the Empress gave her a posthumous title, Joon is building a hecking statue, lots of characters at the finale reminisce about her, you get a /memory/ of her in the Dragon's End meta (not a ghost, but the Commander's memory) etc. But we never see a dang body. 


    One possibility is that Joon is working on her in secret and is gonna go all Jade Tech Iron Man on her and give her like, a Jade Tech heart or something. That'd be neat. And so maybe Joon is keeping that under wraps to protect Mai at first, since Ankha and the Aetherblades clearly wanted her dead.


    Or there's so many ways a Revenant in general could come back, not to mention that we've /never/ seen a character who spent so long in the Mists come back. Who's to say she can't literally just walk back out at this point? Or her having channeled Scarlet may have done something to prevent her from fully dying, who knows?? There are so many options for my gurl to still be okay T_T


    I would personally love for her to have a role in the story again, but mostly? I just want her to have the chance to make good on her redemption arc. For her to really just settle down and do some good and feed her cats and go fishing with Jory. I really don't think it changes the narrative that much for her to have survived, mostly because I honestly don't think she would /want/ to be a major player in the story again (as much as I'd love to have a meta where we get to fight beside her some more). As she says in the last scene we have, she just wanted stability in her life. She just wants to eat noodles and build stuff with Joon. T_T


    I know Guild Wars 2 tends to be more brutal about stuff like this, or it was in earlier expansions for sure, but this is one story where I feel like things turning out okay would still genuinely be very interesting. I want to see more of her grappling with the consequences of her actions, of her trying to change, to make up for what she did. 


    For now, I cling to my headcanon that she's okay and write my fanfics about her 'n the Commander going fishing together. But I sincerely hope that once we get into new content post EoD, I'll get to put that aside when my Captain comes back ❤️ 



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  2. Hi,


    We all have had bad experiences with griefers, afkers, or just really aggressively mean people. That's what the blocklist is for. So you don't have to deal with that person anymore.


    Except when you get placed in a match against you and you constantly have to see "[this person you explicitly don't want to hear about] is on a rampage!"


    Or even better, when you have to have them on your team and see them purposefully not engage with you so you get killed and generally throw the match.


    I've seen old forum threads on this topic where a lot of people flame the OP to "grow a pair" and that it would result in longer queue times. Even if it did, fine. Make it make MY queue times longer, because I don't want to deal with that person. I would rather wait a few more minutes than to constantly have to play pvp with the same aggressive griefer over and over again.


    Simply put, the block function should work like a block function. 

    • Haha 2
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  3. Hi! I've played this game off and on since launch, and I'd like to preface this by saying that I love the game and the community but especially the GMs who do amazing things with support. I've never had a more responsive GM team in an MMO before.


    That said, this game desperately needs better support for increasing font sizes for visually impaired players. 


    The "large" text size for the chat window is still 'very' small, and the "Larger" UI setting actually causes a lot of menus to become partially or completely nonfunctional. For example, the build window will be crushed together so that only 2 of 3 specs are visible and you can't even click on the abilities, which means you can't set your water abilities from this menu: https://i.imgur.com/n665xud.jpg


    Likewise, the item preview menu will cut off the "stowed/drawn" options at the bottom, making those unavailable: https://i.imgur.com/Ahoce4y.jpg 


    All the while, the text in the chat log and menus is just painfully small. And I mean that literally; I get eyestrain from trying to flip through the trading post: https://i.imgur.com/QmsbY0O.jpg 


    (^I realize that one isn't obviously 'off' for people with normal vision, but please trust me when I say it causes me physical pain to try to squint at these).


    Now, can I run the game at a lower resolution in full screen mode? I mean, yes. But it'll look terrible and alt+tabbing out will cause this huge lag and resize other windows, which makes looking at the wiki just a huge pain. 


    And quite frankly I shouldn't need to do that. Other games have figured this out for a while now. This game is lovely, the story is amazing, the devs are really cool and passionate, but it just makes me really sad that we're 10 years in and I still can't read things without it hurting me to do so.


    The biggest things would be adding more options for significantly larger font scaling and fixing the menus that become crushed in the "Larger" option to have scrolling so you can reach the bottom of said menus at this resolution.


    Thank you for your time in reading this. If anyone has any other suggestions besides the resolution trick (or if you have suggestions for how to make alt+tabbing while using said trick less annoying), please do share them! I would really appreciate it ❤️



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