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Posts posted by EmperorMoth.2709

  1. 1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    1. completly irrelevant if everything would be 10 targetcap.

    2. Yeah thats the reason we have this low targetcap.

    3. It doesnt help smaller groups per-se. But it gives them a chance. just think of the extreme. "No targetcap on anything". The bigger group would have exponentially more damage. BUT with a well coordinated bomb, a 10 player group could wipe a 50-man blob. With a targetcap of 5...... they cant. They mathematically cant. It is impossible.

    You are actually the first person i ever heard saying: I actually like this slugfest that GvG has become. Most people HATE how slow things have become... when you are watchign a GVG and both groups literally sit on eachother and noone dies... idk if i like that. But your reasoning actually made sense. So i am happy you are enjoying the current state.^^


    If they should tweak anything with the targetcaps... id say they finally have to make meele viable! Alot of meeleskills are sitting at a targetcap of 3.... with the exception of meeleskills that leave a aoe, they hit 5. Some meelehits only hit 2 people...

    I think it is lame that they are nerfing damage on ranged-aoe-options,  while alot of meeleoptions are unviable... the only thing they are achieving is making combat slower. Good luck fighting a 50 man zerg when you can literally just hit 3 of those with your skill! If you hit 5 players in meele range... you should be rewarded. Spamming Aoes from range will forever be the meta, aslong as meele targetcaps are as measly as they currently are. And blanketnerfing aoe damage like they did in the last "balance-patch" will simply make the combat slower, instead of pushing people into a diffrent playstyle.


    The game should never be balanced around outnumbered fights, inherently balancing around anything outside of even fights is just really silly. I would actually argue that even if you could hit 10 targets a group of 10 people would not be able to kill a group of 50. 


    I can assure you that people do indeed die in gvgs these days, the meta is just more single target focused and requires more people to coordinate in a smaller area to successfully execute a kill. 


    Melee is certainly viable, there are just are less people that set up for it and less commanders that are comfortable pushing into melee. Range superiority is being chipped away at, I agree that melee is far more enjoyable in terms of playstyle. I would say that some of the big issues affecting melee right now are the amount of boon rip and cc available which is quite oppressive in melee depending who you are fighting. Nerfing aoe is not a bad thing, especially something like wells which have such a high impact. You can still win a fight with a well placed well bomb, wells are still very good. If you want more melee ranged aoe damage is something that really affects one's ability to melee, so having less of it allows you to push into melee. I don't know if expanding the target cap on some skills is necessarily the correct options because there are other things to calculate in such as traits that proc on hits, or stack on crits. Lowering the damage is also much easier from a design standpoint because it is just a number change, I am pretty sure that expanding a target cap is not just a number change and even if it were it would possibly require a revisit of the skill later on to determine if the expanded target cap results in the skill being too powerful thus pushing you away from using other skills and narrowing build diversity.   

    • Thanks 3
  2. So there are a couple reasons why 10 target abilities and traits create an unfun environment in WvW. 


    1. Anything that is 10 target immediately was very good, because not everything was 10 target. Anything that can affect 10 people rather than 5 is almost always best in slot. So this discouraged build diversity because you had to take these traits or abilities. Less build diversity means a stale meta, means people are unhappy. 


    2. 10 targets is a lot of the servers to handle. After each expansion was added new animations, skills, traits, and interactions were added to the game. Causing the servers to struggle more and more over the years (there have been some changes made to try and help this besides reducing 10 target abilities). The servers really cannot handle it. If you have 60 people in one area and their skills hit 10 targets that is a ridiculous amount of stuff going on. The servers must also calculate those abilities hitting their targets, and the effects they have. Certainly server lag shouldn't be a reason why you do not do something when developing an mmo but the reality of it is that we will have to do things in order to make the servers function better so we can all play the game. 


    3. 10 target abilities does not help smaller groups, and actually encourages groups to run 30+. The value you get from 10 target abilities when you are 15 players versus 10 target abilities when you are 30 is crazy. Which makes it harder for smaller groups to be able to do things (like fight outnumbered), especially if some of those 10 target abilities are not just damage oriented but also support oriented. 


    Removing 10 target abilities encourages better fights and a more exciting meta where each person means more. The fights tend to take longer because there is just less damage going out. Longer fights allow for more skill expression from the people involved, this means you can more reliably use things like group movement, terrain, and decision making on the part of the commander to win fights as opposed to people dying to random damage. 

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  3. @"Drawing Guy.3701" said:I'm a player returning after a long break looking to get back into the WvW scene. I'm currently located on Blackgate, though I'm open to doing a world transfer.

    Available play time: 6pm - 10pm PST weekdays, flexible on weekends.

    Server: Blackgate, though willing to transfer

    Preferred classes: Guardian (with preference for Burn FB), Ranger, and Thief. I will do guild required builds, and can go for any class, but would prefer to main one of those three.

    Playstyle: Casual-competitive. I like being GOOD at what I do, but I like to be laid back and not stress too much over things.

    What I'm looking for: A guild that's active enough that I can hop in a roaming party when the mood strikes and runs WvW content at least once a week. An active discord where people use voice chat - coordination via typing sucks and I like talking to people. Also like being able to chat casually - I understand concentrating on a skirmish, but want to have fun inbetween.

    Also note that it has been 4+ years since I've last played, so I will need training to get back into the swing of things.

    Feel free to message me in game or here!

    Hey there! We are not located on Blackgate, and we might run a bit early for you but our server is currently open and we do fit the bill of being casual competitive. The environment is probably what you are looking for, we just don't roam too much in voice though we do play outside of our raid times. I am going to put a link to our recruitment thread in here so you can look at more information about us. More than happy to help returning players back into the game. If you think we could potentially work I am happy to chat with you over discord and run over how the guild works before you commit to anything like a transfer. Link: HERE recruitment

  4. @"FireDrake.2175" said:Hey folks. I am a player who has been playing on their own for quite some time now. I have a Warrior, Engineer, Guardian and Mesmer but have mostly been playing the two former, though I wouldn't mind learning to play the others better/level more classes.

    I am looking for a guild to play with people now. I have only ever done open world stuff and a brief time in PvP and WvW long ago. I want to try making legendary stuff and finish maxing out my masteries (Only missing Icebrood saga stuff now), the former of which will require learning to do raids, fractals and to PvP and WvW better but I want to learn.

    I am currently on the jade Quarry server but I am willing to transfer. I can play most days most of the day in the EST time zone. I can do some nights but it would be the exception more than the rule. I have no problem with voice chatting.

    If you think I could fit in your guild, feel free to ask any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

    Hey there! We are actually located on JQ. We actually might work for you really well considering we play in EST, and we can help teach you the ropes of WvW. Here is a link to our recruitment post if you want to read more, it also has a link to some of our WvW videos. We are absolutely willing to help out newer players so don't stress about that. Shoot me a message if you want to chat some more and I can go over things and answer any questions. Here is the link: HERE recruitment



    [HERE] is looking for new and experienced players who want to learn and improve as a group! We are a fight-focused guild that enjoys the competitive nature of WvW but we also like having a fun and relaxed atmosphere when we are on our way to the battle. No matter if you have been playing for years or just started the game last week, all are welcome. We have people willing to spend one on one time with new WvW players to help equip them with the tools needed to get the most out of WvW. For more experienced players there is plenty of conversation and theory crafting as we continue to improve and try out new exciting things. We are currently organizing to begin playing GvGs in 15v15 format, this will be outside of our normal raid hours and will not be a requirement as it is more skilled gameplay that not everyone may be comfortable with.

    Raid Days


    Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, 8pm EST on Crystal Desert


    • Voice Communication, we use Discord.
    • If online during raid, be at raid.
    • Use one of our guild builds. If you need a hand working towards it we would be more than happy to help you. We understand that new players may need time to acquire what is needed, no worries, we are here to improve as a team.


    Video Playlist

    Why Should I Join?

    [HERE] is a small to medium fight guild, we value each player and are dedicated to our members. In [HERE] you can make a difference, and grow your skills while making friends and enjoying everything WvW has to offer. We are always looking to improve, and if you enjoy theory crafting new exciting things we are a great place. We also offer builds you can simply pick up, for those that may not enjoy theory crafting and just want to show up and play.

    In [HERE] we value your time and energy that you put into the game. We have a variety of builds to choose from, and don't believe in forcing someone to spend their entire WvW experience playing support firebrand (though if you want to do that you certainly can). If you are looking to learn how to command we can also offer lessons which will aid with you the tools needed on the battlefield. Our members come from all walks of life, and some are hardcore while others are more casual. We are all united by our love for the game mode and the friendships we have formed.

    What if I am not on Crystal Desert?

    If you are not on Crystal Desert you can transfer to our server (our server is currently VERY HIGH), or to our link server (Yaks Bend is currently high). It does require a cost of gems, and if available you should transfer to Crystal Desert over our link as our link server changes every two months. It is also suggested you contact us before making the transfer so we can be sure you get to speak with one of our officers before hand and you are comfortable making the move. We are more than willing to talk you through how we operate to figure out if we are the right fit for you before you decide to make a server change.


    If you are interested in joining us shoot me a message in game or on discord. I would love to hear from you.

    • EmperorMoth.2709 or Moth#9909 in discord (you may need to shoot me a friend request before a message if we don't share any discord servers)

    Thanks for checking us out! We hope to see you on the battlefield.

  6. Risen out here stirring the pot. I feel the struggle for balance, the previous changes were way too strong, so now they have reverted and added nerfs ontop of the reverts. On the bright side, back to rev now. On the sad side, I won't get to do my scourge meme raid and scourges have been severely wounded. 2 targets is a yikes from me.

  7. Hey there Rasalisk, I am not sure if you are still looking for a guild but we are certainly always looking for new members. What we can offer you: We Are Pushing [HERE] is a casually hardcore guild that prides itself on teamwork and improvement, we are a fight based guild who run small to medium. We strive to have an environment where every member matters, which is something that you won't find in larger wvw guilds. That being said, we are based on Jade Quarry which is currently full (of course on Monday the servers are looked at again, so there is potential for us being opened but given we are pretty active).

    In terms of activity you are welcome to check out our hours on wvw stats, see if we are active enough for you. We have several NA guilds, POP, WAR, SG, HERE, HzH, and JADE. WAR is a large guild, JADE can run large as they run open. If you are looking for fights T1 has some decent ones (there is a playlist of videos in our thread you can look at the second video to see some more recent fights).

    HERE is our post on the forums, let me know if we spark your interest and I can talk with you more.

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