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Posts posted by Yello.3406

  1. Well, if you don't have the expansions you need to buy them to play them. There are story series in between those expansions which are not included. They are vital to understand the story and seasons 3-5 also unlock new maps and other goodies such as specific mounts you can unlock in two of said maps. Those in-between series are called "Living World" and can be purchased through the gem-store. So you can buy them with ingame gold by exchanging it to the shop-currency "Gems".

    Season 1 is special, as it was not included as permanent content in the game. It has 5 episodes of whitch 3 are released so far. The last two are following in the next months. They will be free included in the base game. Season two leads to the first expansion "Heart of Thorns", season 3 leads to "Path of Fire" and finally season 4 and 5 (called "Ice Brood Saga") lead to the current expansion "End of Dragons".

  2. 9 hours ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

    She mistrusts the Commander because the Commander shows distrust of her about the dragon, and shortly after all communication and visuals of the power plant get lost, it starts blowing up with Soo-won gone and most of the place flooded. Mai Trin is found dead in the control room and the commander is actively seen fleeing the area through an emergency escape route instead of talking to the incoming response team.

    So yes, it was reasonable that she held a bit of concern that the Commander walked in there and started smashing. If she also managed to get some records on the commander and learn of their history, that would describe a bit of the Commander's past standard action.

    And the house, Joon is not somebody who likes to admit they are wrong. The Commander was forcibly intruding into her house and actively bypassing and destroying security, and in the end was telling her that the plan to secure Soo-Won and build a better filter wasn't going to work at all.

    Joon had made a plan to build a better filter and secure Soo-Won because she had no actual idea about how bad the void instances were getting, and it's literally describing that she hates to admit she's wrong. Taimi outright mentions that Joon's plan was built on variables that had changed since creation and thus couldn't work anymore.

    The commander literally smashed their way into her lab, presented proof of innocence but then instantly followed that up with "Your plan is wrong, it can never work, you gotta do my plan."

    Re-reading the dialogue, yeah. She's calm and fine until the Commander outright starts telling her there is no way to recapture Soo-Won and put her back in the reactor. The Void was too much, and she had to be killed. Joon reacted harshly because A: that meant the possible collapse of Jade-tech and B: that all her plans were wrong.



    You have a point that initially it seemed plausible. But it got to really unbelievable lengths. The fact alone that she had Taimi with her the whole time. It is safe to assume she constantly tried to convince her of the commanders innocence. On top of that she knew about the Aetherblades and what they were. So not even considering it could be all their fault is very, very hard to believe.

    As the commander came to her house a conversation should have happened. The fact that it didn't is just crazy stubbornness. To say "she had a hard time to admit she was wrong" is just not nearly enough considering what's at stake.


    6 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    This game's target audience is teenagers, age 13+. They expect young adults to play it, but its really, really not aimed for those of us who are much older even though some of us enjoy it anyway.


    Video games by and large are played by teens and young adults, and when you're that young trashy stuff is more interesting than not. In fact as I've become older and realised how much it erodes at your ability at enjoy thing that isn't a magnum opus, I've been trying to undo that in myself.


    The other day I found myself saying 'This is awful, I love it' for the first time in like a decade. Its okay for things to be bad and its okay to have fun. Cringe is a kind of self-inflicted abuse.


    I think you underestimate the average age of mmo-players. Just because the game is 12+ doesn't mean its the mayority of the playerbase. From what kind of people I met in the various MMOs I played (many people in many MMOs), I would say the the largest age group is somewhere between 25 and 45. I met way more people in their 60s than teens. They all play Fortnite and Minecraft.

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  3. Making gold is not the problem. I just do metas mostly LW4 and 5 (Dragonfall, Drizzlewood). Also fishing is very relaxing and lucrative. 😄


    Keeping and accumulating gold on the other hand... they keep releasing those pesky outfits which require my gold for gem exchange... 😒

  4. Well, let's see..

    Catalyst is just a core Ele with hammer. Not outstanding enough.

    Virtuoso is a great, distinct spec. Lots of fun.

    Harbinger also fun. Distinct enough for my taste. Shroud 1 with quickness is like machinegun of doom. I like!

    Specter is the best e-spec in my opinion. Very nice class-fantasy and (of course) very fun to play!

    Mechanist, while overpowered, has a very good design and playstyle. I just wish the mech was customizeable. (And I somehow still like holosmith more).

    Untamed is just ugly. I didn't even try it yet, because the slimy/gooey optics of the "untamed"-state just throw me of. Who designed that? Why?

    Bladesworn saved warrior for me. Never was interessted in playing it until this came along. So much fun! I took my warrior out of retirement and it is now in my top 3 classes.

    Vindicator is meh. Not bad but i couldn't get myself to play it very much. The evade-leap is nice but that's not enough to engage me.

    Willbender is also a highlight for me. Lot's of speed, teleport and martial arts. Really well done.


    So, this is just my opinion but we have good, bad and ok. Others may think different but overall the picture is that EoD specs recived mixed feelings just as the ones from HoT and PoF when they came out. So I don't see any downward trend here.

    I just want to add that now, as we are aproaching the 4th e-spec, Arenanet really should avoid redundancy and try to fill a gap for each profession. How about, for example, a ranged weapon/spec for elementalist? 😲 Crazy, I know...

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  5. I don't know. I'm kind of on the fence here. On one hand some characters dialogue is very funny and I enjoy it even on repeat. For expample Taimi and the sassy assistant to Rama (forgot her name). I would even argue that this part has improved much since the original personal story.

    But on the other hand the overall story-arc is mostly cliché, illogical and bad. Good example is how much Joon mistrusts the commander after the power-plant incident. Highly illogical and out of character but some puzzleing and fighting had to happen. Also the anti-climactic, rushed second half of the ice brood saga. As soon as Bangar was delt with it became boring.

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  6. I have noticed the same thing lately. Turn the camera just a little, and suddenly light sources are off.


    3 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    DX11 option, not a bug.

    Enable DX11 Rendering — If checked the game will use DirectX11 instead of DirectX9. Requires restarting the game for changes to take effect.

    What does that mean? It is still a bug. DX11 surely is not meant to do that.

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  7. I also love the great community. Questions in map chat usually get answered quickly and sometimes funny conversations happen. Exeptions are the "I didn't have it, so why should you have it"-people and the "I can't do the content but I want the reward anyway and group-play equals toxic"-people. Both need to calm down.

    Also wish the afk-farmers would go. It's annoying and pointless.

    And they need to look into event-participation. Sometimes I just walk by so far, the event doesn't even show up on the GUI and I get gold reward. Other times I give it my all and only get silver or bronze. It's odd and unbalanced.

  8. You get dailies depending on the content you own. A underdeveloped account is not included in this calculation. You can't do "Cursed Shore event completer" either when you are only lvl 60, yet it gets suggested to you. What you can do from the beginning is pvp-dailies though. 3 of those also counts towards the 2-gold-endgoal.

    That being said, a little finetuning of the pve-dailies for newer accounts would be nice. Reduces frustration and confusion.

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  9. 32 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Well some places like TD meta chests mesmers can break out of map and if you take that portal you get droped down in a hole were all you can do is waypoint.

    Dont cost much but people grumble about it.

    Ok, this is vile. Only times I had involuntarily ported I just sighed a little and ported back.

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  10. Not sure how this would fit in the current state of the game. We as the commander killed all the dragons! The ancient all powerfull menace to the whole world is now gone. We are basically heroes beyond imagination to any normal citizen. How do we justify to concern ourselves with any issues on a racial scale? It was good in the beginning when we where nobody and made a name for ourselves but now? I'm actually not sure how the main story will move forward from now on. Maybe we go to space? 🤔

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  11. I mean... it is kind of a weird place to complain about missing boobies. On a robot? srsly? On the other hand you can see a path the company is headed and I don't like it either. It is still very mild in my opinion but the signs are there.

    Also i own 3 costumes i bought for the nice packaging of the rear end and i will strongly protest if they change the look of my girls. But I doubt this is going to happen. In fact, I think they should put some effort in removing the ugly butt-capes and make more pants for light armor (elegy-armor was a blessing).

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  12. NEVER fish without sushi-food outside of EoD! Even the cheapest, blue quality food that costs under 4 silver gives you 150 fishing power (higher quality only increases magic find. not sure if this would help catching rare fish for achievements more easily).

    The minigame seems to be a very dividing experience, some like it some hate it. I for myself like it and think fishing would be very dull if it was just "press one to release, press again to get fish". And it really not that hard! I never ever missed a fish outside of the occations I was ill-prepared (low fishing power) and had difficulty on red. And I'm pretty sure people who complain about the difficulty more often than not are just ill-prepared. So max your mastery, stock up on lure and bait and have that sushi ready for a smooth experience. 👍

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  13. Man am I thankful for this topic to come up. I always thought story bosses are more annoying than challenging. I did the Caudecus fight recently. Tiny room with camera clipping while getting chainkicked around. Just bad!

    Also shoutout to the undead mobs with hammer. Instant knockdown for an eterity and then they just stare at you. I always picture them giggeling at me while i rant in frustration... 🙄

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  14. I would like to see a propper preview-option in the wardrobe tap of the hero pannel. If I switch through weapon skins there I can only see them stowed on the character, most times with clipping in the armor. So half of the weapon isn't even visible. Why not have the whole "stowed", "drawn" and "weapon only" option there? It is also hard to find matching one-handed sets, since only main- or offhand is displayed, never both. Why is it the least functional when I'm about to spend transmutation charges?

    • Like 3
  15. I never dared to try raiding for a years. The toxicity you guys are talking about is mostly concentrated in the lfg. Some months ago I decided that I want to try raids and looked up guild announcements in this forum. Within a few days I found a wellcoming guild that took me in and showed me how to raid. It was so easy, I asked myself why I did not try this much earlier.

    If you just click "join group" and hope for the best, you will be disappointed more times than not. Go and find a community that suits you.

    Because in said communities people care for you and try to build you up as a static member of the raid. The toxicity only exists among faceless randoms.

    Maybe this will change with the lfg-split and the buffs, we'll see. On the other hand the me-people already don't want others to have nice things before the changes are even live.

    *sigh* and *shrug* i guess...

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  16. I'm sorry, but I never bought a single bag slot and I am fine. 100 slots (5x20) is good enough for me. So I will agree that switching builds or even professions is expensive in Gold and/or time consuming. But you really don't need to dump a couple of thousand gems for that.

    Some time ago I made a post about the tedious farming of charged quarz for cele-set. Not to mention the hoops you have to jump through just to get the new ritualist or dragon stats.

    So I will say, that all stats should be obtainable equally easy, since technically none is better than the other. You only create disadvantage for certain professions who need specific stats for their build to shine. Or not even professions, just power vs. condi. Berserker is way easier to get and cheaper than viper.

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  17. 37 minutes ago, Cynder.2509 said:

    Playing the game and rightfully earning stuff is a thing, you know? I got my 3 sets of the armor the "hard" and intended way. Why should it be given away for those who clearly can't master basic stuff in the game? Ascended armor already lost its worth because it was made easier to get and unfortunately the materials dropped in price as well. 

    This proves my point. This whole statement screams envy. Or the wish to invoke envy in "lesser" players. Look at what i achieved! Because if it was only for you (or anyone who supports OPs wish) this threat wouldn't exist. Because you know what you did. But you want everyone to know.

    I know you can't see it, but a lot of people have pointed out, why this is not thought out very well.

    It's the same as when the core-game went free to play and the forums blew up from envious people, because they had to pay full price for the game many years ago. Intolerable!

    It was rediculous then and it is rediculous now. Noone with that mindset considers how little it actually affects them personally. It's just "I didn't have it, so they shouldn't have it"

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