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Posts posted by supryn.7529

  1. August 8th, 2018. Experienced the same issue unable to talk with Tonn after completing the mission, but after reading some of the comments on here I was able to complete the story.

    1st attempt (bug) : Story starts and first thing I talk to Tonn to start escorting him to the towers. I rush with him to the towers evading as many mobs as possible, also leaving the rest of his team behind (this didn't really occur to me as Tonn and I could walk a much faster pace than the rest of his team). After the destroying the final tower, there was no cinematic, and right clicking Tonn did nothing but have the guy greet me over and over.

    2nd attempt (completed) : I clear all the mobs on the map before talking with Tonn to help him and his team destroy the undead towers. After killing all the mobs, I back trace back to Tonn to start the escort. However, this time around Tonn and I kept the same pace with the rest of his team. Mobs will spawn during the actual escort portion. Easy kills. I noticed a mob being stuck at the first Tower that I couldn't get to when first clearing the map from mobs. The mob appeared right beside the Tower when the actual escort was in motion. Got to the last point, killed the remainder of mobs that spawn with the escort, and finally received the cinematic. Tonn was much nicer the second time around. :)

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